

单词 堆积
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accretion〕strangely shaped limestone accretions 奇形怪状的石灰岩堆积层韦氏高阶〔accumulate〕accumulate earth and stones 堆积泥土和石块英汉大词典〔accumulation〕large accumulations of snow 雪的大量堆积麦克米伦高阶〔bank up〕to bank up the snow把雪堆积起来21世纪英汉〔bank〕bank (up) the snow 将雪堆积起来文馨英汉〔bank〕banking sand up along the river to prevent flooding 在河边堆积沙子以防河水泛滥韦氏高阶〔cart〕cart away the mountains of rubbish 用车运走堆积如山的垃圾英汉大词典〔dead〕mountains of dead earth and stumps of trees堆积如山的死土和树桩外研社新世纪〔delta〕the accretional growth of the delta of the river河流三角洲的堆积延伸外研社新世纪〔deposit〕the buildup of fat/fatty deposits in the arteries 动脉脂肪的堆积韦氏高阶〔drift〕drifting sand 堆积的沙牛津高阶〔dump〕an ammunition dump 弹药临时堆积处牛津高阶〔exaggerate〕aggerāre [to pile up] from agger [pile] from aggerere [to bring to] ad- [ad-] gerere [to bring] aggerāre [堆起] 源自 agger [堆积] 源自 aggerere [带至] ad- [增加,添加] gerere [带来] 美国传统〔furrow〕snow drifting in furrows. 堆积在沟里的雪美国传统〔heap〕heap (up) bricks 堆积砖块文馨英汉〔jungle〕a jungle of wrecked automobiles 堆积如山的废汽车英汉大词典〔mass〕a mass of snow and rocks falling down the mountain 从山上滚下来的一堆积雪和石块牛津高阶〔mulch〕the leaves from autumnal trees which make piles of mulch for the garden秋天花园里满地堆积的厚厚的落叶外研社新世纪〔pile〕a table piled high with magazines 杂志堆积如山的桌子牛津搭配〔pile〕with work piling up 工作堆积起来文馨英汉〔plow〕plowed through the backlog of work. 费力处理一堆积压待办的工作美国传统〔stinking〕mountains of stinking rubbish 堆积成山、发出恶臭的垃圾麦克米伦高阶〔toxic〕food preservatives that are toxic in concentrated amounts; a dump for toxic industrial wastes.See Synonyms at poisonous 浓缩后有毒的食物防腐剂;有毒工业废料的临时堆积所 参见 poisonous美国传统




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