

单词 名义
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abstract〕an abstract right 名义上的权利英汉大词典〔banner〕an agency operating under the banner of the Welsh Office 以威尔士事务部名义运作的一个机构麦克米伦高阶〔dignify〕dignify cowardice with the name of prudence 以谨慎的名义美化怯懦英汉大词典〔in name only〕a friend in name only 只是名义上的朋友韦氏高阶〔issue〕a statement issued on behalf of the UN Secretary-General 以联合国秘书长的名义发表的一份声明牛津搭配〔name〕crimes committed in the name of religion 以宗教名义进行的犯罪活动牛津高阶〔name〕cruel experiments on animals carried out in the name of science 以科学的名义进行的残酷的动物实验朗文当代〔name〕the things people do in the name of love 人们以爱的名义所做之事朗文当代〔name〕to take the Lord's name in vain 滥用主的名义牛津搭配〔nominally〕a nominally Christian country 名义上信奉基督教的国家朗文当代〔nominally〕nominally socialist/Christian名义上社会主义者的/基督徒的外研社新世纪〔nominal〕the nominal head of the rebellion 这次叛乱名义上的领导人朗文当代〔nominal〕the nominal leader of the party 这个政党的名义领袖牛津高阶〔nominal〕the nominal leader of the socialist party这个社会主义政党的名义领袖外研社新世纪〔notionally〕the notional value of state assets. 国有资产的名义价值柯林斯高阶〔ostensible〕ostensibly independent organisations. 名义上独立的组织柯林斯高阶〔paper〕a paper blockade 名义上的封锁英汉大词典〔patron〕a charity that boasted Princess Diana as its patron 有黛安娜王妃作为其名义赞助人的一家慈善团体麦克米伦高阶〔purity〕the atrocities carried out in the name of ethnic/racial purity 以种族纯化的名义实施的暴行剑桥高阶〔responsible〕the person nominally responsible for staff training 名义上负责职员培训的人牛津搭配〔school〕a children's writing competition open to schools or individuals. 可以以学校或个人名义参加的儿童写作比赛柯林斯高阶〔titular〕a titular head of state 名义上的国家元首麦克米伦高阶〔titular〕continue the king as titular head of state 继续保留国王作为名义上的国家元首英汉大词典〔titular〕the titular head of state 名义上的国家元首牛津高阶〔titular〕the titular head of state.名义上的国家元首。牛津同义词〔titular〕the titular head of the family. 家庭名义上的家长美国传统〔usurp〕usurp the name of 盗用…的名义 英汉大词典




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