

单词 名称
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Autoharp〕A trademark used for a musical instrument similar to a zither.自动竖琴:商标名称,用于与齐特琴相类似的乐器美国传统〔DETAIL〕I gave him all the particulars he needed: my name, address, and the name of the hospital where I work. 我给了他所需的一切详细资料:我的姓名、地址以及我工作的医院名称。朗文写作活用〔GET〕If you want to retrieve a file from the computer, press FIND and then enter the name of the file you want. 如果你要在电脑里检索文件,按“查找”,然后输入要找的文件名称。朗文写作活用〔Hacky Sack〕A trademark used for a footbag. This trademark often occurs in print hyphenated or in uppercase or lowercase as a name for the game of footbag.哈奇鞋袋:用在鞋袋的一种商标,此类商标通常出现在印制好的连字符号或是在大写或小写字母以作为鞋袋比赛的名称美国传统〔INVENT〕See if you can come up with a better name for it. 你看能不能给它想一个更好的名称。朗文写作活用〔John Barleycorn〕A personification of alcoholic liquor.大麦约翰:酒精饮料的拟人化名称美国传统〔Loop〕The central business district of Chicago, Illinois. The Loop was originally named for a loop in the elevated railroad tracks.卢普:美国伊利诺斯州芝加哥市的商业中心。其名称源于高架铁轨的一个环美国传统〔Orlon〕A trademark used for an acrylic fiber or yarns made from this fiber.奥纶:一种聚丙烯酸纤维或该种纤维制成的纱线的商标名称美国传统〔REMEMBER〕They sat in silence, racking their brains for the name of the road. 他们无声地坐着,搜肠刮肚地在想那条路的名称。朗文写作活用〔SURE/NOT SURE〕Use the ‘Filesearch’ function if you are not sure of the name of a file. 如果你不能确定文件名称,就使用“文件搜索”功能。朗文写作活用〔Tetragrammaton〕The four Hebrew letters usually transliterated as YHWH or JHVH (Yahweh or Jehovah), used as a biblical proper name for God.表示上帝的四字母词:用于圣经中由四个字母组成的表示神的正式名称的希伯来词,通常为YHWH或JHVH(Yahweh或Jehaah)美国传统〔aftermath〕During the Soviet era and its immediate aftermath, the region was officially known as 'Middle Asia and Kazakhstan'.在苏联时代和紧随其后的一段时期,该地区的官方名称为“中亚和哈萨克斯坦”。柯林斯高阶〔appellative〕A name or descriptive epithet.名称,称号美国传统〔azote〕Used formerly as a name for nitrogen.氨:氮这个名称的以前的用法美国传统〔background〕The name of the company is written in red on a white background.公司的名称是用白底红字写的。牛津高阶〔bar〕A federal court has barred the group from using the name.联邦法院已禁止该集团使用此名称。韦氏高阶〔caconym〕An erroneous name, especially in taxonomic classification; a misnomer.误命名,不当名称:错误的名字,尤指动植物分类中;命名不当美国传统〔called〕I've forgotten what the firm he works for is called.我已经忘记他工作的公司名称。牛津高阶〔call〕The system is officially called the NPV System.该系统的正式名称为 NPV 系统。牛津搭配〔caption〕Law The heading of a pleading or other document that identifies the parties, court, term, and number of the action.【法律】 法律文件开端部分:诉状(或答辩状)或其它文件的开端部分,标明当事人姓名、法院名称、法庭的开庭期以及案号美国传统〔cheap〕Always ask for our products by name – beware of cheap imitations! 请认准我们的产品名称,谨防假冒!麦克米伦高阶〔code〕They used elaborate secret codes, as when the names of trees stood for letters.他们使用了复杂的密码, 比如用树的名称代表字母。外研社新世纪〔come〕The name has come down from the last century.这名称是从上个世纪流传下来的。牛津高阶〔compellation〕A name; an appellation.名字;名称美国传统〔compellation〕The act of addressing or designating someone by name.称呼:以姓名称呼或指明某人的行为美国传统〔complete〕For the sake of completeness, all names are given in full.为完整起见,所有名称均用全名。牛津高阶〔conclude〕The article concludes with the names and addresses of organizations that can help.文章最后是能够提供帮助的机构名称和地址。麦克米伦高阶〔connect〕Although our businesses have the same names, we are not connected in anyway.尽管我们的公司名称相同,但我们没有任何关系。英汉大词典〔cumbersome〕The organization changed its cumbersome title to something easier to remember.这家机构把它那复杂累赘的名称改得简单好记了。牛津高阶〔denominative〕Giving or constituting a name; naming.命名的;有名称的美国传统〔denominator〕Mathematics The expression written below the line in a common fraction that indicates the number of parts into which one whole is divided.