

单词 土层
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔dig〕We found ourselves digging through solid clay.我们发觉挖到了硬土层。牛津搭配〔dissolve〕Erosion has dissolved acres of topsoil.侵蚀作用已使大量表土层流失。英汉大词典〔erode〕Water erodes the topsoil.水侵蚀表土层。牛津同义词〔gley〕A sticky, bluish-gray subsurface layer of clay found in some waterlogged soils.潜育土:一种蓝灰色表层下的胶粘的粘土层,见于某些渍水土壤中美国传统〔horizon〕A specific layer of soil or subsoil in a vertical cross section of land.地层,岩层:处于土地的垂直横截面中的某一具体土层或次土层美国传统〔hotbed〕A glass-covered bed of soil heated with fermenting manure or by electricity, used for the germination of seeds or for protecting tender plants.温床:有草覆盖的土层,通过发酵肥料或通电加热,用于种子的发芽或保护植物幼苗美国传统〔landfill〕A method of solid waste disposal in which refuse is buried between layers of dirt so as to fill in or reclaim low-lying ground.废渣埋填法:一种将废物埋于沙土层之间以填高或利用低地的处理固体废物的方法美国传统〔layer〕The remains lay buried under layer upon layer of black earth.遗址被黑土层层掩埋。牛津搭配〔overburden〕Archaeology A sterile stratum overlying a stratum bearing traces of the culture being studied.【考古学】 贫瘠的岩层:覆盖在有研究价值的文化层之上的废石土层美国传统〔overlie〕Clay overlies chalk in the southern mountains.在南部山脉,黏土层叠压在白垩层之上。朗文当代〔pay dirt〕Earth, ore, or gravel that is profitable to mine.可采矿石:有开采价值的土层、矿石或砂砾层美国传统〔solum〕The upper layers of a soil profile in which topsoil formation occurs.土层:一块土地纵断图中上面的几层,表土就形成于其中美国传统〔subsoil〕The layer or bed of earth beneath the topsoil.心土或下层土:位于表层土下面的泥土层美国传统〔substratum〕A layer of earth beneath the surface soil; subsoil.下层土:位于表层土下方的泥土层;下层土美国传统〔thin〕A thin layer of topsoil was swept away.薄薄的表土层被冲走了。外研社新世纪〔turf〕A surface layer of earth containing a dense growth of grass and its matted roots; sod.草皮,草根土:地面最上层的土层,包括厚密的草和垫子一样的根;草地美国传统




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