

单词 四轮
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FWB〕Four-wheel brake.四轮制动美国传统〔Gladstone〕A light four-wheeled convertible carriage with two interior seats and places outside for a driver and footman.双座四轮马车:一种可变换的轻型四轮马车,车厢里有两个座位,车厢外有为驾驶者和男仆准备的位子美国传统〔Hummer〕A trademark used for a durable wide-bodied vehicle with four-wheel drive.悍马:用于四轮驱动的耐用宽体汽车的商标美国传统〔Humvee〕A trademark used for a durable wide-bodied military vehicle with four-wheel drive.悍马,高机动性多用途轮式运输车:用于四轮驱动的耐久、宽体、军用汽车的商标美国传统〔SUITABLE〕With its tough suspension and 4-wheel drive, the truck is ideal for driving in the desert. 这款卡车悬挂装置结实,四轮驱动,最适合在沙漠里驾驶。朗文写作活用〔baby carriage〕A four-wheeled carriage, often with a hood that folds back and having a handle for pushing, used for wheeling an infant about.婴儿车:一种四轮车,经常带有一个向后折叠的车篷和一个用来推车的把手,用来推着婴儿到各处走动美国传统〔barouche〕A four-wheeled carriage with a collapsible top, two double seats inside opposite each other, and a box seat outside in front for the driver.四轮四座大马车:带折叠篷的四轮马车,内有两个彼此相对的双人座位,外侧前部有供赶车人坐的包箱式座位美国传统〔benefit〕Most motorists manage without the benefit of four-wheel drive.大多数汽车驾驶员都不用四轮驱动。朗文当代〔berlin〕Often berline A four-wheeled closed carriage having an open, hooded seat behind. 常作 berline 有篷四轮马车:一种四轮有篷马车,后有敞开的,有头罩的座位美国传统〔brace〕The carriage is on leather braces and rocks backwards and forwards.四轮马车套上了皮革牵索, 前后摇晃着。外研社新世纪〔brougham〕A closed four-wheeled carriage with an open driver's seat in front.四轮马车,布鲁厄姆车:一种封闭的四轮马车,驾御者的座位在前面敞开处美国传统〔buckboard〕A four-wheeled open carriage with the seat or seats attached to a flexible board running between the front and rear axles.平板马车:一种轻便的四轮马车,车身为一有弹性的平板,上设座椅,无顶盖美国传统〔buggy〕A small, light, one-horse carriage usually having four wheels in the United States and two wheels in Great Britain.四轮马车,两轮马车:在美国指小的,轻便的一匹马拉的四轮马车,在英国指两轮马车美国传统〔bus〕A four-wheeled cart for carrying dishes in a restaurant.送餐马车:饭馆中为送菜肴而备的四轮马车美国传统〔by carriage〕They rode by carriage.他们坐着四轮马车。韦氏高阶〔calash〕A light carriage with two or four low wheels and a collapsible top.(带弹簧的)四轮车:一种轻型马车,有两个或四个低矮的轮子以及一个可折叠的顶棚美国传统〔cariole〕A small, open, two- or four-wheeled carriage drawn by one horse.敞篷小马车:一种由一匹马拉的敞篷二轮或四轮小马车美国传统〔carriage〕A wheeled vehicle, especially a four-wheeled horse-drawn passenger vehicle, often of an elegant design.四轮马车:带轮子的车辆,尤指马拉的四轮客车,常设计得很精巧美国传统〔carriage〕They rode to the city in carriages.他们乘着四轮马车进城去了。韦氏高阶〔car〕Archaic A chariot, carriage, or cart.【古语】 战车:赛车、四轮马车或双轮马车美国传统〔chariot〕A light four-wheeled carriage used for occasions of ceremony or for pleasure.四轮礼车;轻便四轮游览马车:礼仪或娱乐时用的一种轻便四轮马车美国传统〔chariot〕Wren designed a magnificent chariot to convey Mary's body to Westminster Abbey.雷恩设计了一辆华丽的四轮礼车, 以便把玛丽的遗体运送到威斯敏斯特教堂。外研社新世纪〔clarence〕A four-wheeled closed carriage with seats for four passengers.克拉伦斯式马车:一种封闭式四轮座马车,可乘作四个人美国传统〔clatter〕The wagon clattered down the road.四轮车哐啷哐啷地沿路前进。韦氏高阶〔coachman〕A man who drives a coach or carriage.车夫:驾驶四轮大马车或马车的人美国传统〔coach〕A large, closed, four-wheeled carriage with an elevated exterior seat for the driver; a stagecoach.四轮大马车:外部有高的驾驶座的封闭式四轮大马车;公共马车美国传统〔coach〕In those days, people usually traveled long distances in coaches.那时,人们长途旅行通常乘坐四轮马车。韦氏高阶〔cockhorse〕A horse added to a team of horses to assist a wagon through high water or over difficult terrain.