

单词 基金会
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-funded〕The Bush Foundation has funded a variety of faculty development programs.布什基金会已经资助了许多教员发展项目。柯林斯高阶〔COMPLETELY〕The foundation depends entirely on voluntary contributions. 基金会完全依靠自愿捐款。朗文写作活用〔DRUG〕Herring, 55, is a former drug user who started the foundation in San José in 1980. 55岁的赫林以前曾是吸毒者,他于1980年在圣何塞创立了该基金会。朗文写作活用〔EMPHASIZE〕I don't want to keep belaboring the point, but the Barnes Foundation is an educational institution, not a museum. 我不想多重复,但是巴恩斯基金会是一个教育机构,不是博物馆。朗文写作活用〔EMPHASIZE〕The dire state of child health in the country was underscored in a report by UNICEF. 联合国儿童基金会的一篇报告强调了该国儿童健康的可怕状况。朗文写作活用〔EXTREME〕He spoke before the ultra-right-wing Heritage Foundation on Thursday. 星期四他向极右翼的传统基金会发表了讲话。朗文写作活用〔IMF〕International Monetary Fund.国际货币基金会美国传统〔JOB〕She has been offered the post of director of UNICEF. 她被委任为联合国儿童基金会总干事。朗文写作活用〔LEADER〕Peter was a born leader, and his chairmanship of the WWF could not have been more effective. 彼得是个天生的领袖,他领导世界自然保护基金会非常有成效。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕He was awarded a $25,000 grant by the Rockefeller Foundation, which enabled him to finish the work. 他得到洛克菲勒基金会25,000美元的拨款,使他得以完成这项工作。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The Foundation's goals include providing scholarships for gifted young students. 该基金会的目标包括为有才华的年轻学子提供奖学金。朗文写作活用〔NSF〕National Science Foundation.国家科学基金会美国传统〔ORGANIZATION〕All the money raised will be donated to the Cancer Research Fund. 所有筹得的款项都将捐给癌症研究基金会。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZATION〕The Mental Health Trust works to raise awareness of mental illness and help people suffering from mental problems. 精神健康基金会致力于提高人们对精神病的关注,并为精神病患者提供帮助。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕Bowen had friends in high places, and managed to raise large sums of money from the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations. 鲍恩有门路,能从卡内基和洛克菲勒基金会筹集到大笔资金。朗文写作活用〔RICH〕Foundations set up by magnates such as Carnegie and Rockefeller provided most of the funding for the arts in the US. 由卡内基和洛克菲勒这类大亨创立的基金会为美国的艺术活动提供了大部分资金。朗文写作活用〔SITUATION〕It's an impressive set-up. The foundation brings in half a million dollars a day. 真是个了不起的组织,这个基金会一天就有50万美元的收入。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕The Foundation's conservative leadership made it clear it wanted no part of anything controversial. 该基金会态度保守的领导层表明不想介入任何争端。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕Such letters of complaint are atypical; the foundation usually receives nothing but praise and admiration for our work. 这种投诉信很不寻常,基金会通常收到的都是对我们工作的夸奖和赞赏信。朗文写作活用〔accreditation〕The project is seeking accreditation by the World Wildlife Foundation.这个项目目前正在寻求世界野生动物基金会的批准。外研社新世纪〔administer〕The foundation was formed specifically to administer the project.该基金会是专门为管理这个项目而设的。麦克米伦高阶〔annually〕In its annual report, UNICEF says at least 40,000 children die every day.在其年度报告中,联合国儿童基金会称每天至少有4万名儿童死亡。柯林斯高阶〔appropriation〕The foundation was promised a seven percent increase to bring its appropriations to $2.07 billion.基金会得到承诺拨款将增加7%,使其总额达到20.7亿美元。剑桥高阶〔award〕She received an award from the PPS Foundation.她获得了 PPS 基金会的嘉奖。牛津搭配〔bound〕The Foundation is bound by the treaty to help any nation that requests aid.根据条约规定,这个基金会应为任何请求援助的国家提供帮助。朗文当代〔capacity〕Ms Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of Unicef.哈利韦尔女士以联合国儿童基金会特别代表的身份访问了菲律宾。