

单词 吹捧
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔backscratching〕mutual backscratching 互开方便之门(或:相互吹捧)英汉大词典〔besprinkle〕besprinkle each other with praise 互相吹捧英汉大词典〔blow ... up〕to blow someone up吹捧某人21世纪英汉〔blow ... up〕to blow up a person with flattery吹捧某人21世纪英汉〔build〕be built up into a great figure 被吹捧成了不起的人物英汉大词典〔evangelist〕software evangelists 软件的狂热吹捧者韦氏高阶〔exaltation〕the exaltation of violence and toughness对暴力及强硬手段的吹捧外研社新世纪〔exalt〕to exalt someone to the skies把某人吹捧上天21世纪英汉〔extol to〕to extol someone (或 something) to the skies (或 heavens)把某人(或某事)捧上天,对某人(或某事)大肆吹捧21世纪英汉〔extol〕extol sb. to the skies 把某人捧上天(或对某人大肆吹捧)英汉大词典〔glorification〕the banning of songs glorifying war and racism. 对吹捧战争和种族歧视的歌曲的禁播令柯林斯高阶〔gushing〕the gushing praise of the New York critics 纽约评论家的吹捧朗文当代〔hagiography〕a hagiography about a famous politician 吹捧知名政治人物的传记韦氏高阶〔heavy〕a ponderous compliment. Somethingcumbersome is difficult to move, handle, or deal with because it is heavy, bulky, or clumsy: 肉麻的吹捧。 Cumbersome 形容因其沉重、巨大或粗笨而难以移动、对付或处理的事物: 美国传统〔lackey〕a celebrity surrounded by his lackeys 吹捧者簇拥着的名流韦氏高阶〔much-vaunted〕the president's much-vaunted health care plan 总统备受吹捧的医疗保健计划朗文当代〔overrated〕a vastly overrated film 被过分吹捧的一部电影朗文当代〔puff〕critics puffing a new novel吹捧一部新作的评论家21世纪英汉〔puff〕publishers who puff their new books. 出版商们总吹捧他们的新书美国传统〔rave〕a review of a play with a rave for a young actor 一篇含有吹捧一名青年演员文字的剧评 英汉大词典〔sycophantic〕his clique of sycophantic friends. 他那些互相吹捧的朋党柯林斯高阶〔term〕refer to sb.'s work in flattering terms 对某人的工作加以吹捧英汉大词典




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