【数学】 名称:在公分式的分数线下的表达式,它指明了一个整个被划分的部分的数目美国传统〔denotable〕The word “lion”denotes a certian kind of animal.“狮子”一词为一种动物名称。21世纪英汉〔derive〕The river derives its name from a Native American tribe.那条河的名称源自一个美洲土著部落。韦氏高阶〔directory〕Names are listed alphabetically in the directory.名录中的名称按字母顺序排列。牛津搭配〔drop〕The name, “supertanker”, has been dropped by tankermen.“超级油轮”这个名称是油轮船员们随口叫出来的。英汉大词典〔eponym〕Medicine A name of a drug, structure, or disease based on or derived from the name of a person.【医学】 人名名称:某药品,结构或疾病因其发明或发现者而命名美国传统〔exhibit〕Each exhibit was clearly labelled with a name and number.每一件展品都标明了名称和号码。麦克米伦高阶〔filename〕A name given to a computer file to distinguish it from other files, often containing an extension that classifies it by type.文件名:为区别计算机文件所给的名称,通常包括可以区分其类型的副档名美国传统〔firm〕The name or designation under which a company transacts business.商号,商行:在某名称或名义下公司办理事务美国传统〔following〕Write down the following information: name of product, type, date purchased and price.请写明如下信息:产品名称、类型、购买日期和价格。柯林斯高阶〔form〕All the buildings have names and form a half circle.所有的建筑都有名称,连在一起构成了一个半圆。柯林斯高阶〔generic name〕The official nonproprietary name of a drug, under which it is licensed and identified by the manufacturer.通用药品名称:药品的正式非专利名称,制造商许可并认同此名称美国传统〔gizmo〕A mechanical device or part whose name is forgotten or unknown; a gadget.机械装置,小物件:忘记了名字或不知道名称的机械装置或零件;新玩意儿美国传统〔handle〕Slang A person's name.【俚语】 名称,头衔:一个人的名字美国传统〔have〕We've got a few ideas for the title.关于名称,我们有几种想法。牛津高阶〔index〕An alphabetized list of names, places, and subjects treated in a printed work, giving the page or pages on which each item is mentioned.索引:按字母顺序排列的人名、地名和印刷品内容名称,并在每个后面注上页码美国传统〔index〕The index only gives the main towns.索引中只有主要城镇的名称。牛津搭配〔indicate〕Kingston-upon-Thames, as the name indicates, is situated on the banks of the Thames.泰晤士河畔金斯顿区,正如其名称所示,位于泰晤士河畔。牛津高阶〔jigger〕Informal An article or a device, the name of which eludes one.【非正式用语】 小玩意儿:一种名称不为人所知的物品或设备美国传统〔job〕His job title is Chief Hygiene Operative.他的职位名称是卫生工作主任。牛津搭配〔label〕She labels all her video cassettes with the name and date.她把她所有的录影带都标注上名称和日期。麦克米伦高阶〔lapse〕Ford allowed the name and trademark to lapse during the Eighties.福特在20世纪80年代废止了该名称和商标。外研社新世纪〔last〕What was his last record called?他最近的唱片叫什么名称?牛津同义词〔learn〕We had to learn the names of the state capitals.我们得记住这些州的首府名称。韦氏高阶〔letterhead〕The heading at the top of a sheet of letter paper, usually consisting of a name and an address.信笺抬头:一张信纸顶端的标题,通常由名称和地址组成美国传统〔letterman〕A secondary or college student who has earned a letter in a particular activity, especially a varsity sport.优秀运动员:在某种特殊活动中,尤指大学生体育竞赛中,荣获学校名称缩写标志的中学生或大学生美国传统〔match〕The sale would only go ahead if the name and number matched.只有名称与数字吻合, 才能进行销售。外研社新世纪〔match〕The sale would only go ahead if the name and number matched.只有名称与数目吻合,才能进行销售。柯林斯高阶〔misnomer〕Herbal 'tea' is something of a misnomer because these drinks contain no tea at all.花草“茶”这个名称有点用词不当, 因为这些饮品中根本不含茶。外研社新世纪〔mouthful〕It's called the Pan-Caribbean Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Project, which is quite a mouthful.它被称为 the Pan-Caribbean Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Project(泛加勒比备灾防灾项目), 名称相当冗长拗口。外研社新世纪〔name〕Can you name these flowers? 你说得出这些花的名称吗? 英汉大词典〔name〕How many world capitals can you name? 你能说出多少个国家首都的名称?麦克米伦高阶〔name〕In the first question you had to name three types of monkey.在第一题中,你必须说出3种猴子的名称。剑桥高阶〔name〕Psychologists have a name for this kind of behavior.心理学家对这种行为有专门的名称。韦氏高阶〔name〕They changed the name of the street.他们把街道名称改了。柯林斯高阶〔name〕Where does the band name come from? 