马车之后的额外的马:加入一小组马的一匹马,帮助四轮运货马车通过深水或越过困难地形.美国传统〔come〕On icy roads, a four-wheel drive vehicle really comes into its own.在结冰的路面上,四轮驱动车尽显本色。朗文当代〔coupé〕A closed four-wheel carriage with two seats inside and one outside.四轮马车:一种封闭式的四轮马车,内有两座,外有一座美国传统〔daddy〕Land Rover, the daddy of the four-wheel family路虎, 四轮汽车家族的典范外研社新世纪〔drag〕A large four-horse coach with seats inside and on top.四轮大马车:内部和顶部有座位的四驾马车美国传统〔drive〕He put the jeep in four-wheel drive and splashed up the slope.他将吉普车切换为四轮驱动模式后涉水爬上了坡。柯林斯高阶〔drive〕The jeep bumped on, often in four-wheel drive.吉普车颠簸着向前,常常四轮驱动。英汉大词典〔droshky〕An open four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage formerly used in Russia and Poland.俄式敞篷四轮马车:过去用于俄国及波兰的一种敞篷四轮马车美国传统〔fifth wheel〕An additional wheel carried on a four-wheeled vehicle as a spare.备用轮:在四轮车上作为配备品配备的备用轮胎美国传统〔footboard〕A board or small raised platform on which to support or rest the feet, as in a carriage.脚踏板:宽或小且凸出的供人们休息脚的踏板,如在四轮马车中美国传统〔force〕He turned right, down a dirt road that forced him into four-wheel drive.他右转弯,开到了一条土路上,不得不以四轮驱动行进。柯林斯高阶〔four-wheel drive〕An automotive drive system in which mechanical power is transmitted from the drive shaft to all four wheels.四轮驱动:一种自动驱动装置,机械能从这个装置的传动轴发送到四个轮上美国传统〔four-wheel drive〕We rented a four-wheel drive to get around the island.我们租了一辆四轮驱动车作环岛旅游。牛津高阶〔four-wheeler〕A small, all-terrain motor vehicle seating one person and having four wheels with large tires.四轮出租马车:一种适合于各种地域、能载一个人、安有四个大轮胎的轮子的小型机车美国传统〔four-wheel〕Having or running on four wheels.四轮的:装有四个轮子或靠四轮运行的美国传统〔four-wheel〕Of or relating to four-wheel drive.属于或关于四轮驱动的美国传统〔gharry〕A horse-drawn carriage, used primarily in Egypt and India, often as a cab.出租马车:以马拉动的四轮马车,主要在埃及及印度使用,以出租马车使用美国传统〔go-devil〕A railway handcar.铁路上的手摇四轮车美国传统〔hackney〕A coach or carriage for hire.出租马车:供出租用的载人马车或四轮大马车美国传统〔handcar〕A small open railroad car propelled by a hand pump or a small motor.手泵式四轮小车:由一个小马达或一台手泵驱动的小型无篷路轨车美国传统〔hang〕Four steamboat loads of spectators came to view a hanging in New Orleans.四轮船的观众来新奥尔良观看绞刑。柯林斯高阶〔hill〕We took to the hills in a variety of four-wheel-drive vehicles.我们乘坐各式各样的四轮驱动车上山。牛津搭配〔jeep〕A small, durable, general-purpose motor vehicle with four-wheel drive and a quarter-ton capacity, used by the U.S. Army during and after World War II.吉普车:一种四轮驱动、载重¼吨的小型、耐用、多用途的汽车, 在二战期间和其后为美国军队使用美国传统〔landau〕A four-wheeled carriage with front and back passenger seats that face each other and a roof in two sections that can be lowered or detached.双排座活顶四轮马车:一种四轮马车,设有面对面的前后乘客座,两部分的顶棚可以下降或脱卸美国传统〔lap robe〕A blanket or fur piece for covering the lap, legs, and feet, as of a passenger in an unheated car or carriage.膝毯:用来盖膝、腿和脚的毯子或毛皮,如乘客在没有加热的轿车或四轮马车上使用美国传统〔monster〕He arrives in a monster of a four-wheel drive.他是开一辆庞大的四轮驱动车来的。外研社新世纪〔negotiate〕Only 4-wheel-drive vehicles can negotiate the rough roads around here.只有四轮驱动的车能通过这周围坑坑洼洼的路面。麦克米伦高阶〔phaeton〕A light, four-wheeled open carriage, usually drawn by a pair of horses.四轮敞篷轻便马车:一种轻型的四轮敞篷马车,通常由两匹马拉车美国传统〔post chaise〕A closed, four-wheeled, horse-drawn carriage, formerly used to transport mail and passengers.驿递马车:封闭的四轮马车,先前用来运载邮件及旅客美国传统〔post〕He posted in private carriages to London.他乘坐自备的四轮马车去伦敦旅游。