

单词 吸引
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Generation Xer〕a TV show that appeals to Generation Xers 对X一代人有吸引力的电视节目韦氏高阶〔acrobatics〕an audience spellbound by a contralto's vocal acrobatics 被女低音歌手的美妙唱技吸引而出了神的听众英汉大词典〔affinity〕feel a strong affinity to (或 for) sb. 深受某人吸引英汉大词典〔allure〕the allure of working in television 电视行业工作所具有的吸引力剑桥高阶〔appealing〕a book with an appealing title 书名很吸引人的图书韦氏高阶〔attraction〕the attraction of bees to flowers 花对蜜蜂的吸引英汉大词典〔attractive〕an attractive person.有吸引力的人。牛津同义词〔blaxploitation〕a blaxploitation film 吸引黑人观众的电影英汉大词典〔broad〕appeal to a broader audience 吸引更广泛的观众(或听众) 英汉大词典〔capture〕the capture of sb.'s fancy by a piece of music 一段乐曲对某人的吸引英汉大词典〔charming〕a charming little Italian restaurant 一家有吸引力的意大利小餐厅朗文当代〔charm〕the charm of this small Southern city 这座南方小城的吸引力朗文当代〔chemistry〕the extraordinary chemistry between Ingrid and Bogart英格丽与鲍嘉之间强烈的相互吸引力外研社新世纪〔desirable〕one of the most desirable residences in London伦敦最吸引人的住宅之一外研社新世纪〔enthralling〕an enthralling story 极吸引人的故事文馨英汉〔enthral〕an enthralling race. 吸引人的比赛柯林斯高阶〔exciting〕a book that is attractive and visually exciting 一本吸引人且有视觉冲击力的书牛津搭配〔folk〕places that appeal to city folk 吸引城里人的地方牛津搭配〔investment〕new tax incentives that will attract foreign investment 能吸引外资的新税收激励政策麦克米伦高阶〔inviting〕an inviting outdoor pool 吸引人的室外游泳池麦克米伦高阶〔melodramatic〕her melodramatic outbursts and attention-seeking behaviour她夸张的感情爆发和吸引眼球的行为外研社新世纪〔money-spinning〕a money-spinning exhibition that attracted over 1.5 million visitors 吸引了150多万参观者,赚了大钱的展览麦克米伦高阶〔oomph〕have very little political oomph 没什么政治上的吸引力英汉大词典〔pull〕a publicity stunt to pull in the crowds 一个吸引人群的宣传噱头朗文当代〔push〕a push to attract new members 吸引新会员的努力朗文当代〔scrappy〕a scrappy programme which didn’t hold my attention.节目零乱,不能吸引我注意。牛津同义词〔sex ... up〕to sex up audience with some battle scenes以打斗场面吸引观众21世纪英汉〔sex up〕aims to sex up architecture and design使建筑风格和设计更有吸引力的目标外研社新世纪〔sexy〕one of the sexiest companies in Seattle 西雅图最吸引人的公司之一朗文当代〔stopper〕a crowd-stopper 吸引大家驻足观看的事剑桥高阶〔striking〕a striking hair-do.吸引人的发式。牛津同义词〔tasty〕a tasty contract 有吸引力的合同英汉大词典〔uninviting〕the dullest, dreariest, most uninviting region imaginable可想象的最单调乏味、毫无吸引力的地区外研社新世纪〔voting〕the president's voting appeal with blacks 总统对黑人选民的吸引力英汉大词典〔weight〕the weight of a planet 行星受太阳吸引的引力英汉大词典〔young〕music that appeals to the young 吸引年轻人的音乐韦氏高阶advertising techniques that are designed to enhance (= improve) a product's appeal 旨在提升产品吸引力的广告技巧牛津商务an attractive display of merchandise 有吸引力的商品陈列牛津商务attempts to attract graduate recruits to the oil industry 吸引毕业生到石油行业应聘的举措牛津商务increasing a website's stickiness 提高网站的吸引力牛津商务




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