

单词 四月份
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔April〕We have had snowstorms the last few Aprils.这几年的四月份我们这里总有暴风雪。韦氏高阶〔come〕The regulations come up for review in April.四月份要对规章制度进行审核。朗文当代〔expect〕The company expects to complete work in April.公司预期在四月份完工。朗文当代〔freak〕April's sales figures were a freak.四月份的销售额一反常态。朗文当代〔internship〕He will finish his internship in April.他将在四月份结束实习期。韦氏高阶〔linger〕Unfortunately the tax will linger on until April.不幸的是,这种税还要保留到四月份。朗文当代〔nine〕She'll be nine in April.她到四月份就九岁了。外研社新世纪〔predictable〕In March and April, the weather is much less predictable.三、四月份的天气非常不好预测。牛津高阶〔rain〕Last year, the rains came on time in April.去年,雨季在四月份准时到来。朗文当代〔rare〕It's extremely rare for it to be this hot in April.四月份就这样炎热是极其罕见的。牛津高阶〔react〕The management reacted to the demand of workers by increasing their wages since April.资方对工人的要求作出反应,答应从四月份起增加工资。21世纪英汉〔release〕The new software is planned for release in April.新软件计划四月份发行。牛津高阶〔review〕The policy comes up for review (=will be reviewed) in April.这项政策将在四月份予以检讨。朗文当代〔tank〕Car exports in the year to April tanked 23 percent.汽车出口在到四月份的一年间下跌了23%。剑桥高阶April is always slack.四月份往往生意不好。牛津商务April was a bonanza month (= a month when large profits were made) for car sales.四月份是汽车销售的大发利市月。剑桥国际Core inflation rose by 2.4% in April.核心通货膨胀率四月份上升 2.4%。牛津商务Living expenses will be indexed to/in line with (=varied to allow for) inflation from April.从四月份起,生活费用将与通货膨胀挂钩。剑桥国际Mortgage foreclosures reached their highest level in April.取消抵押品赎回权的情况在四月份达到最高水平。牛津商务My seven-year-old had new shoes in April and he's already outgrown them (= his feet have grown too large for them).我七岁的孩子四月份刚买了新鞋,现在已穿不下了。剑桥国际Shoppers spent a total of $17.1 billion in April.购物者四月份总计花费了 171 亿元。牛津商务The company's share price has dropped by half since April.公司股价自四月份以来下跌了一半。牛津商务The economy grew by a real 0.6% in April.四月份的经济实际增长了 0.6%。牛津商务The opening balance for April was minus $1 300.四月份的期初结余为负 1 300 元。牛津商务The share sale has been pencilled in for April.股票发售初步确定在四月份。牛津商务We recorded a 3% lift in sales in April.我们四月份的销售额增长了 3%。牛津商务




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