

单词 名作
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔LOVE〕a well-known writer of popular romances 写通俗言情小说的一位著名作家朗文写作活用〔anonymous〕an anonymous author. 无名作者美国传统〔anonymous〕the anonymous author of a collection of poems 一本诗集的佚名作者朗文当代〔author〕the anonymous author of this pamphlet 这本小册子的匿名作者牛津搭配〔cinematic〕a cinematic masterpiece 电影经典名作朗文当代〔commissioned〕a specially commissioned work by a famous composer 特约一位名作曲家创作的作品英汉大词典〔composer〕a student of a trio of noted French composers师从三位法国著名作曲家的学生外研社新世纪〔contribute〕one of several authors contributing to the book 为本书撰稿的几名作者之一朗文当代〔demote〕a popular author downgraded by critical opinion to a genre writer; 因批评性言论被降为专题作者的知名作家;美国传统〔encounter〕a chance encounter with a famous writer 与一位著名作家的不期而遇韦氏高阶〔famous〕a famous author 名作家英汉大词典〔floral tributes〕an event at which artists and musicians paid tribute to the famous composer 艺术家和音乐家们为纪念这位著名作曲家而举办的活动韦氏高阶〔nameless〕the nameless author of a medieval text 中世纪文本的佚名作者剑桥高阶〔nameless〕the work of some nameless 13th century writer 某位 13 世纪无名作家的作品朗文当代〔name〕books by name authors 著名作家的书韦氏高阶〔noted〕a noted author 著名作家朗文当代〔reproduction〕reproductions of well-known old-master paintings 早期欧洲绘画大师名作的复制品牛津搭配〔romantic〕have romantic ideas about becoming a famous writer 幻想成为名作家 英汉大词典〔sampler〕a fiction sampler from the work of a notable writer 选自一位知名作家作品的小说集锦英汉大词典〔sol-fa〕sing sol-fa 以全音阶唱名作发音练习文馨英汉〔star turn〕do a star turn 演出成名作韦氏高阶〔unestablished〕a short story by an unestablished writer 尚未成名作家写的短篇小说英汉大词典〔work〕a work by an unknown 18th-century writer 18 世纪一个不知名作者的作品牛津搭配




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