

单词 在前面
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔HIDE〕to make something difficult to see by being in front of or over it 挡在前面或盖在上面而使某物难以被看到朗文写作活用〔ahead〕some/a little/a long way ahead The clinic was now in sight, some way ahead. 现在可以看见诊所了,就在前面不远处。朗文当代〔before〕before and behind 在前面与后面文馨英汉〔head〕a procession headed by the Queen 女王走在前面的一列队伍朗文当代〔lie ahead〕a large rock that lies ahead摆在前面的一块大石头21世纪英汉〔precede〕in the chapters that precede 在前面各章中英汉大词典〔street〕a country that is streets ahead in the control of environmental pollution 一个在整治环境污染方面远远走在前面的国家牛津高阶〔tie〕a long white thing around his neck that tied in front in a floppy bow. 他的脖子上围着个长长的白色的东西,在前面松松地打了个蝴蝶结柯林斯高阶




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