

单词 善行
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔action〕a kind action 慈善行为英汉大词典〔action〕an act of kindness 善行牛津高阶〔act〕an act of kindness 善行牛津高阶〔altruism〕charitable acts motivated purely by altruism 纯粹利他动机的慈善行为韦氏高阶〔compassionate〕a compassionate act 慈善行为韦氏高阶〔deed〕a brave/charitable/evil/good deed 勇敢的行为;善举;恶行;善行牛津高阶〔do-gooding〕do-gooding by businessmen商人们不切实际的善行外研社新世纪〔good〕a good deed 善行文馨英汉〔good〕a good deed.善行。牛津同义词〔hymn〕a hymn to selfless charity 对无私慈善行为的赞歌英汉大词典〔mercy〕an act of mercy 善行韦氏高阶〔piously〕pious acts of charity. 虔诚的慈善行为柯林斯高阶〔rosewater〕rosewater philanthropy 矫饰的善行英汉大词典〔unremembered〕unremembered acts of kindness 被忘却的善行英汉大词典〔work〕salvation by faith rather than works. 与其靠善行,不如靠信仰来拯救美国传统〔work〕works Theology Moral or righteous acts or deeds: works 【神学】 善行,德行:道德的或公正的行为或事迹:美国传统〔work〕works of mercy 慈善行为文馨英汉




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