

单词 在非洲
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EFFECTIVE/NOT EFFECTIVE〕In Africa, cellular phones are often the only reliable way of communicating. 在非洲,手机往往是唯一可靠的通讯方式。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕We were quite happy living in Africa. 我们在非洲生活得很开心。朗文写作活用〔ILL/SICK〕Martin came back from Africa with malaria, and he was in a pretty bad way for months. 马丁在非洲染上了疟疾回来,好几个月来病得很重。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Doctors believe he may have contracted the illness while he was in Africa. 医生认为他可能在非洲时染上了这种病。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕There are many different species of wild cat in Africa and Asia. 在非洲和亚洲有许多不同种类的野猫。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕I was fascinated by her stories of her childhood in Africa. 我对她童年时在非洲的经历深感兴趣。朗文写作活用〔LIFE〕He knew very little about his mother's early life in Africa. 他对母亲早年在非洲的生活所知甚少。朗文写作活用〔PART〕Malaria is still common in many parts of Africa. 在非洲的许多地区,疟疾仍然常见。朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕There is still an illegal but lucrative trade in ivory between Africa and South-East Asia. 在非洲和东南亚之间,仍有人进行着非法但利润丰厚的象牙贸易。朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕She spent several years studying the behaviour of gorillas in Africa. 她在非洲待了几年研究大猩猩的行为。朗文写作活用〔WAR〕She grew up in Africa, far away from the hardships of wartime Europe. 她在非洲长大,没有经历过战时欧洲的艰苦情况。朗文写作活用〔ancestor〕The wild ancestor of the pea can still be found in some highland areas of Africa.在非洲的某些高原地带还能找到豌豆的野生原种。英汉大词典〔anticlimax〕Travelling in Europe was something of an anticlimax after the years he'd spent in Africa.他在非洲生活了多年,到欧洲旅行真是有点太平淡了。牛津高阶〔beating-up〕Can you beat it; there was Graham Greene in Freetown and there was I on the other side of Africa.真是岂有此理!格雷厄姆·格林在弗里敦,而我却在非洲的另一边。柯林斯高阶〔beat〕Can you beat it; there was Graham Greene in Freetown and there was I on the other side of Africa.你想得到吗?格雷厄姆•格林在弗里敦而我在非洲的另一边。外研社新世纪〔bush〕Immigrant plants are sweeping through the Cape of Africa, threatening to strangle the region's prized bush vegetation.外来植物正在非洲好望角蔓延, 对该地区珍贵的灌木植被存活形成威胁。外研社新世纪〔cheetah〕Cheetahs are mainly found in Africa.猎豹主要生活在非洲。剑桥高阶〔chiefly〕He's travelled widely, chiefly in Africa and Asia.他游历了许多地方,主要在非洲和亚洲。牛津高阶〔disseminate〕It took years to disseminate information about AIDS in Africa.在非洲传播关于艾滋病的知识耗时数年。外研社新世纪〔disseminate〕It took years to disseminate information about Aids in Africa.在非洲传播关于艾滋病方面的知识耗时数年。柯林斯高阶〔educate〕The form says he was educated in Africa.表格上显示他是在非洲接受的教育。剑桥高阶〔exclusive〕They have exclusive rights to market the drug in Africa.他们拥有该药物在非洲的专卖权。麦克米伦高阶〔experience〕Living in Africa was very different from home and quite an experience(= unusual for us).生活在非洲完全不同于在家里,那真是一次不同寻常的经历。牛津高阶〔exploit〕She was telling me about her exploits while travelling around Africa.她跟我讲述了她在非洲各地旅游时的奇遇。剑桥高阶〔fever〕She caught a fever on her travels in Africa, and died.她在非洲旅行时患热病而死。牛津高阶〔formative〕She spent her formative years in Africa.她在非洲度过了性格形成时期。剑桥高阶〔go〕The ship went down off the coast of Africa.船只在非洲海岸沉没。麦克米伦高阶〔holiday〕He caught malaria while on holiday in Africa.他在非洲度假时染上了疟疾。朗文当代〔hunting〕He was killed by a lion while big-game hunting in Africa.他在非洲猎捕大型野兽时被狮子杀死了。牛津搭配〔idea〕He had no idea of what life would be like in Africa.他对在非洲生活会是什么样子一无所知。外研社新世纪〔infected〕Scientists believe she became infected in Africa.科学家认为她是在非洲染上病的。外研社新世纪〔interior〕Europeans built railways in the interior of Africa.欧洲人在非洲内陆地区修建了铁路。麦克米伦高阶〔knock ... about〕He knocked about Africa when he was young.他年轻时曾在非洲四处游荡。21世纪英汉〔lecture〕I went to a lecture he gave at the African Institute.我去听了他在非洲研究所发表的演讲。