

单词 坐着
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔SIT〕health problems caused by a sedentary lifestyle 因为长期坐着缺乏运动所造成的健康问题朗文写作活用〔SIT〕something that is done while sitting 坐着完成的朗文写作活用〔SIT〕to sit with your legs in a particular position 双腿放在某个位置坐着朗文写作活用〔abstracted〕sit silent and abstracted 坐着一声不吭地出神英汉大词典〔across〕seated with arms across. 抱臂坐着美国传统〔akimbo〕a tailor sitting with legs akimbo 一个曲腿坐着的裁缝英汉大词典〔akimbo〕sitting with legs akimbo 叉着腿坐着韦氏高阶〔bit〕for a bit We sat around for a bit chatting. 我们坐着聊了一会儿。朗文当代〔blah〕sat around all day feeling blah. 整日坐着,情绪低落美国传统〔burden〕sitting still, a trial to the very young; 长期地坐着,令这个年轻人很伤脑筋;美国传统〔contemplative〕sit in a contemplative mood 坐着沉思英汉大词典〔duration〕sat quietly through the duration of the speech. 在演讲期间安静地坐着美国传统〔erectly〕standing/sitting erectly 直挺挺地站着/坐着韦氏高阶〔erect〕stand (sit) erect 笔挺地站着 (坐着) 英汉大词典〔extend〕sitting with both legs fully extended 双腿伸直坐着韦氏高阶〔flight〕her hurried flight from the palace in a cart. 她坐着马车匆匆逃离王宫柯林斯高阶〔flight〕her hurried flight from the palace in a cart她坐着马车匆匆逃离王宫外研社新世纪〔forlorn〕a forlorn figure sitting all by herself 她独自坐着的孤苦身影朗文当代〔garden〕sitting out in the back garden 他们正在后院坐着。韦氏高阶〔moody〕sit in moody silence 闷闷不乐又一言不发地坐着英汉大词典〔outsat〕to outsit the end of the film电影散场后依然坐着不走21世纪英汉〔posture〕a sitting posture 一种坐着的姿势英汉大词典〔posture〕upright/sitting/supine postures 直立的╱坐着的╱仰卧的姿势牛津高阶〔push〕sit for hours pushing out letters 长时间坐着写一封又一封信 英汉大词典〔remain〕to remain silent/standing/seated/motionless 依然沉默╱站着╱坐着╱一动不动牛津高阶〔scrunch〕sit with one's shoulders scrunched up 紧缩双肩坐着英汉大词典〔sit ... out〕to sit the audience out坐着等所有的观众走完21世纪英汉〔sit over〕to sit over one's book坐着看书熬时间21世纪英汉〔sit-down〕a sit-down job/interview 坐着做的工作/面试韦氏高阶〔sit-down〕a sit-down lawn mower 坐着操作的割草机韦氏高阶〔sitting〕be in a sitting position 坐着英汉大词典〔sit〕sit out a bad performance 坐着挨到拙劣的演出结束 英汉大词典〔sit〕sit still 一动不动地坐着英汉大词典〔sprawly〕comparative sprawlier, superlative sprawliest四肢伸开懒散躺着的;伸开四肢不雅坐着的外研社新世纪〔still〕sit (lie) still 坐着(躺着)不动英汉大词典〔stock-still〕sit stock-still 一动不动地坐着英汉大词典〔surround〕a dinner table ringed with guests. 围坐着客人的餐桌 美国传统〔swank〕rich people swanking around in their expensive cars 坐着豪车招摇过市的有钱人韦氏高阶〔tête-a-tête〕sit tête-a-tête 面对面坐着英汉大词典〔which〕the chair on which you are sitting你正坐着的那把椅子外研社新世纪




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