

单词 在那里
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Promised Land〕promised land A longed-for place where complete satisfaction and happiness will be achieved. promised land 福地:盼望已久的地方,在那里可获得充分的幸福和满意美国传统〔SEE〕an eerie no-man's land where travellers see mirages 一个荒无人烟的恐怖地方,旅行者常在那里看到海市蜃楼朗文写作活用〔THERE/NOT THERE〕to not be there 不在那里朗文写作活用〔bull〕sit there shooting the bull 坐在那里聊天英汉大词典〔comfort〕in comfort Upstairs is a more intimate bar where guests can relax in comfort. 楼上是一个更温馨的酒吧,顾客在那里可以舒适地放松自己。朗文当代〔dead〕some dead little town where the liveliest thing is the flies某个死气沉沉的小镇, 在那里最富活力的是苍蝇外研社新世纪〔full〕a two-seater Lotus, parked with its headlamps full on. 停在那里、前灯开到最亮的双座莲花轿车柯林斯高阶〔full〕a two-seater Lotus, parked with its headlamps full on一辆双座的莲花汽车停在那里, 前灯大开外研社新世纪〔hollowness〕where water gathers in a hollow and forms a pond. 在那里水积聚在低洼处形成了池塘柯林斯高阶〔ill〕all the ill that we did there我们在那里犯下的种种恶行外研社新世纪〔just〕just there 刚巧在场;就在那里文馨英汉〔nethead〕there for all netheads to peruse在那里所有网迷都能随意浏览外研社新世纪〔office〕offices Chiefly British The parts of a house, such as the laundry and kitchen, in which servants carry out household work. offices 【多用于英国】 厨房,洗衣处:房间的一部分,如洗衣间和厨房,在那里仆人进行家务工作美国传统〔wherein〕a riding school wherein we could learn the art of horsemanship. 一所我们可以在那里学习马术的骑术学校柯林斯高阶〔wherein〕a riding school wherein we could learn the art of horsemanship一所我们可以在那里学习马术的骑术学校外研社新世纪




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