

单词 听得出
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAKE FUN OF〕Do I detect a note of sarcasm in your voice? 我听得出你语气里带着嘲讽,是不是?朗文写作活用〔WALK〕I could always recognise my mother's footsteps as she scurried up the stairs. 我总能听得出母亲匆匆跑上楼的脚步声。朗文写作活用〔accent〕I thought I could detect a slight Canadian accent.我想我可以听得出来一点轻微的加拿大口音。剑桥高阶〔audible〕There was an audible sigh of relief.听得出来松了一口气。柯林斯高阶〔distinguish〕I could not distinguish her words, but she sounded agitated.我听不清她说的话,但听得出她很激动。牛津高阶〔eager〕She sounded very eager to meet you.听得出来她非常渴望见到你。剑桥高阶〔ear〕She couldn't see, but her ears told her that the guards had arrived.她虽然看不见,但是能听得出卫兵已经到了。牛津搭配〔entrance〕He listened to her, entranced.他听她讲话听得出了神。牛津高阶〔entrance〕She listened entranced while he described his adventures.他讲自己的冒险经历时她听得出了神。英汉大词典〔groove〕Her singing grooved me.她的歌唱使我听得出神。英汉大词典〔nuance〕He was aware of every nuance in her voice.他听得出她声音中每一个细微的变化。朗文当代〔sincerity〕He could hear the sincerity in her voice.他听得出她语气很真诚。牛津搭配〔tune〕I don't know the title but I recognize the tune.我不知道曲名,但听得出这曲调。牛津高阶〔voice〕I could tell from his slurred voice that he'd been drinking.他说话嘟囔不清,我听得出他喝酒了。牛津搭配Her ears are attuned to even the slightest variation in her baby's breathing.她对自己婴儿的呼吸声已是如此熟悉,哪怕有一丁点儿变化也能听得出来。剑桥国际His words were polite, but there were overtones of anger in his voice. 他的话讲得很有礼貌,但话音里听得出他的愤怒。译典通I could hear the note of appeal in her voice as she asked me to come and talk things over.她要求我去跟她好好把事情谈一谈,我听得出她的声音中含有恳求的意味。剑桥国际She was entranced with the music. 这音乐使她听得出了神。译典通There was a hint of smug self-satisfaction in her voice as she explained why her investments had been so successful.在她解释为什么她的投资如此成功时,听得出她的话语中带有点自鸣得意的感觉。剑桥国际




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