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释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accountancy〕the members of the different professional accountancy bodies 不同行业会计团体的成员牛津搭配〔compatriot〕the famous actor and his theater compatriots 著名演员和他的戏剧界同行韦氏高阶〔concerted〕a concerted action/campaign 协同行动/作战韦氏高阶〔controversy〕her long-running controversy with fellow academics 她与学术同行的长期争论牛津搭配〔corporate〕the corporate action of a people 全民的共同行动英汉大词典〔coterie〕her coterie of fellow musicians 她的一帮音乐同行韦氏高阶〔counterpart〕corporations that trade with their counterparts in other countries 与其他国家同行做生意的公司牛津搭配〔counterpart〕the modern counterparts of those medieval writers 那些中世纪作家的现代同行牛津搭配〔identic〕an identic action 相同行动英汉大词典〔interest〕a private group funded by South African business interests 由南非商业同行资助的私人团体麦克米伦高阶〔learned〕my learned friend (或brother) 我的精通法律的同行(律师在下议院、法院等场合对同行的尊称)英汉大词典〔line〕a person in my line of business 跟我同行的人文馨英汉〔partner〕a colleague and fellow professor. Anally is one who associates with another, at least temporarily in a common cause: 一个既是同行又是同事的教授。 Ally 是与另一方有联系的一方,至少在一项共同事业中暂时联合: 美国传统〔peer review〕peer-reviewed journals 实行同行评审制的期刊牛津高阶〔professional〕an actor revered by his fellow professionals 受到同行敬重的演员牛津搭配〔stable〕a stable of lawyers 律师同行英汉大词典〔stand in with〕to stand in with the same trade与同行联合21世纪英汉〔standing〕her low standing among her fellow scientists 她在科学家同行中较低的声望牛津搭配〔top〕rise to the top of one's profession 上升到同行中的首位英汉大词典〔trade〕a lecture of interest only to the trade 只有同行才感兴趣的演讲英汉大词典




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