

单词 听证
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLETE/NOT COMPLETE〕Taped testimony will be heard in full at the opening of the trial. 审判开始时将聆听证词录音的全部内容。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕The judge ruled that Borkin should remain in jail until his case is heard. 法官判博尔金待在狱中等候听证。朗文写作活用〔appearance〕She made an appearance before Congress last year.她去年到国会听证。韦氏高阶〔bail〕He has been granted bail until the hearing resumes.他已获得保释, 等待下次听证。外研社新世纪〔bar〕The railing in a courtroom enclosing the part of the room where the judges and lawyers sit, witnesses are heard, and prisoners are tried.围栏:法庭上围住法官和律师所坐位置,证人听证及罪犯被审判的围栏美国传统〔captain's mast〕A disciplinary hearing during which the commanding officer of a naval unit studies and disposes of cases against the enlisted personnel in the unit.船长审问:训诫听证会,在此期间海军指挥官调查和处理部队里违纪人员的案件美国传统〔chip〕Further hearings chipped away at Hill's credibility.又几次听证会后,希尔的信誉进一步丧失。英汉大词典〔conduct〕The committee is expected to conduct hearings in May.委员会预期在五月举行听证会。韦氏高阶〔confirmation〕Senate confirmation hearings 参议院的批准听证会韦氏高阶〔continuance〕He was granted a continuance at his arraignment hearing.他的提讯听证会被延期了。外研社新世纪〔criminal court〕A court empowered to hear and decide on cases involving offenses against criminal law.刑事法庭:有权对触犯刑法的案件进行听证和审判的法庭美国传统〔disciplinary〕He will now face a disciplinary hearing for having an affair.他因有外遇而要面临纪律听证会的裁决。柯林斯高阶〔drone〕The hearings droned on for hours.听证会单调地延续了几个小时。英汉大词典〔edit〕He edited the report that was to be presented to the committee at the hearing.他篡改了那份准备在听证会上向委员会提交的报告。21世纪英汉〔entirety〕He was reluctant to direct that the entirety of the injunction hearing should be in private.他很不情愿地指示整场禁令听证会应私下进行。外研社新世纪〔exonerate〕The hearings before the committee exonerated him from suspicion of complicity in the murder.委员会的听证会排除了他参与谋杀案的嫌疑。英汉大词典〔fair〕Try to be objective as you listen to the testimony.在听证词时一定要客观。美国传统〔forthcoming〕One source predicts no major shift in policy will be forthcoming at the committee hearings.一位消息人士预测委员会听证会不会在政策上作出重大转变。柯林斯高阶〔hand〕Suggestions that the hearing should be delayed were dismissed out of hand.听证会应延期举行的建议遭轻率驳回韦氏高阶〔hearing〕A disciplinary hearing will examine charges of serious professional misconduct against three surgeons.纪律听证会将对针对三名外科医生严重渎职的指控进行调查。剑桥高阶〔hearing〕A session, as of an investigatory committee or a grand jury, at which testimony is taken from witnesses.听证会:如调查委员会或大陪审团举行的听证人证词的会议美国传统〔hearing〕An appeal hearing is scheduled for later this month.一场上诉听证会被安排在本月晚些时候。牛津搭配〔hearing〕Protesters are calling for a public hearing.抗议者要求召开公开听证会。牛津搭配〔hearing〕The committee has decided to hold the hearing in public.委员会决定举行公开听证会。牛津搭配〔hearing〕The hearing was told that the child had been left with a 14-year-old babysitter.听证会得知这个孩子曾被托付给一名 14 岁的临时保姆。牛津搭配〔hear〕The court heard the witnesses.法庭听证人作证。英汉大词典〔hear〕Today the jury began to hear the evidence.今天陪审团开始听证。牛津高阶〔inquisitorial〕The next hearings will be structured differently in order to minimize the inquisitorial atmosphere.下次听证会将以不同的方式进行,以尽可能淡化审判似的气氛。柯林斯高阶〔judge〕The judge adjourned the hearing until next Tuesday.法官将听证会延至下周二。柯林斯高阶〔last〕The hearing is scheduled to last for two weeks.