

单词 后于
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGE〕She learned to read late, and by the age of 13 was way behind her peers in almost every aspect of school work. 她识字晚,13岁的时候,在学习上几乎样样都远远落后于同龄的孩子。朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕Labour trailed third, behind the Conservative and Liberal parties. 工党落后于保守党和自由党,屈居第三。朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕Penn State trail West Virginia by only 1 point. 宾州队仅以1分之差落后于西弗吉尼亚队。朗文写作活用〔OLD-FASHIONED〕Once the giants of British retailing, they are now seen as being behind the times. 这些曾经是英国零售业巨头的商家,现在被视为落后于时代了。朗文写作活用〔OLD-FASHIONED〕People in these parts tend to be way behind the times when it comes to issues such as women's rights. 在妇女权利等问题上,这些地方的人都是远远落后于时代。朗文写作活用〔a poor second/third (etc.)〕She was a poor second in the tournament.这次锦标赛她获第二名,但成绩远远落后于第一名。韦氏高阶〔abreast〕How can anyone keep abreast of all this new technology? 一个人怎样才能不落后于这新技术呢?麦克米伦高阶〔amendment〕The States Reorganization Act of 1956 and the subsequent amendments in 1960 and 1966 1956 年的《邦重组法案》与随后于 1960 年和 1966 年所作的修正案牛津搭配〔arrear〕In this respect we are much in arrear(s) of Japan.在这方面我们远落后于日本。英汉大词典〔automate〕We must automate or else we will fall behind our competitors.我们必须采用自动化技术,否则就会落后于我们的竞争对手。英汉大词典〔battler〕Greg lost his brave battle against cancer two years ago.格雷格在与癌症进行了勇敢的斗争之后于两年前去世。柯林斯高阶〔behindhand〕He did not want to be behindhand in generosity.他不愿在慷慨殷勤方面落后于人。英汉大词典〔behindhand〕Poor Dr Pegler got terribly behindhand with his appointments.可怜的佩格勒博士大大落后于当初的约定。柯林斯高阶〔behindhand〕Poor Dr Pegler got terribly behindhand with his appointments.可怜的佩格勒博士远远落后于约定的时间。外研社新世纪〔behind〕The polls show that he is behind the other candidates.投票结果显示,他落后于其他候选人。韦氏高阶〔behind〕We can't afford to fall behind our competitors.我们可不能落后于我们的竞争者。21世纪英汉〔behind〕We're behind them in technology.我们在技术上落后于他们。外研社新世纪〔broke〕At 2-0 down with ten minutes left, you have to go for broke.比赛只剩十分钟的时候还是零比二落后于人,这时你就得豁出去了。朗文当代〔captivity〕An American missionary was released today after more than two months of captivity.一位美国传教士在被关押两个多月后于今天获释。柯林斯高阶〔captivity〕An American missionary was released today after more than two months of captivity.一名美国传教士在被关押两个多月后于今日获释。外研社新世纪〔chair〕He was sent to the chair in 1937 after being convicted of first-degree murder.他被判一级谋杀罪之后于1937年被送上电椅。外研社新世纪〔close〕The factory closed its doors for the last time in 2009.这家工厂最后于 2009 年关闭。牛津高阶〔dodo〕Informal One whose dress, lifestyle, and ideas are hopelessly passé.【非正式用语】 落伍的人:着装、生活方式及观念严重落后于时代的人美国传统〔drop behind〕They have dropped behind Chelsea on goal difference.他们在净胜球数上落后于切尔西队。外研社新世纪〔drop〕We cannot afford to drop behind our competitors.我们可担当不起落后于竞争对手的后果。牛津高阶〔exile〕He returned from exile earlier this year.他流亡国外后于今年初回国。外研社新世纪〔explain〕That explains why we we're so far behind schedule.那就是我们远远落后于计划的原因。韦氏高阶〔expulsion〕This led to his suspension and, finally, expulsion from the party in 1955.这导致他被停职, 最后于1955年被开除出党。外研社新世纪〔expulsion〕This led to his suspension and, finally, expulsion from the party in 1955.