

单词 国家
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-aided〕state-aided schools. 享受国家补助的学校柯林斯高阶〔Islam〕relations between Islam and the West. 伊斯兰教国家与西方国家的关系柯林斯高阶〔LINE〕a line that separates two areas or countries 分隔两个地区或国家的边境线朗文写作活用〔bacteriological〕the national bacteriological laboratory国家细菌学实验室外研社新世纪〔beholden〕be politically beholden to the industrial strength of the state 政治上依靠国家的工业实力英汉大词典〔black ... out〕to black out a nation from the rest of the world使一个国家与外界隔绝21世纪英汉〔call〕calls for national unity 国家统一的呼声牛津高阶〔chapter〕a difficult chapter in our country's history 我们国家历史上的一段困难时期牛津高阶〔coexistence〕to live in uneasy/peaceful coexistence within one nation 在一个国家内难以╱和平共存牛津高阶〔commonwealth〕a commonwealth of nations without economic borders经济上自由往来的国家组成的联盟外研社新世纪〔dirigisme〕the dirigisme of economic life on the part of the state 国家对经济生活的统制英汉大词典〔dread〕a more effective national policy to combat this dread disease. 对抗这可怕疾病的更有效的国家政策柯林斯高阶〔fascination〕the country's fascination with Western culture 这个国家对西方文化的迷恋麦克米伦高阶〔field〕the greatest fighting force that any nation has ever fielded 有史以来单个国家派出过的最强作战部队韦氏高阶〔head〕a summit meeting of heads of state 国家元首峰会牛津搭配〔heritage〕a nation with a rich heritage of folklore 民俗遗产丰富的国家韦氏高阶〔heritage〕our national heritage我们国家的遗产外研社新世纪〔industry〕in countries where industry is developing rapidly. 在工业迅速发展的国家柯林斯高阶〔interallied〕an interallied dispute 结盟国家之间的争端英汉大词典〔knee〕nations which refused to bend the knee to Hitler拒绝屈服于希特勒统治的国家外研社新世纪〔misrule〕a country that has had to tolerate years of misrule 不得不忍受多年苛政的国家麦克米伦高阶〔monolingual〕a largely monolingual country such as Great Britain. 像英国这样主要使用一种语言的国家柯林斯高阶〔morale〕the Prince's morale-boosting (=intended to raise morale) mission to the war-torn country 王子对这个饱受战争磨难的国家所担负的鼓舞士气的使命朗文当代〔nationalist〕demands by Slovak nationalists for an independent state斯洛伐克民族主义者建立独立国家的要求外研社新世纪〔orbit〕countries within the orbit of the British commonwealth 英联邦范围内的国家朗文当代〔pluralist〕an attempt to create a pluralist democracy. 建立一个多元化民主国家的尝试柯林斯高阶〔polarity〕the ideological polarity between nations. 国家间意识形态的截然对立柯林斯高阶〔refurbish〕refurbish one's country's tarnished image in the world 刷新国家在全世界人民心目中遭污损的形象英汉大词典〔relationship〕an analysis of market mechanisms and their relationship to state capitalism and political freedom. 对于市场机制及其与国家资本主义和政治自由之间关系的分析柯林斯高阶〔relevant〕make one's life relevant to the needs of the country 使个人的生活与国家的需要挂起钩来英汉大词典〔residency〕a four-year residency in the country 在这个国家的四年居住期韦氏高阶〔resource〕a country rich in natural resources 自然资源丰富的国家朗文当代〔similarity〕a study of the similarities and differences between the two countries 对这两个国家的异同点的研究牛津高阶〔similar〕countries with broadly similar characteristics 具有大致相似特点的国家牛津搭配〔tempo〕owing to the slow tempo of change in an overwhelmingly rural country. 由于以农业占绝对主导地位的国家变革速度缓慢柯林斯高阶〔threat〕a country under threat of civil war 面临内战威胁的国家韦氏高阶〔transatlantic〕a transatlantic agreement 大西洋两岸国家的一项协定朗文当代〔vulnerability〕anxieties about the country's vulnerability to invasion对国家不堪侵犯的焦虑外研社新世纪〔waterlocked〕a waterlocked nation 四面环水的国家文馨英汉opening markets to goods from developing nations 对来自发展中国家的产品开放市场牛津商务




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