

单词 名义上
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NAME〕He will be my husband in name only - he knows I'm really in love with you. 他将只是我名义上的丈夫—他知道我很爱你。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕It's a revolutionary party in name only -- in fact it's quite conservative. 这只是个名义上的革命党一—实际上它很保守。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕It's fairly clear that he is only the nominal head of the local party -- in fact he's got no authority at all. 很明显他只是这个地方政党名义上的领袖—实际上他一点权力也没有。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕The daughter had all the brains and did all the accounts -- the son was just the nominal boss of the business. 女儿非常聪明,所有账务都由她来处理—儿子只是公司名义上的老板。朗文写作活用〔appearance〕Their marriage was over, but they wanted to keep up appearances for the children.他们的婚姻已经完了,但他们想为了孩子而继续维持名义上的婚姻。麦克米伦高阶〔bar〕It was supposed to be a restaurant but seemed more like a dive bar.名义上这是家餐馆,不过看起来更像个廉价酒吧。牛津搭配〔chapter〕The dean and chapter are the nominal electors of a bishop.教长和全体教士是名义上的主教选举人。英汉大词典〔effective〕Although she's not officially our boss, she's in effective control of the office.她虽然名义上不是我们的老板,但实际上掌管着该办事处。剑桥高阶〔figurehead〕A person given a position of nominal leadership but having no actual authority.傀儡:名义上为正式领袖但无实权的人美国传统〔figurehead〕The king is merely a figurehead; the government is really run by elected officials.国王只是一个名义上的首脑,政府实际由当选的官员管理。韦氏高阶〔formal〕I am the formal leader of the project but the everyday management is in the hands of my assistant.我是这个项目名义上的领导,但日常管理都由我的助理负责。剑桥高阶〔front man〕A man who serves as a nominal leader but who lacks real authority.(团体的)名誉负责人:一个名义上是领导却没有实权的人美国传统〔front〕A nominal leader lacking in real authority; a figurehead.挂名首脑,傀儡:没有实权的名义上的领导;傀儡美国传统〔head〕The Queen is titular head of the Church of England.英国女王是英国国教名义上的领袖。牛津搭配〔in all/everything but name〕Military governors ruled the country in all but name for many years.军方统治者实际上统治这个国家许多年了,只是法定名义上不是统治者。韦氏高阶〔in name only〕For many years, the Emperor was the ruler in name only. = The Emperor ruled in name but not in fact.许多年来,皇帝只是这个国家名义上的统治者。韦氏高阶〔in name only〕She's my boss in name only. We're really more like partners.她只是我名义上的老板,实际上我们更像是合作伙伴。韦氏高阶〔name〕He is commander-in-chief in name only.他只是名义上的总司令。柯林斯高阶〔name〕He was king in all but name.除了在名义上,他在其他各方面都是一国之主。麦克米伦高阶〔name〕He was president in name only.他只是名义上的总统。朗文当代〔name〕He's party leader in name only.他只是名义上的政党领袖。牛津高阶〔name〕They were in name the king's subjects, but they were ruled by their own chieftains.他们名义上是国王的子民, 但实际由各自的酋长统治。外研社新世纪〔nominally〕As he was still not allowed to run a company, his wife became its nominal head.因为他仍未获准经营公司,他妻子成了名义上的老板。柯林斯高阶〔nominally〕Dad, nominally a Methodist, entered churches only for weddings and funerals.爸名义上是循道宗教徒,可只去教堂参加婚礼和葬礼。英汉大词典〔nominally〕He is nominally in charge.他名义上在负责。外研社新世纪〔nominally〕He was nominally in charge of his father's printing company.他名义上掌管着父亲的印刷公司。朗文当代〔nominally〕He was nominally in charge of the project.他名义上负责该工程韦氏高阶〔nominally〕In 1990 personal incomes grew a nominal 6.8 per cent.1990年个人收入名义上增长了6.8%。柯林斯高阶〔nominally〕John Robbins is nominally in charge of the investigation.约翰·罗宾斯名义上负责此次调查。麦克米伦高阶〔nominally〕Nominally she is the king's prisoner.名义上她是国王的囚犯。柯林斯高阶〔nominally〕The Sultan was still nominally the Chief of Staff.苏丹仍是名义上的参谋长。