这导致他被停职,最后于1955年被开除出党。柯林斯高阶〔fall behind〕Boris is falling behind all the top players.鲍里斯落后于所有顶级选手。外研社新世纪〔fall behind〕Construction work fell behind schedule.建筑进度落后于工期。外研社新世纪〔fall behind〕He didn't want to fall behind in his studies.他不想在学习上落后于别人。21世纪英汉〔fall〕Boris is falling behind all the top players.鲍里斯落后于所有顶级选手。柯林斯高阶〔fall〕Construction work fell behind schedule.建筑进度落后于工期。柯林斯高阶〔hiatus〕Diplomatic efforts to reach a settlement resume today after a two-week hiatus.为寻求解决方案而进行的外交谈判在中断了两周之后于今天重新开始。外研社新世纪〔hiatus〕Diplomatic efforts to reach a settlement resume today after a two-week hiatus.为寻求解决方案而进行的外交谈判在中断了两周之后于今天重新开始。柯林斯高阶〔illness〕My aunt died that spring after a long illness.我舅母病了很长时间后于那年春天去世了。麦克米伦高阶〔lag behind〕We must achieve modernization of science and technology, otherwise we will lag behind other nations.我们必须实现科学技术现代化,否则我们要落后于其他国家。21世纪英汉〔lag〕Britain is lagging behind the rest of Europe.英国落后于欧洲其他国家。朗文当代〔lag〕Britain still lags badly behind the rest of Europe on this.英国在这方面仍然大大落后于其他欧洲国家。牛津搭配〔lag〕Catering salaries lag far behind those of other sectors.餐饮业的工资远远落后于其他行业。牛津搭配〔lag〕He lags the others in the race.他在竞赛中落后于他人。英汉大词典〔lag〕If we lag behind other nations in economy, we will be thrown into a passive position.如果我们在经济上落后于其他国家,我们就会陷于被动。21世纪英汉〔lag〕The company has lagged behind its competitors in developing new products.这家公司在开发新产品方面落后于它的竞争者。韦氏高阶〔lag〕The restructuring of the pattern of consumption in Britain also lagged behind.在消费结构重组方面,英国也落后于人。柯林斯高阶〔lag〕Their software tends to lag behind other producers.他们的软件开发往往落后于其他开发商。麦克米伦高阶〔lag〕They lagged the other automakers in the fierce competition.在激烈的竞争中他们落后于其他汽车制造商。21世纪英汉〔lag〕To cause to hang back or fall behind.落后于:使畏缩不前或落后美国传统〔lag〕We still lag far behind many of our competitors in using modern technology.我们在运用现代技术方面仍然远远落后于我们的许多竞争对手。牛津高阶〔late〕They were trailing by a touchdown late in the fourth quarter.在第四节比赛的最后时刻,他们以六分落后于对手。韦氏高阶〔leave behind〕We're going to be left behind by the rest of the world.我们将落后于世界其他国家。外研社新世纪〔level off〕After going up for 3 weeks, prices level(l)ed off in May.价格在上涨了3个星期以后于五月份稳定了下来。21世纪英汉〔lose〕They're losing 3–1.他们目前以3-1落后于对手。剑桥高阶〔match〕Our office failed to match the growth of the rest of the company.我们部门的业绩增长落后于公司其他部门。麦克米伦高阶〔memoir〕He died yesterday just three months after he published his memoirs.他在出版自己的回忆录仅3个月后于昨天去世了。麦克米伦高阶〔multinationalize〕Wages have lagged well behind corporate profits in growth as companies multinationalize.随着公司的跨国化进程,工资增长率一直落后于公司的利润增长率。英汉大词典〔pacesetter〕Real's victory keeps them five points behind the pacesetters, Barcelona.皇家马德里队的胜利使他们以5分之差落后于领头羊巴塞罗那队。外研社新世纪〔postdate〕To occur later than; follow in time.发生于…之后;时间上后于美国传统〔publish〕Her last book was published posthumously in 1948.她最后的一本书在她死后于 1948 年出版。牛津搭配〔rebound〕Government securities rebounded yesterday after a week of steady declines.公债持续一周下跌后于昨天回升。英汉大词典〔respect〕We are lagging behind in this respect.我们在这方面正渐渐落后于人。