

单词 城市居民
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SAME〕Eighteenth-century urban dwellers lived in much worse conditions than their modern counterparts. 18世纪城市居民的生活条件要比现代的居民差多了。朗文写作活用〔accept〕Urban dwellers often accept noise as part of city life.城市居民常将噪音当成城市生活的一部分。柯林斯高阶〔accept〕Urban dwellers often accept noise as part of city life.城市居民常常把噪音当成城市生活的一部分来容忍。外研社新世纪〔burgher〕A citizen of a town or borough.城市居民:一城镇或一自治市的公民美国传统〔complaint〕The lack of parking spaces is a common complaint among the city's residents.停车位不足是城市居民普遍抱怨的问题。韦氏高阶〔country cousin〕One whose ingenuousness or rustic ways may bemuse or entertain city dwellers.乡下亲戚,乡巴佬:以其天真无邪或土气的方式引城市居民发笑或快乐的人美国传统〔daily〕There's not enough water to meet the daily needs of the city's people.没有足够的水来满足城市居民的日常需求。韦氏高阶〔dweller〕City dwellers suffer higher pollution levels.城市居民所遭受的污染程度较为严重。朗文当代〔dweller〕The number of city dwellers is growing.城市居民人数正在增长。外研社新世纪〔dweller〕The number of city dwellers is growing.城市居民的数量正在增长。柯林斯高阶〔escape〕Angling provides an escape for many city dwellers.钓鱼为许多城市居民提供了一种消遣。外研社新世纪〔metropolitan〕A citizen of a metropolis, especially one who displays urbane characteristics, attitudes, and values.大城市人:大城市居民,尤指表现出大城市性格、特征和价值观者美国传统〔soil〕Gardening is a way for city dwellers to return to the soil.从事园艺是城市居民务农的一种方式。剑桥高阶〔spread〕Now the citizens are beginning to spread to the countryside.现在城市居民开始向农村迁移。21世纪英汉〔urbanism〕The culture or way of life of city dwellers.城市主义:城市居民文化或生活方式美国传统〔urbanite〕A city dweller.城市居民美国传统Commutation times for city residents have lengthened considerably over the last ten years.在过去的十年里,城市居民的上下班时间已大大延长。牛津商务Urban inhabitants have to live with the characteristic noises of cities. 城市居民不得不忍受都市特有的喧嚣。译典通




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