

单词 同学
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIT〕Unless the guilty person owns up, the whole class will be punished. 除非犯了错的同学站出来认错,否则全班都要受到惩罚。朗文写作活用〔ADVANTAGE〕I had already lived in France for a year, so I had a big advantage over the other students. 我之前曾在法国住过一年,所以比起其他同学,我有很大的优势。朗文写作活用〔ANYTHING/ANYBODY〕Any student who wishes to go on the trip should sign this list. 凡想去旅行的同学请在这名单上写上自己的名字。朗文写作活用〔CONTACT〕I haven't kept in touch with any of the people I went to school with. 我没有和任何同学保持联系。朗文写作活用〔DETAIL〕In the next chapter I want to explore the question of the cultural boundaries between different subjects. Specifically I will look at what we mean by the terms ‘art’ and ‘science’. 下一章我要探讨一下不同学科之间的文化界限问题。我会具体地解释我们所说的“艺术”和“科学”的含义。朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕She always found it difficult to keep up with the rest of the class. 她总觉得要跟上班里的其他同学有困难。朗文写作活用〔DISADVANTAGE〕His lack of height has not been a handicap to him. He is as good an athlete as anyone else in the school. 他长得不高,但这对他似乎没什么妨碍。他和学校里的其他同学一样擅长运动。朗文写作活用〔GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND〕After 17 years of marriage, he left his wife for an old flame he ran into at a high school reunion. 结婚17年后,他为了在中学同学会上碰到的一个旧情人而离开了妻子。朗文写作活用〔HELLO〕Good morning, class! To start with I have a couple of announcements. 同学们,早上好!首先,我有几件事情要宣布。朗文写作活用〔LANGUAGE〕My daughter has several classmates whose first language is Bengali. 我女儿有几个同学,他们的第一语言是孟加拉语。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕The test was much too difficult for most of the students. 这次考试对大多数同学来说都太难。朗文写作活用〔Riot Act〕The teacher read the riot act to the rowdy class.老师狠狠地警告喧闹的全班同学美国传统〔STOP〕All the staff are determined to stop bullying in the school. 所有教职工都下决心要杜绝学校里欺负弱小同学的行为。朗文写作活用〔Same again〕All of your classmates have begun their projects, and I suggest you do the same.你班上所有同学都已开始了他们的项目,我建议你也开始。韦氏高阶〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕Are you familiar with the phrase "the old boy network'? 你知道“老同学关系网”这个说法吗?朗文写作活用〔ability〕I taught a wide range of abilities.各种不同学习能力的人我都教过。牛津搭配〔admonish〕With a quick look the teacher reproved the child for whispering in class.老师以极快的表情斥责在课堂上交头接耳的同学。美国传统〔all right〕All right class, turn to page 20.好啦,同学们,翻到第 20 页。牛津高阶〔appropriate〕Tutors can construct tests appropriate to individual students' needs.导师可以设计出适合不同学生需要的测验。牛津搭配〔assembly〕By nine, the juniors are in the hall for assembly.到9点钟, 低年级同学已经来到大厅等待集合。外研社新世纪〔bear up〕He bore up with his classmates.他与同学们并驾齐驱。21世纪英汉〔befriend〕He befriended the new student.他和那个新同学交上了朋友。韦氏高阶〔biggie〕They were only making it easier for their fellow students to download music. No biggie, right?他们只不过是让同学能更方便地下载音乐。这没什么大不了的, 对吧?外研社新世纪〔bunk off〕By 1968 her peers were bunking off their technical and sewing classes and throwing themselves into student riots.到1968年, 她的同学都不去上技术和缝纫课, 转而投身于学生暴动。外研社新世纪〔captaincy〕In college sports, captaincy is usually given to seniors.大学体育运动中的队长多由高年级同学担任。韦氏高阶〔certain〕We know that certain of his classmates walk to school every day.我们知道他的一些同学每天步行上学。韦氏高阶〔chum with〕He is going to chum with a foreign classmate next year instead of having a room to himself.明年他将和一位外国同学同室居住,而不是独自一人住一个房间了。21世纪英汉〔circuitry〕Students with an interest in microelectronic circuitry are advised to apply for the Engineering Electronics degree.建议对微电子电路设计感兴趣的同学申请工程电子学学位。外研社新世纪〔class〕Weren't you two in the same class at school? 你们以前不是同班同学吗?麦克米伦高阶〔clear ... up〕He cleared up the question of his absence in the presence of all his classmates.他当着全班同学的面澄清了他缺席的疑团。21世纪英汉〔clear〕The school is clear about its policy on bullying.这所学校对蛮横欺负同学这种行为的处置方法是很明确的。朗文当代〔coincidence〕Just by coincidence, I met my old schoolmate again 50 years later.纯粹是碰巧了,我在50年后又遇到了我的老同学。