

单词 后分
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FREE〕The three women worked together on a stage play, and then each went off to do her own thing. 这三位女子一起演出了一部舞台剧,然后分道扬镳了。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕After what appeared to be nine years of wedded bliss, the couple has separated. 这对夫妇经过了九年看似幸福的婚姻生活后分居了。朗文写作活用〔LIVE〕I lived with Stuart for three years before we broke up. 我与斯图尔特同居了三年后分手了。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕When you electrolyse water it splits into hydrogen and oxygen. 水电解后分成氢和氧。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕New students are tested in math and reading, and placed in the appropriate class. 新生须进行数学和阅读测试,然后分配到合适的班级。朗文写作活用〔UP〕During the launch, two rockets boost the shuttle before separating and falling back into the sea. 发射过程中,由两枚火箭推进航天飞机,然后分离,落进大海。朗文写作活用〔break〕Sports The separation after a clinch in boxing.【体育运动】 拳击中扭抱后分开美国传统〔bust〕They bust up after six years of marriage.他们结婚六年后分手了。朗文当代〔circulate〕The report was eventually circulated to all the members.这份报告最后分发给了所有成员。外研社新世纪〔disagree〕The two friends disagreed violently and parted company.两个朋友激烈争吵后分手了。21世纪英汉〔divide〕The river divides after the bridge.小河穿过那座桥以后分流了。韦氏高阶〔drift apart〕Jack and Mary had been married for a long time but gradually drifted apart until they separated.杰克和玛丽结婚已有很长时间,但后来渐渐地疏远了,直到最后分手。21世纪英汉〔due〕My wife is due in three weeks.我妻子预计三周后分娩。韦氏高阶〔hand around〕Dean produced another tray of food and handed it around.迪安又拿出一盘食物, 然后分给大家。外研社新世纪〔moderator〕The final marks awarded for coursework will depend upon the moderator.课程的最后分数由评分审核人决定。剑桥高阶〔musky〕She dabbed a drop of the musky perfume behind each ear.她在两耳后分别擦上一小滴麝香香水。柯林斯高阶〔parting〕George said no more until their final parting.直到最后分手, 乔治都没再说什么。外研社新世纪〔part〕The street parts two blocks ahead.这条街道在前面过了两个街区后分叉了。21世纪英汉〔pay down〕You pay down only 10 dollars, and then you pay 5 dollars a month for eight months.你只需先付10美元,然后分8个月,每月付5美元。21世纪英汉〔post-match〕I look forward to the post-match analysis of the Leeds match. 我期待着对利兹这场比赛的赛后分析。剑桥高阶〔queen substance〕A pheromone secreted by queen bees and given to worker bees to prevent them from producing more queens.蜂王物质:蜂后分泌的一种外激素,供给工蜂防止它们繁殖出更多的蜂王美国传统〔rhetoric〕Whether they can live up to their campaign rhetoric remains to be seen.他们是否能实践竞选时发表的冠冕堂皇的诺言尚待日后分晓。英汉大词典〔separate〕He separated from his wife after 20 years of marriage.他和妻子在结婚 20 年后分居了。牛津高阶〔single-foot〕A rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately; the rack. No longer in technical use.栏跑,溜蹄:马的一种快速步伐,马蹄先后分别踏地;栏跑不再作技术术语使用美国传统〔slice〕To divide into portions or shares; parcel out.划分:分成部分或份额;把…划成部分然后分配美国传统〔slow lane〕If they are wrong, both of them will end up in the corporate slow lane.要是他们错了,那么他俩都会沦为公司里的落后分子。柯林斯高阶〔split〕They split up after years of marriage.他们俩结婚多年之后分手了。英汉大词典〔together〕They split up after ten years together.他们共同生活十年后分手了。英汉大词典〔together〕They split up after ten years together.他们在一起生活了十年之后分手了。牛津高阶〔unitize〕The ideal is for one oil concern to own a whole field and to unitize the leases.理想的方案是:由一家石油公司拥有整个油田,然后分片出租供联合开采。英汉大词典How far the president will be able to translate his campaign rhetoric into action remains to be seen.总统能在多大程度上实现竞选时发表的冠冕堂皇的诺言尚待日后分晓。剑桥国际The final marks awarded for coursework will depend upon the moderator.课程的最后分数由那个主考人决定。剑桥国际The two partners split after a quarrel. 这两个合伙人吵了一架之后分道扬镳了。译典通They split up after two years of marriage. 他们结婚两年之后分手了。译典通We paid $100 cash down and then 10 monthly installments of $20.我们先付 100 元现款,然后分期每月付 20 元,10 个月付清。牛津商务




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