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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔applet〕The user confirms their order and downloads an applet which asks them for their personal and payment details.用户对其订购进行确认,然后下载一个小应用程序,它便会询问用户的详细个人信息及具体付款事宜。剑桥高阶〔bad〕He believes that the good go to heaven when they die and the bad go to hell.他相信好人死后上天堂,坏人死后下地狱。韦氏高阶〔book off〕We booked off after eight hour's work.我们工作八个小时之后下班。21世纪英汉〔coattail〕He caught his coattails in the door.他衣服的后下摆被门夹住了。韦氏高阶〔decide〕What finally decided me was the location.使我最后下决心的是所处的位置。麦克米伦高阶〔decrease〕The warden's authority diminished after the revolt.典狱长的权威在动乱后下降了。美国传统〔dip〕The shrimp are dipped in batter and then fried.将虾蘸上面糊,然后下锅油炸。韦氏高阶〔disembark〕The plane's crew members were the last ones to disembark.全体机务人员最后下飞机。韦氏高阶〔dive〕The whale dived as the harpoon struck it.鲸被鱼叉射中后下潜。牛津高阶〔dock〕You can dock the camera directly to the printer and download the pictures.你可以把相机直接连接到打印机上,然后下载相片。韦氏高阶〔douse〕I doused the headlights and got out.我灭了车前灯后下了车。柯林斯高阶〔down〕I got up, washed, dressed, and went down to breakfast.我起床,洗脸,穿好衣服,然后下楼吃早饭。英汉大词典〔dress〕I got up, dressed, and went downstairs.我起床, 穿好衣服, 然后下楼。外研社新世纪〔duty〕I go off duty in two hours.我两小时后下班。韦氏高阶〔fire and brimstone〕The preacher's sermon was full of fire and brimstone.那位牧师的布道词里满是死后下地狱受永恒煎熬的言辞。剑桥高阶〔heel〕The rounded posterior portion of the human foot under and behind the ankle.踵,脚跟:人踝关节后下部分的脚的后部呈圆形的部分美国传统〔hell〕They were afraid of going to hell when they died.他们害怕死后下地狱。外研社新世纪〔on〕His jaw was broken after he was hit on the head.他的头部受重击之后下颌骨折了。柯林斯高阶〔red flag〕Then the rain came and the red flag went up to signal a halt.然后下雨了,红旗升起示意暂停。柯林斯高阶〔sky〕The skies darkened and a rain followed.天空暗下,然后下起了雨。英汉大词典〔stage〕One of two or more successive propulsion units of a rocket vehicle that fires after the preceding one has been jettisoned.一节火箭:两级或多级火箭的推动器,往往前一个推动器被抛弃后下一个才点火发射美国传统〔stalk〕He stalked his victim as she walked home, before attacking and robbing her.她步行回家时,他偷偷地接近然后下手袭击,并且抢劫了她。牛津高阶〔stop〕He stopped the car and got out.他停下了车,然后下车。朗文当代〔study〕The expert studied the painting and decided it was a forgery.专家仔细察看了那幅画,然后下结论说那是一件赝品。英汉大词典〔succeed〕The dry weather was succeeded by a month of rain.干旱天气之后下了一个月雨。外研社新世纪〔temporal lobe〕The lower lateral lobe of either cerebral hemisphere, located in front of the occipital lobe and containing the sensory center of hearing in the brain.颞叶:每侧大脑半脑后下方位于枕叶的前方的脑叶,其中有大脑的听觉中心美国传统〔uneasy〕The farmers were uneasy until it finally rained.农民一直担心直到天最后下了雨为止美国传统〔until〕Keep on the bus until the big supermarket, then get off and turn left.坐公交车到那家大超市,然后下车左拐。麦克米伦高阶〔wait〕There was an hour wait before the next train departed.一小时后下一班火车开出。朗文当代Coming up (= Happening next) after the break, we have a man who claims he can communicate with fish.休息后下一位是自称能与鱼交流的人。剑桥国际The Social Democrats were out after 15 years in power.社会民主党执政15年后下台。剑桥国际The ferry sank after leaving port with its bow doors open.渡船在离开码头后下沉了,船头门开着。剑桥国际The share price fell 30% in early afternoon trade.股价午后下跌了 30%。牛津商务There was a sudden clap of thunder and then it started to pour with rain.突然一声雷鸣,然后下起了倾盆大雨。剑桥国际What will be the next disruptive technology after the Internet? 互联网之后下一个颠覆性技术将会是甚么?牛津商务




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