这个乐队的名称缘何而来?牛津搭配〔nomenclatorial〕Of or relating to nomenclature.名称的:名称的或与名称有关的美国传统〔placeholder〕In a mathematical or logical expression, a symbol that may be replaced by the name of any element of a set.占位符号:数学或逻辑用语,可以用其它元素的名称代替的符号美国传统〔pointer〕Most little children are great pointers until they learn the names of things.大多数幼儿在知道事物名称前多用手来指这指那。英汉大词典〔polynomial〕Of, relating to, or consisting of more than two names or terms.多词学名的:属于、关于或包含两个以上名称或术语的美国传统〔preoccupied〕Already used and therefore unavailable for further use. Used of taxonomic names.已占用的:已经使用因而不能再作他用的。用于分类学名称美国传统〔proper〕The proper name for Matthew's condition is hyperkinetic syndrome.马修的病的正确名称是多动症。朗文当代〔propose〕He proposed changing the name of the company.他建议更改公司的名称。牛津高阶〔reason〕For obvious reasons , we've changed the names.由于显而易见的原因,我们把名称改了。朗文当代〔revolve〕The discussion revolved around the question of changing the club's name.讨论的中心问题是改变俱乐部的名称。牛津高阶〔run up against〕If you try to change the name of the school you will run up against a lot of opposition.倘若你要更换学校的名称,你会遭到多人的反对。21世纪英汉〔settle〕The band has yet to settle on a name.该乐队还没有确定乐队名称。麦克米伦高阶〔shorthand〕The term 'machine' is used as convenient shorthand for the total hardware and software system.“机器”这个词被用作整个软硬件系统的简便名称。牛津搭配〔show your hand〕Keep the names of the team secret - don't show your hand until the day of the game.球队的名称要保密——比赛那天再宣布。剑桥高阶〔snooper〕St Barth's strange lack of street names is meant to dissuade journalistic snoopers.圣巴思这个地方非常奇怪,街道居然没有名称,其实这样做就是为了打消记者刺探新闻的念头。柯林斯高阶〔syntype〕One of two or more specimens simultaneously selected as types by the original author of a name of a species or subspecies.共模式标本:物种或亚种名称的最初命名者同时选定作为模式的两个或多个标本之一美国传统〔tally〕A label, ticket, or piece of metal or wood used for identification or classification, especially in gardens and greenhouses.标志牌:用来识别名称或分类的金属或木制的标签、小条或小块,尤指在花园和暖房里美国传统〔technicality〕Their instructions were full of technicalities.他们的用法说明充斥着专门名称。英汉大词典〔term〕Writer is hardly the term to apply to him.“作家”这一名称很难用在他身上。英汉大词典〔title〕His job title is Special Projects Officer.他的职位名称是“特别项目主管”。牛津搭配〔trade name〕The name by which a commodity, service, or process is known to the trade.使商品、服务或加工为行业所知晓的名称美国传统〔trademarked〕That name is trademarked. = That is a trademarked name.那是个注册商标的名称。韦氏高阶〔type〕Type (in) the filename, then press ‘Return’.键入文件名称,再按“返回”键。牛津高阶〔type〕Type in the name of the program, then press ‘Return'.输入程序名称,然后按“返回”键。麦克米伦高阶〔unscramble〕All you have to do to win is unscramble the words here to find four names of birds.只要你能从这些单词中找到四种鸟的名称你就赢了。柯林斯高阶Called variously Empire, classical or neoclassical, the architectural style at its best is exquisite, at its worst exceptionally unattractive.建筑风格名称繁多,或称帝国式、或称古典式、或称新古典式,最好的建筑风格精美绝伦,最差的令人作呕。剑桥国际Designations such as ‘Champagne’ and ‘Parma ham’ are protected by law.Champagne 和 Parma ham 之类的名称受法律保护。牛津商务She's a qualified accountant.她是一名称职的会计。牛津商务The box was stamped with the maker's name.这个盒子上印有制造商的名称。牛津商务The name and address of the firm are embossed on its paper. 公司的文件上印有凸起的该公司的名称和地址。译典通The names of political parties are always capitalized, e.g. the Green Party.政党的名称通常都大写剑桥国际The package must be marked with the consignor's name and address.包装上必须标明发货人的名称和地址。牛津商务There is a sign displaying the name of the company on the roof of the building.大厦顶部有一块标示公司名称的牌子。牛津商务What is the origin of the name ‘Coca-Cola’? “可口可乐”这一名称缘何而来?牛津商务Your login name must be a four-character alphanumeric code.你的登陆名称必须包含四个字符的字母数字组合编码。牛津商务




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