

单词 地景
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IMPRESS〕The campground in Emerald Bay State Park has a spectacular setting. 埃默拉尔德湾州立公园里的野营地景色壮丽。朗文写作活用〔counterbalance〕The ugliness of the resort is counterbalanced by the excellence of the skiing.优良的滑雪条件弥补了这片度假胜地景致方面的缺陷。剑桥高阶〔earthwork〕A work of art made by altering an area of land or a natural geographic feature, especially on a large scale.地景艺术品:一种通过改变某一地区的土地或自然地理景观而制成的艺术品,尤指改变很大范围美国传统〔intersect〕The landscape is intersected with spectacular gorges.在大地景色中点缀着壮观的峡谷。牛津高阶〔phantasmagoria〕Lowlands under the hills became an undulating phantasmagoria as mirages flickered endlessly.山下低地景致时起时伏变幻无常,犹如海市蜃楼不停地忽隐忽现。英汉大词典〔prominent〕The church tower was a prominent feature in the landscape.教堂的尖塔曾经是此地景观的重要特色。牛津高阶〔terraform〕To transform (a landscape) on another planet into one having the characteristics of landscapes on Earth.行星地球化:将另一星球(的陆地景观)转变成具有地球陆地景观特性的样子美国传统Soon all lowland landscapes were left far behind them. 不一会,所有的低地景色都远远地消失在他们背后。译典通




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