

单词 be kept alive
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alive〕The patient is being kept alive by artificial means.这个病人现在靠人工方式维持生命。韦氏高阶〔let nature take its course〕He could be kept alive artificially, but I think it would be kinder to let nature take its course.可以人工维持他的生命,但我想顺其自然反倒更好。剑桥高阶〔living will〕A will in which the signer requests not to be kept alive by medical life-support systems in the event of a terminal illness.自然死亡声明:签名者要求在病入膏肓时不必依靠医学的生命维持系统来延长生命的遗嘱美国传统He could be kept alive artificially, but I think it would be kinder to allow nature to/let nature take its course (= allow him to die).可以用人工的方法使他活着,不过我想让他自然死去更仁慈一些。剑桥国际He suffered serious brain damage in a car accident and has been kept alive by intravenous feeding.他在一次汽车事故中脑部严重受伤,一直通过静脉饲养维持生命。剑桥国际I have made a living will, which states that I don't want to be kept alive artificially if I am in a coma and there is no chance of me waking up.我已立下一份病危处置声明,言明如我长期昏迷不醒,且不可能再恢复知觉,则我不愿以人工手段维持生命。剑桥国际




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