

单词 后人
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔backroom〕senior backroom figures in both factions两个派别的高层幕后人物外研社新世纪〔backroom〕the powerful man in the backroom 有权势的幕后人物英汉大词典〔go〕a debate that will go down as a turning point in the campaign. 这次争辩将被作为运动的转折点而被后人铭记美国传统〔interlining〕interlinings in a later hand 后人手笔添加的行间文字英汉大词典〔monument〕a fitting monument to the men who died in the battle 足以给后人凭吊阵亡将士的纪念碑朗文当代〔nut〕a wirepuller who is in charge of nuts and bolts 操纵各项活动的幕后人英汉大词典〔plague〕a decline in population following outbreaks of plague 瘟疫爆发后人口的下降牛津搭配〔posterity〕a priceless work of art that must be kept for posterity 必须保存好留给后人的一件无价艺术品朗文当代〔presence〕a presence behind the scenes 幕后人物英汉大词典




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