外研社新世纪〔capacity〕Ms Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of Unicef.哈利韦尔女士以联合国儿童基金会特别代表的身份访问了菲律宾。柯林斯高阶〔charity〕An institution, an organization, or a fund established to help the needy.慈善机构,救济基金:为帮助穷人而建立的机构、组织或基金会美国传统〔charity〕UNICEF is an international charity.联合国儿童基金会是国际性慈善组织。剑桥高阶〔co-production〕The movie is a co-production, with input from Disney and the Children's Film Foundation.这部电影由迪斯尼和儿童电影基金会共同出资,联合出品。剑桥高阶〔collaboration〕Close collaboration between the Bank and the Fund is essential.银行与基金会之间的紧密协作是至关重要的。外研社新世纪〔collaboration〕Close collaboration between the Bank and the Fund is not merely desirable, it is essential.银行与基金会的紧密合作不仅可取,而且必不可少。柯林斯高阶〔collectively〕Trusts and foundations are collectively worth over £20 billion.各大信托基金和基金会共值200亿英镑。外研社新世纪〔contribute〕George was already contributing to Democratic Party Funds.乔治早已在资助民主党基金会。外研社新世纪〔cultural〕The Foundation promotes cultural and educational exchanges between Britain and India.这个基金会促进英国和印度之间的文化和教育交流。外研社新世纪〔donor〕One that contributes something, such as money, to a cause or fund.捐赠者:赠送钱等物品给一个基金会的人美国传统〔foundation〕The foundation provides money for hospitals.基金会资助医院。英汉大词典〔foundation〕The money will go to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation.这笔钱将交给旧金山艾滋病基金会。牛津高阶〔foundation〕They established a foundation to help orphaned children.他们设立了基金会来帮助孤儿。韦氏高阶〔founding〕He is founding director of The Conservation Foundation.他是保护基金会的首任主管。外研社新世纪〔founding〕He is founding director of The Conservation Foundation.他是自然资源保护基金会的创办负责人。柯林斯高阶〔fund〕We give to the Children's Fund every Christmas.我们每年圣诞节向儿童基金会捐款。朗文当代〔gift〕The foundation made a gift of a million dollars to the university.基金会赠与大学100万元。英汉大词典〔goodwill〕A fund was set up as a goodwill gesture to survivors and their families.成立基金会是向幸存者及其家属作出的善意表示。朗文当代〔grant〕The National Art Collections Fund increased its grant by more than £125,000.国家艺术收藏基金会增加了125,000多英镑的拨款。外研社新世纪〔grant〕These studios are funded by a grant from the Kress Foundation.这些工作室由克雷斯基金会拨款提供资金。朗文当代〔holding〕To ensure security the investment fund has holdings in many companies.为确保资金安全,投资基金会持有多家公司的股份。剑桥高阶〔honoured〕The Foundation is holding a dinner at the Museum of American Art in honour of the opening of their new show.该基金会将在美国艺术博物馆举办宴会,庆祝新展览的开幕。柯林斯高阶〔honour〕The Foundation is holding a dinner at the Museum of American Art in honour of the opening of their new show.该基金会将在美国艺术博物馆举办宴会, 庆祝新展览的开幕。外研社新世纪〔journal〕It's the official journal of the Medical Foundation.那是医疗基金会的官方刊物。牛津搭配〔largesse〕The medical foundation will be the main beneficiary of the millionaire's largesse.这个医药基金会将是那位百万富翁慷慨捐助的主要受益者。剑桥高阶〔library〕An institution or a foundation maintaining such a collection.书库:拥有这种藏书的机构或基金会美国传统〔make out〕If you would like to send a donation, you can make a cheque out to Feed the Children.您如果有捐款的意愿,可以填写一张支票寄给救助儿童基金会。柯林斯高阶〔member〕He is a founder member of the Prison Reform Trust.他是监狱改革基金会的创始人之一。朗文当代〔name〕She accepted the gift in the name of the Save the Children Fund.她代表“拯救儿童基金会”接受了礼物。柯林斯高阶〔name〕She accepted the gift in the name of the Save the Children Fund.她代表拯救儿童基金会接受了捐赠。外研社新世纪〔other〕The Foundation is holding a dinner in honour of something or other.基金会正举办某个纪念宴会。柯林斯高阶〔patron〕The Princess was patron of the National AIDS Trust.王妃是国家艾滋病信托基金会的赞助人。外研社新世纪〔pocket〕The Foundation is reputed to have very deep pockets(= to have a lot of money).据说这个基金会资金雄厚。牛津高阶〔programme〕The foundation's online learning programme brings the classroom to you.该基金会的在线学习课程将把您带入课堂。牛津搭配〔reaction〕An emergency fund was set up in reaction to the famine.