柯林斯高阶〔nominal〕As he was still not allowed to run a company, his wife became its nominal head.因为他仍未获准经营公司, 他妻子成了名义上的老板。外研社新世纪〔nominal〕But these are nominal differences, or differences in name.但这些区别都是名义上的不同, 有名无实而已。外研社新世纪〔nominal〕Existing in name only.名义上的:仅存在于名字的美国传统〔nominal〕He is still the nominal leader of the organization.他仍然是该组织名义上的领导人。麦克米伦高阶〔nominal〕He remained in nominal control of the business for another ten years.他名义上又掌管了这家公司十年。牛津高阶〔nominal〕He was nominally in charge of the company.他名义上管理着这家公司。牛津高阶〔nominal〕Her title of vice president had been nominal only.她只是名义上的副总裁。韦氏高阶〔nominal〕He’s the nominal head, but his deputy does the work.名义上他是首长,不过做事的是他的副手。牛津同义词〔nominal〕She's the nominal head of our college - the real work is done by her deputy.她名义上是我们学院的校长——实际工作都是由她的副手来完成的。剑桥高阶〔nominal〕Their conversion to Christianity was only nominal.他们只是名义上皈依了基督教。朗文当代〔officially〕Officially, the guards were there to protect us. In fact, they were there to report on our movements.名义上, 警卫在那儿是为了保护我们。实际上, 他们在那儿是为了报告我们的一举一动。外研社新世纪〔officially〕Well, officially I am on holiday this week, but I'm just catching up on some reports I have to finish.这周我名义上在休假,但事实上我还在赶写几份报告。剑桥高阶〔ostensible〕His ostensible function was as interpreter.他名义上的资格是译员。英汉大词典〔paper〕To downplay or gloss over (differences, for example), especially in order to maintain a nominal, apparent, or temporary unity.虚饰:掩饰或暂平息(如不同点),尤其为了维持名义上的、表面的或暂时的团结美国传统〔purpose〕Nominally she is the secretary, but for all practical purposes she runs the place.名义上她是秘书,实际上此处由她管理。牛津搭配〔reality〕He became that country's ruler both in name and reality.他成了该国名义上和事实上的统治者。英汉大词典〔slap〕A nominal or token punishment.名义上或象征性的惩罚美国传统〔tenancy〕Possession or occupancy of lands, buildings, or other property by title, under a lease, or on payment of rent.租赁:通过租或支付租金来在名义上对土地、建筑或其它财产实施占有美国传统〔title〕A Roman Catholic church in or near Rome having a cardinal for its nominal head.天主教教堂:罗马或罗马附近的罗马天主教堂,有一个红衣主教作它名义上的领导美国传统〔titular〕He is titular head of state, and merely signs laws occasionally.他是名义上的国家元首, 只是偶尔签署一下法律法规。外研社新世纪〔titular〕He is titular head, and merely signs laws occasionally.他是名义上的首脑,不过偶尔签字批准法律法规。柯林斯高阶〔wane〕He was nominally Deputy Prime Minister, certainly, but his influence was clearly on the wane.当然,他名义上是副首相,但是显然他的影响力正在下降。柯林斯高阶〔warlord〕A military commander exercising civil power in a region, whether in nominal allegiance to the national government or in defiance of it.军阀:在某一地区行使行政权力的军事首领,不管其名义上是效忠于国民政府还是反抗它美国传统Australia is a commonwealth of states with the Queen as its titular head of state.澳大利亚是联邦国家,女皇是其名义上的国家元首。剑桥国际Dad, nominally a Methodist, entered Churches only for weddings and funerals. 爸名义上是卫理教教徒,可只去教堂参加婚礼和葬礼。译典通He remained in nominal control of the business for another ten years.他名义上又掌管了这家公司十年。牛津商务He was nominally in charge of the company.名义上他管理着这家公司。牛津商务He would be a popular figurehead--a head of state who represented France ceremonially to the rest of the world.他会成为一个广受欢迎的名义上的领袖----一个在其他国家面前礼仪性地代表法国的国家首脑。剑桥国际I am the formal leader of the project but the everyday management is in the hands of my assistant.我是该项目名义上的领导,不过日常的管理工作都由我的助手做。剑桥国际My uncle is the nominal Chairman of the Board of our company. I am the one who is calling the shots. 我叔叔只是公司名义上的董事长,实际上是由我掌权。译典通The province is nominally independent.该省名义上是独立的。剑桥国际




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