听证会预定将持续两周。麦克米伦高阶〔later〕Later on in the hearings, Darnell told an entirely different story.后来在听证会上达内尔讲述了全然不同的情况。麦克米伦高阶〔legislative〕Today's hearing was just the first step in the legislative process.今天的听证会只是展开立法程序的第一步。柯林斯高阶〔legislative〕Today's hearing was just the first step in the legislative process.今天的听证会只是立法程序的第一步。外研社新世纪〔line〕Next time a full-scale hearing will be laid on the line.下次将披露一次全面的听证会情况。英汉大词典〔live〕The hearing was televised live.听证实况由电视直播。英汉大词典〔moved〕The president was moved to come up with these suggestions after the hearings.听证会促使总统想出了这些建议。柯林斯高阶〔nature〕The enquiry will be more in the nature of a public meeting than a formal hearing.该调查更像是一次公众会议而不是正式的听证会。朗文当代〔open〕The committee is holding open hearings on the issue.委员会正在召开关于此问题的公开听证会。韦氏高阶〔paraphernalia〕The public don't necessarily want the paraphernalia of a full court hearing.公众并不一定希望走全面听证的复杂程序。外研社新世纪〔paraphernalia〕The public don't necessarily want the paraphernalia of a full hearing.公众并不一定希望走全面听证的复杂程序。柯林斯高阶〔pretrial〕Cooper failed to testify in a pretrial hearing on 1 March.库栢未能在3月1日的审判前听证上作证。剑桥高阶〔recess〕The committee chair recessed the hearings.主席团宣布听证会休会美国传统〔recess〕The hearing was recessed for the weekend.听证会周末暂停。牛津高阶〔recess〕The hearings have now recessed for dinner.听证会现已休会就餐。柯林斯高阶〔recess〕The hearings have now recessed for dinner.现在是晚餐时间, 听证会暂停。外研社新世纪〔recuse〕He will have to recuse himself from that hearing.他将不得不回避参加听证。剑桥高阶〔rehearing〕A new hearing of a case by the same court or other administrative tribunal in which it was originally heard.再次听证:在原先听证过的同一法庭或其他的行政法庭对一个案件再次听证美国传统〔remand〕The remand hearing is often over in three minutes.取保候审听证会通常在3分钟内结束。柯林斯高阶〔remove〕The local authority cannot suddenly remove the child before an adoption hearing.地方当局不可以未经过继听证就一下子把孩子强行送往孤儿院。英汉大词典〔sidebar〕Law A conference between a judge and the attorneys of a case being tried, held outside of the jury's range of hearing.【法律】 在法官与即将受审案件的律师之间的会晤,在陪审团听证范围之外举行美国传统〔suspend〕She has been suspended on full pay following a disciplinary hearing.在纪检听证会之后她受到停职处理,但发全额薪水。牛津搭配〔testimony〕All such declarations, spoken or written, offered in a legal case or deliberative hearing.证词:此种口头或书面的、在一起案件或听证会中提出的陈述美国传统〔trial〕The hearing is not a trial of innocence or guilt.听证会并不裁定无辜或有罪。外研社新世纪〔upset〕I was pretty upset about the rumours (the hearings).我为那些谣言(听证会)感到十分烦恼。英汉大词典A disciplinary hearing will examine charges of serious professional misconduct against three surgeons.纪律听证会将对3个外科医生被控的严重治疗不当进行调查。剑桥国际After a five-day hearing the case was dismissed.这一案子经过 5 天的听证后被驳回。牛津商务Police say two men have appeared in a preliminary court hearing.警方说已有两人出席了预备听证会。剑桥国际The financial committee had a hearing yesterday. 昨天经济委员会召开了一个听证会。译典通The hearings droned on for hours. 听证单调地延续了几个小时。译典通The unanimous vote ended a two-day hearing into the plan.全票同意结束了对此计划两天的听证。剑桥国际There was a hearing into the causes of the accident.对这起事故的原因进行了听证。牛津商务These hearings are preparatory to a trial in two months’ time.这些听证会是两个月后审判的准备。剑桥国际This pass will privilege you to attend the closed hearings. 有了这张通行证你便可以出席不公开的听证会。译典通




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