外研社新世纪〔location〕Most of the movie was shot on location in Africa.这部影片大部分是在非洲的外景地拍摄的。朗文当代〔marabout〕A Moslem hermit or saint, especially in northern Africa.穆斯林隐士或圣徒,尤指生活在非洲北部美国传统〔mint〕One of the coins was minted in Africa.其中一枚硬币是在非洲铸造的。外研社新世纪〔missionary〕He spent 15 years as a missionary in Africa.他在非洲做了 15 年的传教士。牛津搭配〔moving〕She described her experiences in Africa very movingly.她十分动人地描述了她在非洲的经历。牛津高阶〔narrate〕She entertained them by narrating her adventures in Africa.她讲述她在非洲的历险来逗他们开心。牛津高阶〔occur〕The cattle disease occurs more or less anywhere in Africa where the fly occurs.在非洲凡是有这种蝇虫的地方,几乎都会出现这一牛病。柯林斯高阶〔occur〕These plants occur in Africa only.这些植物只在非洲才有。英汉大词典〔otherness〕As an American growing up in Africa, I always felt a sense of otherness.作为一名成长在非洲的美国人,我总感觉和别人不一样。韦氏高阶〔partner〕Nigeria is our principal trading partner in Africa.尼日利亚是我们在非洲的主要贸易伙伴。朗文当代〔pen〕People captured in Africa were temporarily forced to stay inside the pen.在非洲抓获的人被强制临时关在囚禁所里面。外研社新世纪〔poor〕Most of the world's poorest countries are in Africa.世界上最穷的国家多数在非洲。剑桥高阶〔prominent〕Mandela played a prominent role in the early years of the ANC.曼德拉在非洲人国民大会的早期起了重要的作用。朗文当代〔quarter〕Did you ever see a lion at close quarters when you were in Africa? 在非洲时你有没有在极近处看到过狮子? 英汉大词典〔radiance〕We basked in the radiance of the African sun.我们沐浴在非洲灿烂的阳光中。剑桥高阶〔range〕The giraffe ranges in Africa.长颈鹿生长在非洲。21世纪英汉〔represent〕He represents the company in Africa.他是这家公司在非洲的代理人。英汉大词典〔result〕His views are the direct result of the time he spent in Africa.他的观点是他在非洲那段日子的直接产物。外研社新世纪〔scourge〕Lack of rain is the scourge of certain parts of Africa.缺雨在非洲某些地区为害甚烈。英汉大词典〔sensitize〕Volunteers need to be sensitized to the cultural differences they will meet in African countries.志愿者需要学会认识他们在非洲国家将遇到的文化差异。朗文当代〔sheeting〕Tin sheeting was popular as a roof material in Africa.在非洲,白铁皮曾普遍用作屋顶材料。英汉大词典〔shipwreck〕Beatty was shipwrecked off the coast of Africa.贝蒂在非洲海岸附近遭遇了海难。朗文当代〔showing〕Two complementary exhibitions are on show at the Africa Centre.两场互为补充的展览正在非洲中心展出。柯林斯高阶〔take〕Jazz has taken in Africa.爵士乐已在非洲扎根。英汉大词典〔travel〕Between school and university, she spent a year travelling, mostly in Africa and Asia.中学毕业后,她在上大学以前花了1年时间旅行,主要是在非洲和亚洲。剑桥高阶〔winter〕Many British birds winter in Africa.许多英国的鸟在非洲过冬。牛津高阶〔winter〕Ospreys winter in Africa.鹗在非洲过冬。外研社新世纪〔wreck〕The ship was wrecked off the coast of Africa.那艘船在非洲沿海失事了。朗文当代〔write〕She wrote of her life in Africa.她写了她在非洲的生活。牛津搭配〔zareba〕An enclosure of bushes or stakes protecting a campsite or village in northeast Africa.防御栅:在非洲东北部,用来保护营地及村舍的灌木丛或木桩美国传统Antelopes live in Africa and Asia and eat grass and leaves.羚羊生活在非洲和亚洲,吃草和树叶。剑桥国际Drought has caused famine in Africa. 干旱在非洲造成了饥荒。译典通He spent a year in Africa, studying the customs and traditions of preliterate tribes.他在非洲待了一年,研究没有文字的部落的风俗习惯。剑桥国际He was lost in the interior of Africa many years ago. 他于许多年前在非洲腹地失踪。译典通I had a singular experience in Africa. 我在非洲时有过一次奇特的经历。译典通I spent a year travelling around (=from one part to another of ) Africa and the Middle East.我在非洲和中东各地旅行了一年之久。剑桥国际Most of the world's poorest countries are in Africa.世界上大多数最贫穷的国家在非洲。剑桥国际Our company has no representation in Africa. 本公司在非洲没有代理机构。译典通Please tell us about your experiences in Africa. 请跟我们谈谈你在非洲的经历。译典通She spent a year travelling, mostly in Africa and Asia, after leaving school.毕业后她花了一年的时间旅行,大多数时间在非洲和亚洲。剑桥国际The form says he was educated in Africa.表上说他是在非洲受的教育。剑桥国际The new movie was shot in Africa. 这部新的影片是在非洲拍摄的。译典通We basked in the radiance of the African sun.我们在非洲太阳的光辉里晒暖。剑桥国际Years of work in Africa unfitted him for life here. 多年在非洲工作使他不适应这儿的生活。译典通




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