英汉大词典〔safe〕The space shuttle returned safely today from a 10-day mission.航天飞机完成 10 天的飞行任务后于今日安全返回。柯林斯高阶〔significantly〕The Democrats, significantly, finished well behind the Green Party.值得注意的是,民主党的得票数远远落后于绿党。朗文当代〔slip〕To fall behind a scheduled production rate.落后:落后于原计划的生产速度美国传统〔stake〕Britain lags behind in the European childcare stakes.英国在儿童保育方面落后于欧洲其他国家。柯林斯高阶〔trail〕A recent poll shows the Democrats trailing the Republicans.最近的一项民意测验表明民主党落后于共和党。麦克米伦高阶〔trail〕Our team trailed their team at the end of the 6th inning.我们队在第6局结束时还落后于他们队。韦氏高阶〔trail〕She trailed her classmates.她落后于她的同班同学。21世纪英汉〔trail〕The Conservatives are trailing Labour in the opinion polls.在民意测验中保守党的支持率落后于工党。牛津高阶〔trail〕The Democrats are trailing (behind) the Republicans in the opinion polls.在民意调查中,民主党落后于共和党。剑桥高阶〔trail〕The polls showed the Tories trailing behind the Government by 17 per cent.民调显示,保守党落后于政府 17 个百分点。柯林斯高阶〔trail〕The team is now trailing badly in the league.现在这个队在联赛中远远落后于其他队。牛津搭配〔unveil〕The Queen Mother unveiled the statue on 31 May, 1992.太后于1992年5月31日为雕像揭幕。外研社新世纪〔up〕I am up with him now. I was behind him for a while.我现在跟他不相上下。有一阵子我落后于他。英汉大词典As far as prison reform is concerned we lagged (way/well/one step) behind a lot of other countries for years.在监狱改革方面,我们落后于其他许多国家好几年。剑桥国际Economic growth in Europe has lagged behind the US this year.今年欧洲经济增长落后于美国。牛津商务He lagged far behind his classmates because he had relaxed his efforts. 他因为放松了努力,故远远落后于班里同学。译典通Her father died aged 58 after a stoic struggle against cancer.他父亲在与癌症作了顽强的斗争后于58岁去世。剑桥国际Our 24% market share is trailing our competitor's 41%.我们 24% 的市场份额落后于竞争对手的 41% 的市场份额。牛津商务The UK lags far behind its European neighbours in recycling levels.英国的再回收利用水平远远落后于其欧洲邻国。牛津商务The cathedral was completely rebuilt in 1425 after it had been destroyed by fire.教堂毁于火灾后于1425 年彻底重建。剑桥国际The company lags Tesco in terms of market share.这公司的市场份额落后于特易购。牛津商务The dispute was settled in February after weeks of bitter wrangling.这场纠纷在经过若干星期的激烈争论后于2月份解决。剑桥国际The election is only two weeks away, and still the Nationalist Party is trailing (behind) the Liberals. [T; I + behind] 离选举只有两星期了,民族党仍然落后于自由党。剑桥国际The primary bond market came back to life on Tuesday after a very quiet month.初级债券市场在沉寂了一个月之后于星期二又恢复了生气。牛津商务The project had fallen behind schedule, but now it's back on track.这个项目的进度一度落后于时间表,但现在已恢复正常。牛津商务Their sales are trailing behind other superstores.他们的销售量落后于其他超市。牛津商务They got married last year after a whirlwind (= very short and unexpected) romance.他们在快速的恋爱之后于去年结婚了。剑桥国际They have fallen behind their chief competitor in recent months.他们在最近几个月都落后于主要竞争对手。牛津商务We seem to have slipped behind schedule.我们好像已经落后于日程安排了。牛津商务We were making good progress on this project for a while, but now things have begun to backslide and we're behind schedule.我们在这项工程上有一段时期曾取得显著进展,但最近却发生滑坡,甚至落后于预定计划。剑桥国际When Carter died in 1904 after an accident, Leno pined and died in London six months later.卡特在一次车祸后于1904年去世,丽诺日渐憔悴,6 个月后在伦敦逝世。剑桥国际




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