

单词 地窖
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DARK〕Inside the cellar it was pitch black. 地窖里伸手不见五指的。朗文写作活用〔DOWN〕He's gone down to the basement to get some more beer. 他下到地窖里再拿些啤酒来。朗文写作活用〔EMPTY〕The bartender picked up the crate of empties and took it down to the cellar. 酒吧侍者搬起装着空瓶的箱子,把它搬到了地窖。朗文写作活用〔HORRIBLE〕Police were alerted when neighbors complained of a nasty smell coming from the basement. 邻居投诉地窖里传出异味,于是通知了警方。朗文写作活用〔OBVIOUS〕I distinctly heard the noise again, this time coming from the cellar. 我又清楚地听见那种声音,这次是从地窖里传来的。朗文写作活用〔Roquefort〕A trademark used for a cheese that is made from ewes' milk and ripened in caves.罗克福尔:一种用羊奶制成并在加工后贮存在地窖中使之成熟的干酪的商标名美国传统〔also〕The cellar was dark and forbidding; moreover, I knew a family of mice had nested there.这个地窖阴森可怕;而且我知道那儿有一窝老鼠。美国传统〔cave〕His cellar caved.他的地窖塌陷了。英汉大词典〔cellar〕A room or enclosed space used for storage, usually beneath the ground or under a building.地窖:通常在地面下或建筑物下用于储藏东西的房间或封闭空间美国传统〔cellar〕The box of papers had been stored in a cellar at the family home.那箱文件一直藏在家中的地窖里。柯林斯高阶〔cellar〕To store in a cellar.贮存在地窖里美国传统〔clean〕I've cleaned out all the junk from the cellar.我把地窖里的废旧杂物全部清理掉了。麦克米伦高阶〔cobweb〕Spiders cobwebbed the cellar.蜘蛛使地窖布满了蛛网。21世纪英汉〔crash down〕My words were lost as the walls above us crashed down, filling the cellar with brick dust.我们头顶的墙哗啦一声塌下来, 弄得地窖里全是砖灰, 我顿时说不出话来。外研社新世纪〔crate〕He went down to the cellar to fetch another crate of beer.他去地窖再拿一箱啤酒。外研社新世纪〔creepy〕It can get pretty creepy in the cellar at night.晚上地窖里会变得非常恐怖。牛津搭配〔creepy〕It's kind of creepy down in the cellar! 地窖里真令人有点不寒而栗!牛津高阶〔crypt〕An underground vault or chamber, especially one beneath a church that is used as a burial place.地窖:一种位于地下的小室,尤指位于教堂地下用作埋葬场所的地下室美国传统〔dank〕In the cathedral vaults the air was dank and stale.大教堂的地窖里空气湿冷并带有霉味。剑桥高阶〔dash〕Suddenly she dashed down to the cellar.她突然冲下地窖。柯林斯高阶〔descend into〕She descended into a cellar.她走进地窖。21世纪英汉〔descend〕He descended into a cellar.他走下地窖。英汉大词典〔descend〕Things are cooler and more damp as we descend to the cellar.当我们往下走去地窖时,四周愈见阴冷潮湿。柯林斯高阶〔descend〕We descended to the cellar.我们下到了地窖中。外研社新世纪〔dismember〕He then dismembered her, hiding parts of her body in the cellar.他接着将她肢解,将部分尸体藏在了地窖里。柯林斯高阶〔dismember〕He then dismembered her, hiding parts of her body in the cellar.然后他将她肢解, 把部分尸体藏到了地窖里。外研社新世纪〔douse〕Douse your cigarettes. There's gas in the cellar! 灭掉你们的香烟,地窖里有汽油! 英汉大词典〔down〕It was dark and cold down in the cellar.下面的地窖又暗又冷。麦克米伦高阶〔down〕The cans are stored down cellar.罐头藏在地窖里美国传统〔down〕They had some wines down cellar.他们在地窖里储存了一些酒。21世纪英汉〔down〕We keep our wine collection down in the basement.我们把收藏的红酒放在地窖里。韦氏高阶〔ensilage〕To ensile.在地窖中青贮饲料美国传统〔filch〕He filched a bottle of wine from the cellar.