针对这次饥荒成立了一个应急基金会。朗文当代〔regularly〕Regulars at his local pub have set up a fund to help out.经常光顾他的酒吧的人伸出援手成立了一个基金会。柯林斯高阶〔respect〕WWF is internationally respected for its conservation work.世界野生动物基金会因其保护野生动物的工作受到国际社会的尊重。牛津搭配〔service area〕The Equal Access to Justice Foundation serves the Northwest Texas service area.平等享用司法权基金会向得克萨斯西北服务区提供服务。剑桥高阶〔set sth up〕They've set up a fund for victims of the earthquake.他们已经为地震中的受难者设立了一个基金会。剑桥高阶〔set up〕A foundation was set up for people with the disease.为患有这种疾病的人们设立了基金会。韦氏高阶〔sleeping giant〕The trust, which has 2.3 million members, has been characterised as a sleeping giant of the environment movement.这个拥有 230 万名成员的信托基金会被描述为环保运动方面的一头睡狮。柯林斯高阶〔subscribe to〕They have subscribed large sums to the fund.他们向基金会捐了巨款。21世纪英汉〔support〕The foundation supports cancer research.这家基金会为癌症研究提供资金。韦氏高阶〔transfer〕He has already transferred ownership of most of the works to a British foundation.他已把大部分作品的所有权转让给一家英国基金会。柯林斯高阶〔transfer〕He has already transferred ownership of most of the works to a British foundation.他已经把大部分作品的所有权转让给了一家英国基金会。外研社新世纪〔transfer〕Police are investigating how £20 million was illegally transferred from/out of the trust's bank account.警方正在调查2000万英镑是如何从该基金会的银行账户上非法转出的。剑桥高阶〔trusted〕The National Childbirth Trust has recently conducted a survey of 1,271 new mothers.国家生育信托基金会最近对 1,271 位新妈妈做了一个调查。柯林斯高阶〔trust〕The National Childbirth Trust has recently conducted a survey of 1,271 new mothers.国家生育信托基金会最近对1,271位新妈妈做了一项调查。外研社新世纪〔work towards〕To improve child health, UNICEF works towards seven priorities.为增进儿童健康, 联合国儿童基金会致力于实现七个优先目标。外研社新世纪An anonymous businesswoman donated one million dollars to the fund.一位匿名的女商人给基金会捐赠了1百万美元。剑桥国际He contributed half of his savings to the relief fund. 他将积蓄的一半捐献给救济基金会。译典通He left the major portion of his money to the foundation. 他将大部分钱留给了这个基金会。译典通He was the principal of the arts foundation.他是艺术基金会的会长。剑桥国际He works for UNICEF.他在联合国国际儿童基金会工作。剑桥国际Please make your cheque payable to WWF.请让你的支票可以付给世界野生动物基金会。剑桥国际She's applied to various foundations for a research fellowship.她向各类基金会申请了研究基金。剑桥国际The IMF often provides loans to developing countries to launch large-scale projects. 国际货币基金会经常提供贷款给开发中国家进行大规模工程建设。译典通The ads solicited donations for the American Heart Disease Foundation and the Cancer Fund of America.广告要求人们为美国心脏病基金会和癌症基金捐款。剑桥国际The charity raises money for holidays for the underprivileged (= poor people).慈善基金会为穷人筹款度假。剑桥国际The film is a co-production, with input from Disney and the Children's Film Foundation.这部电影是合拍片,由迪斯尼和儿童电影基金会共同投资。剑桥国际The foundation holds a large block of shares in the electronics company.基金会持有这家电子公司的大量股份。牛津商务The foundation provides money for schools. 基金会资助学校。译典通The foundation was promised a 7% increase to bring its appropriations (=appropriation) to $2. 07 billion.这个基金会得到许诺将获7%的增加额,这可使它的岁出预算增至20. 7亿美元。剑桥国际The foundation was set up in 1967 to provide scientifically-based information about nutrition.这个基金会成立于1967年,以提供营养学方面具有科学根据的信息。剑桥国际The management of the foundation is vested in a board of trustees. 基金会的管理交由理事会负责。译典通They have established a multinational fund to help students who want to study abroad.为了帮助打算出国留学的学生,他们建立了一个跨国基金会。剑桥国际They've set up a fund for victims of the earthquake.他们为地震中的受难者设立了一个基金会。剑桥国际This foundation provided bounties of more than 5 million last year. 去年该基金会赠款达五百万元以上。译典通UNICEF is an international charity.联合国儿童基金会是个国际慈善组织。剑桥国际




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