

单词 国外
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abroad〕at home and abroad 在国内和国外文馨英汉〔abroad〕special arrangements for voters living abroad 为旅居国外的选民所作的特殊安排麦克米伦高阶〔abroad〕to be/go/travel/live abroad 在外国;出国;到国外旅行;在外国居住牛津高阶〔abroad〕travel abroad 到国外旅行文馨英汉〔amnesty〕a tax amnesty for illegal savings held abroad对国外非法存款的税收豁免期外研社新世纪〔assisted〕an assisted passage 补助旅费的航海旅行(英国为鼓励本国人民移居国外所采取的一种办法)英汉大词典〔await〕a long-awaited visit from the daughter who lived abroad期盼已久的住在国外的女儿的到来外研社新世纪〔brief〕customs officials with a brief to stop foreign porn coming into Britain. 受命阻止国外淫秽出版物流入英国的海关官员柯林斯高阶〔connection〕a firm's foreign connections 一家公司的国外业务往来英汉大词典〔consultancy〕accepted a three-year consultancy abroad. 接受了一份为期三年的在国外当顾问的工作美国传统〔dependency〕the country's dependency on foreign oil 国家对国外石油的依赖韦氏高阶〔diplomat〕a Spanish/British diplomat 西班牙/英国外交官剑桥高阶〔display〕stage a display of sports equipment for sale abroad 举行旨在向国外销售的运动器械展览英汉大词典〔exile〕go into political exile abroad 去国外过政治流亡生活英汉大词典〔foreign〕the German foreign minister. 德国外交部长柯林斯高阶〔galaxy〕a galaxy of foreign diplomats 一群外国外交官英汉大词典〔holiday〕a foreign holiday 国外度假牛津高阶〔ill〕if you get ill or have an accident while abroad如果你在国外时病倒或出事故外研社新世纪〔investment〕outward (inward) investments 国外(国内)投资英汉大词典〔issue〕the issue of a joint statement by the French and German foreign ministers 法德两国外交部长联合声明的发布牛津高阶〔leitmotif〕the leitmotif of Nazi German foreign policy 纳粹德国外交政策的主旨英汉大词典〔market〕grain for the foreign market; the West Coast market. 销往国外市场的粮食;西海岸市场美国传统〔misjudgment〕a misjudgment in British foreign policy which had far-reaching consequences. 英国外交政策影响深远的错误判断柯林斯高阶〔news〕foreign [home, domestic, national] news 国外[国内]新闻文馨英汉〔organize〕helping to organize women working abroad. 帮助组织在国外工作的妇女柯林斯高阶〔organize〕helping to organize women working abroad把在国外工作的妇女组织起来外研社新世纪〔outbound〕an outbound trip to Norway 去挪威的国外旅行英汉大词典〔overseas〕got overseas 到海外,到国外文馨英汉〔overseas〕to live/work/go overseas 在国外生活╱工作;出国牛津高阶〔pressure〕pressure on foreign diplomats 对外国外交官的压力牛津搭配〔research〕research abroad for years with no result 在国外研究多年毫无成果 英汉大词典〔romance〕travel abroad in search of romance 旅行国外寻求奇遇 英汉大词典〔run〕run the [one's] country 亡命国外文馨英汉〔sea〕live beyond the sea(s) 住在国外英汉大词典〔single〕a divorced Englishman working abroad on single status 以单身身份在国外工作的离异英国男子英汉大词典〔source〕source abroad for raw material 向国外寻求原料来源英汉大词典〔stricture〕relax strictures on emigration 放宽对移居国外的限制英汉大词典〔trip〕go on a business trip abroad 出差去国外英汉大词典〔wardrobe〕a wardrobe for a trip abroad 国外旅行用装英汉大词典to live/work/go overseas 在国外生活/工作;出国牛津商务




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