

单词 圣劳伦斯
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Chaleur Bay〕An inlet of the Gulf of St. Lawrence between eastern Quebec and northern New Brunswick, Canada. It is an important fishing ground.沙勒尔湾:加拿大魁北克东部和新不伦瑞克北部之间的一个小海湾,位于圣劳伦斯湾。是一个重要的渔场美国传统〔DIE〕The plane managed to crash-land on St. Lawrence Island with no loss of life. 这架飞机设法在圣劳伦斯岛上强行着陆,无人丧生。朗文写作活用〔Laurentian〕Of, relating to, or being in the vicinity of the St. Lawrence River.圣劳伦斯河的:(在)圣劳伦斯河附近的、或与之有关的美国传统〔Northumberland Strait〕An arm of the Gulf of St. Lawrence separating Prince Edward Island from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in southeastern Canada.诺森伯兰海峡:圣劳伦斯海峡的海湾,将爱德华王子岛与东南加拿大的新斯科舍和新布朗斯威克分开美国传统〔Saint John〕A lake of south-central Quebec, Canada, connected by the Saguenay River with the St. Lawrence River. The lake is a popular resort area.圣约翰湖:加拿大魁北克省中南部湖泊,由萨格奈河将其于圣劳伦斯河相连,该湖是著名的旅游胜地美国传统〔drain〕The St. Lawrence drains the Great Lakes.圣劳伦斯河容纳五大湖的水。(或:五大湖的水流入圣劳伦斯河。)21世纪英汉〔drain〕The St. Lawrence drains the Great Lakes.五大湖的水流入圣劳伦斯河。英汉大词典〔easy〕The St. Lawrence route is easy of navigation.圣劳伦斯这条水道容易航行。英汉大词典〔mouth〕Quebec is at the mouth of the St Lawrence River.魁北克位于圣劳伦斯河口。剑桥高阶〔sweep〕The house overlooks the great sweep of the St Lawrence River.这所房子俯瞰着圣劳伦斯河的辽阔水面。牛津搭配Quebec is at the mouth of the St Lawrence River.魁北克在圣劳伦斯河口。剑桥国际




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