

单词 吱嘎作响
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔complain〕The overloaded wagon complained at each turn.超载的货车在每次拐弯时都吱嘎作响。英汉大词典〔grate〕The stones beneath her shoes grated harshly.石子在她鞋底下吱嘎作响,声音很刺耳。朗文当代〔groan〕The chair groaned under his weight.他压得椅子吱嘎作响。韦氏高阶〔groan〕The floorboards groaned under the weight of the dancers.地板在舞蹈演员们的重压下吱嘎作响。麦克米伦高阶〔groan〕The roof creaked and groaned under the weight of the snow.屋顶被积雪压得吱嘎作响。英汉大词典〔groan〕The steps of the old house groaned under my weight.我的体重使老房子的楼梯吱嘎作响。21世纪英汉〔jar against〕The boat,coming in too close,jarred against the protective edging of the harbour wall.小船靠得太近,吱嘎作响地撞击着港口护堤上的护边。21世纪英汉〔rustily〕The key turned rustily in the lock.钥匙在锁里转动时吱嘎作响。外研社新世纪〔screech〕The air-conditioning screeched all the time.空调器一直在吱嘎作响。外研社新世纪〔when〕When the wind blows, all the doors rattle.只要风一吹,这门就吱嘎作响美国传统I wish someone would oil that squeaky door.我希望有人给那吱嘎作响的门加点油。剑桥国际The door should stop squeaking once I've given it a few squirts of oil.我一给这门加了几滴油,它便不再吱嘎作响了。剑桥国际The door squeaked as it swung back and forth on its rusty hinges.门因生锈的铰链而在来回转动时吱嘎作响。剑桥国际The floorboards groaned as I tiptoed across them.当我踮着脚走过地板时,地板吱嘎作响。剑桥国际The pebbles/gravel/snow scrunched beneath our feet.鹅卵石/砾石/雪在我们脚下吱嘎作响。剑桥国际The top stair creaked as she went upstairs and the noise woke up her mother.她上楼时,最上面的一级梯级吱嘎作响,这声音把她母亲给吵醒了。剑桥国际There's something squeaking in the engine.引擎中有什么东西在吱嘎作响。剑桥国际




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