

单词 失地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔barge into〕He barged into our conversation.他冒冒失失地打断了我们的谈话。外研社新世纪〔exhort〕He exhorted his people to take back their land.他敦促他的国民收复失地。韦氏高阶〔go〕Don't go saying that! 别冒失地说那话!英汉大词典〔go〕She's only gone and told him what the surprise was! 她竟冒冒失失地去告诉他会有什么惊喜!麦克米伦高阶〔lip〕None of your lip! 不许你冒失地说话。英汉大词典〔lose〕Is there a doctor anywhere that doesn't lose a patient once in a while? 世上有什么医生能万无一失地把病人个个都治愈吗?英汉大词典〔offensive〕The armed forces have launched offensives to recapture lost ground.武装部队已发动攻势, 准备收复失地。外研社新世纪〔recklessly〕He was leaning recklessly out of the unshuttered window.他冒冒失失地从没有遮拦的窗户探出身去。柯林斯高阶〔resolve〕The conference resolved to resort to force to recover the lost territory.会议决定以武力恢复失地。21世纪英汉〔resume〕They have resumed their territory.他们收复了失地。21世纪英汉〔sorry〕Sorry for barging in like this.这么冒失地闯了进来,真是抱歉。柯林斯高阶〔temerity〕He had the temerity to ask for higher wages after only three days'work.只工作了3天,他竟冒失地要求增加工资。英汉大词典〔temerity〕She had the temerity to call me a liar.她竟冒失地说我是骗子。剑桥高阶〔temerity〕She wondered how she'd had the temerity to stand up to him that morning.她不知道那天早上自己怎么竟会冒冒失失地顶撞他。麦克米伦高阶〔wistful〕He gave Brian a wistful smile.他向布赖恩怅然若失地笑了下。外研社新世纪He had the impertinence to demand a raise. 他竟冒失地要求增加薪资。译典通I don't want you going and telling Dad what I've bought for him.我不要你冒失地去告诉爸爸我买了什么给他。剑桥国际She marched into the shop, (as) bold as brass (= without showing any respect) , and demanded her money back.她冒冒失失地闯进商店要求取回她的钱。剑桥国际The dollar recouped early losses to edge higher against the euro.美元收复了早盘失地,兑欧元有所攀升。牛津商务There are 15 000 kilometres of railway track, and it is impossible to guard it securely against terrorist attacks.对于15 000公里的铁路线,要万无一失地保护它不受到恐怖分子的袭击是不可能的。剑桥国际They recaptured the lost territory. 他们收复了失地。译典通They won the battle and resumed lost territory. 他们打胜了这一仗并收复了失地。译典通We shouldn't rush to blame them.我们不应该冒失地责怪他们。剑桥国际




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