

单词 在压力下
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕Some people don't work well under pressure. 有些人在压力下就不能把工作做好。朗文写作活用〔CALM〕Sampras is the kind of player who always manages to stay cool, even under pressure. 桑普拉斯是那种始终头脑冷静的选手,即使在压力下也能如此。朗文写作活用〔accede〕She acceded under pressure.她在压力下同意了。英汉大词典〔aerosol〕A substance, such as paint, a detergent, or an insecticide, packaged under pressure with a gaseous propellant for release as a spray of fine particles.气雾剂:在压力下与气态压缩气体同装一处,以雾状细小微粒形式喷洒的物质,例如颜料、洗涤剂或杀虫剂美国传统〔appear〕Under stress these people will appear to be superficial, over-eager and manipulative.这些人在压力下会显得浅薄无知、操之过急,而且爱摆布人。柯林斯高阶〔breaking point〕The point at which physical, mental, or emotional strength gives way under stress.极点,顶点:身体、精神或感情强度在压力下崩溃的点美国传统〔calm〕We admired his calmness under pressure.我们佩服他在压力下的镇静。牛津高阶〔coolness〕I admire her coolness under pressure.我佩服她在压力下能保持冷静。牛津高阶〔cool〕She stays cool under pressure.她在压力下也保持冷静。外研社新世纪〔decision〕We need someone who will act with decision even under pressure.我们需要一个即使在压力下也能果断行动的人。韦氏高阶〔dilatancy〕The phenomenon whereby a viscous substance solidifies under pressure.膨胀凝固性:一种粘性物质在压力下变成凝固的现象美国传统〔force pump〕A pump with a solid piston and valves used to raise a liquid or expel it under pressure.压水泵:有硬活塞和阀门的泵,用来提取液体或在压力下排出液体美国传统〔give〕Capacity or inclination to yield under pressure.支持不住:在压力下屈服的能力或倾向美国传统〔grace〕He showed tremendous grace under pressure.他在压力下表现得非常有风度。外研社新世纪〔hold up〕The sales team was holding up well under the stress.销售团队在压力下依然保持了良好的业绩。韦氏高阶〔impeller〕One that impels, as a rotating device used to force a fluid in a desired direction under pressure.推动器:用来使液体在压力下按需要的方向流动的旋转装置,可以起推动作用的东西美国传统〔mark〕Such coolness under pressure is the mark of a champion.在压力下仍能这样保持冷静,这就是冠军相。牛津高阶〔operate〕Some people can only operate well under pressure.有些人只有在压力下工作才会有好表现。牛津高阶〔perspective〕It's easy to lose perspective on things when you are under stress.在压力下容易对事物作出错误判断。牛津搭配〔pressure〕Can you work under pressure?你能在压力下工作吗?外研社新世纪〔pressure〕Can you work well under pressure? 你在压力下工作能做得好吗?剑桥高阶〔pressure〕The team performs well under pressure.这个队在压力下表现良好。牛津高阶〔quicksand〕A bed of loose sand mixed with water forming a soft, shifting mass that yields easily to pressure and tends to engulf any object resting on its surface.流沙:一种由松散的沙子和水混合成的沙层,形成一堆松软、移动的物质,在压力下很容易塌陷,并可吞没置留在沙面上的任何物质美国传统〔regelation〕Successive melting under pressure and freezing when pressure is relaxed at the interface of two blocks of ice.重凝:两块冰重合面之间在压力下不断融解,当压力解除后又开始冻结美国传统〔regelation〕The fusion of two blocks of ice by pressure.复冰:两块冰在压力下合二为一美国传统〔stay〕My number one rule is to stay calm under pressure.我的第一原则是在压力下保持平静。麦克米伦高阶〔steam boiler〕A closed tank in which water is converted into steam under pressure.蒸汽锅炉:封闭的缸罐,在其中水在压力下被转化为蒸汽美国传统〔strain〕I could see that she was beginning to crack under the strain.我能看出在压力下她开始受不住了。朗文当代〔stress〕As it is stressed, the metal becomes harder and more brittle.这种金属在压力下会变得更硬、更易碎。外研社新世纪〔thrive〕She seems to thrive on stress.她似乎很擅长在压力下工作。剑桥高阶〔trial〕A test of one's abilities, especially the ability to perform well under pressure.考验:测试某人的能力,尤指在压力下正常行动的能力美国传统〔unstressed〕Not exposed or subjected to stress.不受力的:未暴露在压力下或受到压力的美国传统People often behave irrationally when they are under stress.在压力下人们的行为常常失去理性。剑桥国际Some young people are pressured into staying on at school. 有些年轻人是在压力下才继续留在学校里上学的。译典通The chairperson acceded under pressure. 主席在压力下同意了。译典通The government has responded to pressure and dropped the proposal. 政府已在压力下放弃了这一建议。译典通




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