

单词 城市里
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ADVANTAGE〕the advantages and disadvantages of owning a car in the city 在城市里有车的利与弊朗文写作活用〔Anglophone〕the city's Anglophone population 那座城市里以英语为主要语言的人口韦氏高阶〔artificially〕the novel's use of homosexuality to suggest the artificiality of all relationships in that nervous city. 小说通过对同性恋的描写向读者暗示了在那个浮躁的城市里人际往来的虚情假意柯林斯高阶〔blight〕urban blight(= areas in a city that are ugly or not cared for well) 城市里环境脏、乱、差的地区牛津高阶〔climate〕a climate of growing racial intolerance in large cities 大城市里种族排斥日益严重的现象朗文当代〔deplorable〕deplorable housing conditions in the inner city. 城市里面糟糕的住房条件美国传统〔depressed〕lonely and blue in a strange city; 在一个陌生的城市里感到孤独和忧郁;美国传统〔drab〕people forced to live grey, drab existences in ugly towns 被迫在丑陋的城市里过着灰暗乏味生活的人们朗文当代〔housing〕the housing problem in cities 城市里的住房问题英汉大词典〔humanize〕acts of courtesy that humanize life in a big city. 礼貌的行动使大城市里的生活充满人情味美国传统〔hurly-burly〕the hurly-burly life of a big city 大城市里熙来攘往的生活文馨英汉〔hurly-burly〕the hurly-burly life of a big city 大城市里闹哄哄的生活英汉大词典〔insalubrious〕the city's insalubrious air 城市里污浊的空气韦氏高阶〔light〕the bright lights of the city 城市里明亮的灯牛津搭配〔mixture〕the mixture of different people living in the city 生活在这座城市里形形色色的人们朗文当代〔multifarious〕the multifarious noise of a great city 大城市里的种种噪音英汉大词典〔multitudinous〕the multitudinous murmur of the city 城市里各种各样的嗡嗡声英汉大词典〔noise〕city (street) noises 城市里(马路上)的喧闹声英汉大词典〔off-Broadway〕the city's most famous off-Broadway theatre城市里最有名的外百老汇剧院外研社新世纪〔parkland〕areas of parkland and open space in cities城市里的绿地和空地外研社新世纪〔slum〕inner-city slums in the old cities of the north and east. 北部和东部老城市里的市中心贫民区柯林斯高阶〔space〕the loss of green space in cities 城市里绿色地带的减少朗文当代〔suited〕sober-suited city businessmen 城市里那些穿着素净的生意人牛津高阶〔tapestry〕the rich tapestry of life in the city 城市里丰富多彩的生活韦氏高阶〔twin town〕a visit to Lyon, Birmingham's twin town in France 对伯明翰在法国的友好城市里昂的访问牛津高阶〔unleisured〕the feverish unleisured scrambling life in the big cities 大城市里那种动荡奔忙不止的生活英汉大词典〔unused〕unused to city traffic. 对城市里的交通不习惯美国传统




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