

单词 名利
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔avidity〕an avidity for fame/wealth 贪求名利韦氏高阶〔careerism〕a pure passion for learning uncontaminated by careerism 不搀杂个人名利追求的纯粹的学习热情英汉大词典〔careerist〕a single-minded careerist with few friends一个没什么朋友、一心追求名利的人外研社新世纪〔court〕courting wealth and fame. 追求名利美国传统〔desire〕craving fame and fortune; 追求名利;美国传统〔earth〕was brought back to earth from his daydreams of wealth and fame. 把他从名利梦中拉回到现实美国传统〔fame〕her rise to fame and fortune as a dramatist. 她成为名利双收的剧作家柯林斯高阶〔fame〕her rise to fame and fortune as a dramatist她作为剧作家而名利双收外研社新世纪〔fortune〕the first step towards fame and fortune 通往名利的第一步麦克米伦高阶〔for〕had a nose for news; eager for fame and fortune. 消息灵通;渴求名利美国传统〔hunt〕hunt after fame and wealth 追求名利英汉大词典〔pollute〕an artist spiritually polluted by money and fame 被名利腐蚀了灵魂的艺术家朗文当代〔rat race〕the story of a couple who quit the rat race 一对夫妻放弃名利追逐的故事朗文当代〔renunciation〕the renunciation of human vanity 对人间名利的屏弃 英汉大词典〔riches〕a career that brought him fame and riches 使他名利双收的事业牛津高阶〔seduction〕the seductions of fame and fortune 名利的诱惑韦氏高阶〔seek〕to seek fame and gain追求名利21世纪英汉〔terrestrial〕terrestrial interests 名利心英汉大词典〔woo〕woo fame and fortune 追逐名利 英汉大词典〔yellow brick road〕the first step on the yellow brick road to fame and riches名利和财富之路的第一步外研社新世纪




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