

单词 在前面
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(just) around the corner〕I'm feeling a little depressed at the moment, but I'm sure good times are just around the corner.目前事事令人沮丧,但我仍相信好日子就在前面。剑桥高阶〔BACK〕Don't let the dog sit in the front -- he has to go in the back. 别让狗坐在前面—它得到后面去。朗文写作活用〔BEFORE〕The previous chapter examined how children learn language. 在前面一章里我们探讨了儿童是如何学习语言的。朗文写作活用〔FOLLOW〕You drive on ahead and I'll follow. 你在前面开车,我来跟着。朗文写作活用〔FRONT〕Ellie walked in front, carrying the baby. 埃莉抱着婴儿走在前面。朗文写作活用〔FRONT〕Up ahead we could see the bright lights of the city coming into view. 我们可以看见该市明亮的灯光在前面不远处闪烁。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The walkers in front crossed the ledge easily, seemingly oblivious to the fact that there was a 3000 foot drop on either side. 走在前面的人很轻巧地跨过岩架,好像没察觉到两侧都有3,000英尺的落差。朗文写作活用〔advance〕Going before, in front, or forward.先行的:走在前面的,在前面的或向前的美国传统〔ahead〕At or to the front or head.在前面,在前头美国传统〔ahead〕He could see the village about a mile ahead.他能看到村庄在前面大约一英里处。外研社新世纪〔awesome〕We had an awesome task ahead of us.我们有艰巨的任务在前面等着。韦氏高阶〔before〕The king entered with macebearers walking before.国王进场时持权杖者走在前面。英汉大词典〔before〕The king's herald walked before.国王的传令官走在前面。朗文当代〔behind〕You walk ahead and we'll follow along behind.你在前面走,我们会跟在你后面。麦克米伦高阶〔block〕He lives just around the block.他就住在前面转过去的那条街上。剑桥高阶〔brougham〕A closed four-wheeled carriage with an open driver's seat in front.四轮马车,布鲁厄姆车:一种封闭的四轮马车,驾御者的座位在前面敞开处美国传统〔catch ... up〕You walk on ahead. I shall soon catch you up.你在前面先走,我很快就会赶上你。21世纪英汉〔coatdress〕A dress that buttons up the front and is tailored somewhat like a coat.女外套:在前面钉钮扣,剪裁得有些像上衣的女服美国传统〔come〕The alphabet might be more rational if all the vowels came first.如果把所有的元音列在前面,字母表可能会更为合理一些。柯林斯高阶〔company〕C Company's sentries were just ahead.三连哨兵就在前面。外研社新世纪〔dead〕The post office is dead (= straight) ahead.邮局就在前面。剑桥高阶〔dead〕The post office is dead ahead.邮局就在前面。文馨英汉〔dead〕There's a gas station dead ahead.就在前面有一个加油站美国传统〔diverge〕The road diverges ahead; you turn left.路在前面分岔,你向左转就是。英汉大词典〔double up〕Terry will have to double up with Bill in the front bedroom.特里只好与比尔一起睡在前面的卧室里了。剑桥高阶〔drop behind〕Jack and Helen had dropped behind in order to be alone.为了单独呆在一起,杰克和海伦故意让别人走在前面。21世纪英汉〔earshot〕Mark was out of earshot, walking ahead of them.马克走在前面,听不见他们的声音。柯林斯高阶〔follow on〕You go ahead,and I'll follow on.你在前面走,我跟着来。21世纪英汉〔follow〕The garage is a mile ahead up the hill—just follow your nose.汽车修理站在前面一英里处的山坡上,一直往前走就可以到。牛津高阶〔fore and aft〕In or at the front and back.前后地:位于或在前面和后面美国传统〔forecaddie〕A golf caddie who is positioned in the fairway and points out the location of balls on the course.在前面指球的球童:高尔夫球童,他站在球的通路上并指出球在通路上的位置美国传统〔forerun〕To run before.跑在前面美国传统〔fore〕At, toward, or near the front; forward.在前面地:位于、朝向或靠近前面;朝前地美国传统〔frontward〕Toward, to, or at the front.朝前的:向前、到前面或在前面美国传统〔front〕I'll go in front; you come after.我走在前面,你在后面跟上。