

单词 垂下
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔band〕bands The two strips hanging from the front of a collar as part of the dress of certain clerics, scholars, and lawyers. bands 领带:从衣领前面垂下的两条带子,是牧师、学者或律师服装的一部分美国传统〔contrive〕contrived a swing from hanging vines. 用垂下来的藤蔓做了一个秋千美国传统〔drape〕draping the banner from the balcony. 使旗帜成褶皱状从阳台上垂下美国传统〔flow〕a long white dress which flowed over her body从她身上自然垂下的白色长裙外研社新世纪〔interpret〕interpret sb.'s lowered head as a sign of weakness 把某人垂下脑袋当作软弱的表示英汉大词典〔line〕wet one's line 垂下钓鱼线文馨英汉〔loll〕a pennant lolling from the mast. 信号旗松散地从桅杆上垂下来美国传统〔pendant〕the huge carved pendant which hangs from the ceiling从天花板垂下的巨大雕刻悬饰外研社新世纪〔pendent〕an icicle pendent from the eaves 从屋檐垂下的冰柱英汉大词典〔pendulous〕pendulous branches 垂下的枝条麦克米伦高阶〔shame〕hang (或 drop) one's head for (或in) shame 羞愧得垂下头英汉大词典〔slouch〕slouch one's shoulders 垂下双肩英汉大词典〔slouch〕to slouch one's hands垂下双手21世纪英汉〔trail〕geraniums trailing from terracotta pots 从赤陶罐上垂下的天竺葵麦克米伦高阶〔weeping〕a weeping cherry tree 枝条垂下的樱桃树韦氏高阶




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