21世纪英汉〔prairie schooner〕A covered wagon, drawn by horses or oxen, that was used by pioneers in crossing the North American prairies and plains.大篷马车:用马或牛拉的篷盖四轮马车,拓荒者们乘坐它穿越北美的草原和平原美国传统〔pushcart〕A light cart pushed by hand.手推车:用手推的轻便的四轮车美国传统〔rockaway〕A four-wheeled carriage with two seats and a standing top.四轮便马车:一种有两个座位和一个固定车篷的四轮马车美国传统〔roller-ski〕A: How did he keep his top form over the summer? B:He roller-skied.甲:整个夏天他如何保持最佳竞技状态? 乙:用四轮滑板滑行。英汉大词典〔round〕He has never made the fourth round of the tournament.他从没有进过锦标赛的第四轮。牛津搭配〔skateboard〕A short, narrow board having a set of four roller skate wheels mounted under it and usually ridden in a standing or crouching position.滑板:底部装有一套四轮滑轮的短而窄的板子,操作者以站或蹲的姿态在地面上滑行美国传统〔skidder〕A heavy, four-wheel tractor used to haul logs, especially over rugged terrain.运材拖车:用于拖运木材的重型四轮拖车,尤指用于崎岖地带美国传统〔sport-utility vehicle〕A four-wheel-drive vehicle with a roomy body, designed for off-road travel.越野旅行车:一种四轮驱动、车厢宽阔、针对越野旅行所设计的车种美国传统〔squeeze off〕He quickly squeezed off four rounds.他很快完成了四轮射击。韦氏高阶〔stagecoach〕A four-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle formerly used to transport mail, parcels, and passengers over a regular route.驿站马车:一种四轮马车,过去在固定的路线上用来运输邮件、包裹和旅客美国传统〔stalemate〕The fourth round of talks ended in a stalemate.第四轮会谈以僵局告终。麦克米伦高阶〔stanhope〕A light, open, horse-drawn carriage with one seat and two or four wheels.轻便马车:有单座、两轮或四轮的轻便敞篷马车美国传统〔stroller〕A light four-wheeled chairlike carriage for transporting small children.轻便婴孩车:用来推小孩的轻便四轮椅车美国传统〔surrey〕A four-wheeled horse-drawn pleasure carriage having two or four seats.四轮马车:有两或四个座位的四轮游览马车美国传统〔tram〕A four-wheeled, open, box-shaped wagon or iron car run on tracks in a coal mine.矿车、煤车:煤矿中在轨道上行驶的四轮、开口、盒状的运货车或铁制车厢美国传统〔vehicle〕Hire a four-wheel-drive vehicle-there are lots of spots to discover off the beaten track.租一辆四轮驱动的车子吧,在偏僻的地方还有许多景点等待去发现呢。牛津搭配〔victoria〕A low, light four-wheeled carriage for two with a folding top and an elevated driver's seat in front.维多利亚马车:一种双座四轮折篷马车,在车前有一个高起的赶车人的座位美国传统〔wagoner〕One who drives a wagon.车夫:驾驶四轮车的人美国传统〔wagon〕A child's low, four-wheeled cart hauled by a long handle that governs the direction of the front wheels.婴儿车:一种用于孩子的矮的四轮车,由长柄拉着控制四个轮子的方向美国传统〔wagon〕A four-wheeled, usually horse-drawn vehicle with a large rectangular body, used for transporting loads.四轮运货车:一种四轮的、用马拉的具有大的长方体车身的车辆,用于运送货物美国传统〔wagon〕Hundreds of settlers travelled west in covered wagons.数以百计的移民坐着有篷四轮运货马车前往西部。麦克米伦高阶〔wagon〕Pioneers crossed the American Midwest in wagons.开拓者们乘着四轮马车穿越了美国中西部。韦氏高阶〔wagon〕To transport or undergo transportation by wagon.运输:用四轮车运输或被运输美国传统〔yoke〕A bar used with a double harness to connect the collar of each horse to the pole of a wagon or coach.轭状物:用双马具把每个马轭连到四轮运货马车或公共马车的辕杆上的木条美国传统I got some new roller skates for my birthday.我过生日时收到了新的四轮溜冰鞋。剑桥国际Many drivers are trading up to a four-wheel drive.许多司机准备卖掉旧汽车,再买四轮驱动汽车。牛津商务Much of this country is traversable only by four-wheel-drive vehicle or pack train. 该国大部分地区只有四轮驱动的车辆和驮畜队才能通过。译典通She roller-skated to the shops.她穿着四轮溜冰鞋溜去商店。剑桥国际The old wagon rattled down the road. 破旧的四轮运货马车喀嚓喀嚓地行进在路上。译典通You can order flatforms at Costco. 你可以在好市多订购四轮平板折叠式手推车。译典通




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