英汉大词典〔front〕The area, location, or position directly before or ahead.前方:直接在前面的地区、部位或位置美国传统〔front〕The dress fastens in front.衣服在前面扣住。英汉大词典〔front〕They hurried along the road with George out in front.他们沿着公路赶,乔治在前面很远处。麦克米伦高阶〔front〕Write your name in the front of the book(= the first few pages).在前面的书页写上你的名字。牛津高阶〔go ahead〕Instead of waiting for approval, they just went ahead and started working on the project.他们并非坐等批准,而是直接走在前面,开始着手做那个项目了。韦氏高阶〔hare and hounds〕A game in which one group of players leaves a trail of paper scraps for a pursuing group to follow.兔子与猎犬:一种一组游戏者在前面撒纸屑跑而另一组在后追逐的儿童游戏美国传统〔hurry on〕She hurried on ahead.她急匆匆赶在前面。外研社新世纪〔ibidem〕In the same place. Used in footnotes and bibliographies to refer to the book, chapter, article, or page cited just before.出处同上:同样的位置。用于在前面所引用的书、章、篇或页的注脚和相关书目美国传统〔knee〕Anatomy The joint between the thigh and the lower leg, formed by the articulation of the femur and the tibia and covered anteriorly by the patella.【解剖学】 膝关节:大腿和小腿之间的关节,由股骨和胫骨的关节和在前面覆盖的膝盖骨构成美国传统〔leader〕The foremost animal, such as a horse or dog, in a harnessed team.领头动物:套有头具的一组牲畜中走在前面的动物,如领头马或狗美国传统〔lead〕I don't know the way, so you'd better lead.我不认识路,你最好在前面带路。剑桥高阶〔lead〕She grabbed his suitcase and led the way.她抓起他的手提箱, 走在前面领路。外研社新世纪〔lead〕Tom was leading; I followed behind.汤姆在前面走;我跟在后面。外研社新世纪〔left〕She had seriously damaged her left knee in the previous game.她在前面的比赛中左膝严重受伤。麦克米伦高阶〔lie〕The hardest part of the competition still lies ahead of us.比赛最艰难的阶段还在前面呢。剑桥高阶〔luck〕Yeah, we really lucked out and got a parking space right in front.是啊,我们真走运,正好在前面有一个停车位。朗文当代〔mandarin collar〕A narrow upright collar usually divided in front.旗袍领:一种窄而直立的衣领,通常在前面分开美国传统〔march〕To get ahead of, especially by quiet enterprise.偷偷抢在前面:赶在…前面,尤其是通过私下的冒险行为美国传统〔margin〕Out in front, Clarke had built up such a sizeable safety margin that he eased the pace and started cruising.克拉克远远地开在前面, 已保持了一段足够长的安全距离, 于是放慢了速度, 开始巡航。外研社新世纪〔margin〕Out in front, Clarke had built up such a sizeable safety margin that he eased the pace and started cruising.克拉克远远地开在前面,已保持了一段足够长的安全车距,他于是放慢车速,开始定速巡航。柯林斯高阶〔measure out〕He was on the front lawn, measuring out two circles.他在前面的草坪上丈量并标记出两个圆圈。柯林斯高阶〔merge〕The stream merges into the river up ahead.这条小溪在前面与河合流。英汉大词典〔open〕The road opens up ahead.公路展现在前面。 英汉大词典〔outrider〕One that goes in advance; a forerunner.走在前面的人;先驱者美国传统〔part〕The street parts two blocks ahead.这条街道在前面过了两个街区后分叉了。21世纪英汉〔passage〕Her aides had to go on ahead of her to clear a passage.她的助理不得不走在前面为她开出一条路。外研社新世纪〔precede〕To come or go before in time, order, rank, or position.抢先,居先:在时间、次序、等级或位置上处在前面或领先…美国传统〔prefix〕Stop yourself from prefixing a statement about your feelings with 'I know it's silly but … '.当你说到自己的感受时, 别在前面加上“我知道这很蠢, 不过…”这样的话。外研社新世纪〔prevenience〕The act or state of being antecedent or prevenient.先行,在前:先前的或在前面的动作或状态美国传统〔rear〕Mother led the way, with the children bringing up the rear.妈妈在前面带路,孩子们殿后。