

单词 围长
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔callus〕The hard bony tissue that develops around the ends of a fractured bone during healing.胼胝:愈合期间在断骨末端周围长起来的硬骨组织美国传统〔fringe〕Ferns fringed the pool.池塘周围长着厥类植物美国传统〔girth〕The oak was two metres in girth.这棵橡树干围长两米。剑桥高阶〔girth〕To measure the circumference of.量…的围长美国传统〔girt〕The tree girts eighteen feet.这棵树的干围长18英尺。英汉大词典〔girt〕To measure in girth.用腰带量围长美国传统〔girt〕To measure the girth of.量…的围长美国传统〔one〕One of the puppies has a brown patch around its eye.这群小狗中有一只眼睛周围长了块褐斑。韦氏高阶〔peritrich〕Any of various protozoans, such as the vorticella, having a wide oral opening surrounded by cilia.周毛亚纲微生物:任何一种原生动物,例如钟虫,其椭圆形阔口周围长有纤毛美国传统〔thickness〕The thickness of the mulch will prevent weeds from growing around the shrubs.厚厚的覆盖物会防止灌木周围长出杂草。剑桥高阶People who suffer from the sort of herpes which is around the mouth often refer to it as a ‘cold sore’.人们嘴周围长的疱疹被称之为“唇疮疹”。剑桥国际




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