他从地窖里偷了一瓶酒。朗文当代〔filth〕He emerged from the cellar covered in filth.他从满是污物的地窖出来。韦氏高阶〔flood〕The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily.只要一下大雨地窖就淹水。牛津高阶〔hatchway〕A ladder or stairway within a hatchway.地窖口、舱口或天窗的梯子或楼梯美国传统〔hatchway〕A passage or an opening leading to a hold, compartment, or cellar.地窖口,天窗:通向地牢、水密舱或阁楼的通道或开口美国传统〔hide〕The old woman hid him in her cellar for three days.那位老妇人把他在地窖里藏了三天。朗文当代〔larder〕A place, such as a pantry or cellar, where food is stored.食品库:储存食物的地方,如食品室或地窖美国传统〔lay down〕In the cellar you will find the bottles of wine laid down from previous years.你在地窖里会发现一瓶瓶多年前储藏的葡萄酒。外研社新世纪〔lay up〕They laid up a store of vegetables in the cellar.他们在地窖里贮藏了蔬菜。21世纪英汉〔lock〕The books were normally kept under lock and key in the library vault.这些书一般妥善锁藏在图书馆的地窖里。柯林斯高阶〔maturation〕The period of maturation is determined by the cellar master.酿熟期的长短由地窖的主人决定。柯林斯高阶〔mildew〕The cellar smelt of mildew.地窖里有霉味。英汉大词典〔nostril〕The stench of the cellar filled my nostrils.我鼻子里全是地窖发出的恶臭。牛津搭配〔pump〕The fire brigade pumped water out of the cellar.消防队用泵把地窖的水抽出。牛津同义词〔refuge〕During the frequent air-raids, people took refuge in their cellars.在频繁的空袭中,人们躲在地窖里避难。朗文当代〔root cellar〕An underground pit or cellar, usually covered with earth, used for the storage of root crops and other vegetables.根菜作物窖:通常以泥土覆盖其上用于储藏根用作物和其它蔬菜的地窖或地下室美国传统〔seethe〕She was certain that the entire cellar was seething with spiders.她肯定整个地窖密布着蜘蛛。麦克米伦高阶〔seethe〕The cellar was seething with spiders.地窖里爬满了蜘蛛。朗文当代〔shine〕He shone the flashlight around the cellar.他用手电筒往地窖各处照了照。牛津高阶〔start〕The fire started in the cellar.火是从地窖燃起的。韦氏高阶〔stash〕A store or cache of money or valuables.隐蔽处:藏钱或钱物的仓库或地窖美国传统〔stock〕Some families stocked their cellars with food and water.有些家庭在地窖里储备了食品和水。柯林斯高阶〔ultimate〕It was a derelict cellar, quite the ultimate in squalor.那是个破败的地窖,真是肮脏透顶。英汉大词典〔used〕The flame of the candle fluttered in the used air as the cellar door was opened.地窖门打开时,蜡烛的火苗在污浊的空气中不时晃动。英汉大词典〔vault〕A room or space, such as a cellar or storeroom, with arched walls and ceiling, especially when underground.储藏室;地下室;地窖:房间或空间,如地下室或储藏间等,有拱形的墙壁或天花板,尤指地下的美国传统In the cathedral vaults the air was dank and stale.大教堂的地窖空气阴湿,带霉味。剑桥国际Our cellar caved during the earthquake. 地震时,我们的地窖塌陷了。译典通The cellar has stone flooring (=has a floor made of stone).地窖用的是石质地板。剑桥国际The chained people were herded back into the dark cellar. 那些带了锁链的人被一起赶回到黑暗的地窖。译典通They lowered the boxes into the cellar by a sling. 他们用吊索将箱子放进地窖。译典通We had a flood in the cellar last week.上礼拜我们的地窖进了水。剑桥国际We've got mice in our cellar, so we've set a trap.地窖里有老鼠,所以我们放了一个捕鼠夹。剑桥国际




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