麦克米伦高阶〔recall〕From what I recall, I think the library is two blocks down on the left.根据我的记忆,我觉得图书馆在前面两个街区左边的地方。韦氏高阶〔row〕Our seats are five rows from the front.我们的座位在前面第五排。牛津高阶〔scout〕They sent two men out in front as scouts.他们派两人在前面侦察。柯林斯高阶〔shield〕The car had acted as a shield, protecting him from the blast.有那辆车挡在前面,他才没有被炸伤。牛津搭配〔slipstream〕To drive or cycle in the slipstream of a vehicle ahead.在前面的车辆形成的滑流里驾驶或循环美国传统〔snap〕The lock snapped shut. The jacket snaps in front.锁吧嗒一声关上了。夹克猛地一声在前面合上了美国传统〔snowman〕The kids built a snowman in the front yard.孩子们在前面院子里堆了一个雪人。韦氏高阶〔squeeze〕She squeezed through the crowd and found a seat at the front.她从人群中挤过去,在前面找了个座位。剑桥高阶〔straight〕The library is straight ahead.图书馆就在前面。韦氏高阶〔survive〕The front passengers were lucky to survive the accident.坐在前面的乘客幸免于难。剑桥高阶〔tie〕He wore a long white thing around his neck that tied in front in a floppy bow.他脖子上围着一长条白色物事, 在前面打了个松垮的结。外研社新世纪〔tie〕This sash ties in the front.这腰带在前面系。21世纪英汉〔tie〕This skirt ties at the front.这件短裙是在前面用带子系住的。麦克米伦高阶〔tippet〕A covering for the shoulders, as of fur, with long ends that hang in front.披肩:由皮毛等制成的覆盖肩部的覆盖物,长长的两端下垂在前面美国传统〔trot〕The guide led the way and we trotted along behind him.向导在前面带路,我们跟在他的后面走。牛津高阶〔turn〕According to the map we missed our turn back there.从地图上来看,我们错过了在前面那个地方转弯。朗文当代〔up〕We were up near the stage.我们在前面靠近舞台的地方。韦氏高阶〔vaunt-courier〕A person, such as a herald, sent in advance.先导;先锋:被派在前面的人,如使者等美国传统〔way〕She grabbed his suitcase and led the way.她拿过他的箱子在前面带路。柯林斯高阶〔whale〕Ahead, the whale breached the surface of the water.在前面,有一头鲸跃出水面。牛津搭配〔zip〕The jacket fastened with a zip at the front.这件夹克在前面系拉链。牛津搭配Everything is a bit depressing at the moment but I carry on in the belief that good times are just around the corner (=in the very near future).目前什么事都有点令人沮丧,但我相信好日子就在前面。剑桥国际He says bandits are lying in wait (= hiding in order to make a surprise attack) further along the road.他说匪徒就埋伏在前面的路上。剑桥国际On the road ahead a crow tugs on some carrion and flies up slowly as we approach.在前面的路上,一只乌鸦拽着腐肉。当我们走近时,它缓缓飞了起来。剑桥国际Several soldiers went before to scout. 数名士兵在前面探路。译典通She cheated in the test by copying from the boy in front.她在考试中作弊,抄坐在前面的男孩的答案。剑桥国际Sit with your legs outstretched in front of you.坐下,两腿伸直在前面。剑桥国际The flight attendant said that we would find the safety instructions in the pocket of the seat in front of us.飞机服务员告诉我们可以在前面座位的袋子里找到安全指南。剑桥国际The road diverges ahead. 路在前面分岔。译典通There are two entrances -- one at the front and one round the back of the building.有两个入口----一个在前面,一个在楼的后面。剑桥国际They cemented (over) (=put concrete on) the front garden so that they could park the car.他们在前面花园里浇了一层水泥好停车。剑桥国际This path joins the highway up ahead. 这条路在前面与公路相接。译典通This point has been made clear in the foregoing chapter. 这一点在前面那一章中已讲清楚了。译典通Tom was closing on the leading runner. 汤姆逐渐追上跑在前面的人。译典通You walk in front and I'll walk behind you.你走在前面,我跟着你。剑桥国际




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