剑桥高阶〔compare〕Her scores compare well with those of the rest of the class.与班上其他同学相比,她的分数算是不错的。韦氏高阶〔contemporary〕She and I were contemporaries at college.她和我在大学是同学。牛津高阶〔corral〕He corralled his fellow freshmen for a meeting.他召集他的一年级新同学开了个会。英汉大词典〔defence〕He realized none of his schoolmates would come to his defense.他意识到没有一个同学会挺身为他辩护。柯林斯高阶〔demur〕The classmates wanted to make her the monitor,but she demurred.同班同学想推选她当班长,可是她不愿意。21世纪英汉〔discussion〕The class was involved in a heated discussion about politics.全班同学就政治展开了热烈讨论。韦氏高阶〔dish〕They talked all day long, dishing their classmates.他们聊了一整天,尽聊些他们的同班同学的事儿。21世纪英汉〔display〕In a remarkable display of generosity, the students gave the money they had raised for the class trip to their sick classmate.学生们把筹集的班级出游款赠给了患病的同学,表现出不同寻常的慷慨。韦氏高阶〔distinguish〕What was it that distinguished her from her classmates? 是什么使得她有别于班上其他同学呢?牛津高阶〔example〕He sets an example to the other students.他为其他同学树立了榜样。牛津高阶〔face〕The teacher faced the class.老师面向全班同学。韦氏高阶〔fag〕A student at a British public school who is required to perform menial tasks for a student in a higher class.受高年级使唤的低年级学生:在英国公立学校为高年级同学做跑腿活儿的学生美国传统〔flog〕She flogged her guitar to another student.她把吉他卖给另一个同学。牛津高阶〔foreign〕Many of my schoolmates are foreign.我的许多同学是外国人。英汉大词典〔fuse〕Their approach fused ideas from several disciplines.他们的方法结合了不同学科的思想。韦氏高阶〔hands-on〕Many employers consider hands-on experience to be as useful as academic qualifications.很多雇主都认为实践经验同学历一样有用。剑桥高阶〔incite〕She was expelled for inciting her classmates to rebel against their teachers.她因煽动同学反对老师而被开除。剑桥高阶〔ironically〕Classmates at West Point had ironically dubbed him Beauty.西点军校的同学们挖苦地叫他“美人”。外研社新世纪〔keep up with〕She still kept up with her classmates after graduation.毕业后她仍然与她的同学保持联系。21世纪英汉〔keep up〕He found it difficult to keep up with the rest of the class.他发现很难跟上班上的其他同学。韦氏高阶〔lasting〕I formed several lasting friendships at college.我在大学与几个同学建立了牢固的友谊。牛津高阶〔let ... in on〕His classmate refused to let him in on their extra-curricular activities.他的同班同学不让他参加他们的课外活动。21世纪英汉〔mate〕Most of my school mates are black.我的大多数同学都是黑人。朗文当代〔mile〕He was miles ahead of the other students in his class.他在班上遥遥领先于其他同学。韦氏高阶〔miss〕We seem to be missing some students this morning.今天早上我们好像有几位同学没到。牛津高阶〔monitor〕Each student's progress is closely monitored.每一位同学的学习情况都受到密切的关注。牛津高阶〔monotonously〕The class was chanting monotonously from its reading books.全班同学一个声调地反复诵读着读本。外研社新世纪〔none〕None of my classmates survived the war.我的同学中无人自战争中生还美国传统〔perceivable〕The students perceived that his behavior had changed.同学们发觉他的行为有些变化。21世纪英汉〔plagiarize〕He plagiarized a classmate's report.他抄袭同学的报告。韦氏高阶〔pseudo-intellectual〕She thinks her classmates are just a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals.她认为班里同学只是一帮徒有知识分子虚名的家伙。韦氏高阶〔rake ... in〕He raked many classmates in to the tea party.他把许多同学拖来参加茶会。21世纪英汉〔randomized〕The randomized study will compare students' achievement in different types of school.这项随机研究将对比不同学校学生取得的成绩。剑桥高阶〔rape〕She was raped by a fellow student.她被一个同学强奸了。韦氏高阶〔reassemble〕The class reassembled after lunch.午饭后,全班同学又集合起来。牛津高阶〔recite〕It's your turn to recite, Mr. Alan.轮到你背书了,艾伦同学。英汉大词典〔refer ... to〕All his classmates referred to him as “Blackbeard.”他的同学都称他为“黑胡子”。21世纪英汉〔remain ahead of〕He had to work hard to remain ahead of his classmates.他必须努力学习以保持他在同学中的领先地位。21世纪英汉〔ridicule〕He was often ridiculed by his schoolmates because he wore thick spectacles.他因为戴了深度眼镜常受到同学们的戏弄。英汉大词典〔school friend〕She met up with some of her old(= former)school friends.她与几个老同学见面。牛津高阶〔schoolfellow〕A schoolmate.同学,校友美国传统〔schoolmate〕He started the magazine with a schoolmate.他和一个同学创办了那份杂志。柯林斯高阶〔show〕All of the students signed the petition in a show of unity/solidarity with their classmate.所有学生都在请愿书上签了名,体现出同学间的团结。韦氏高阶〔single〕He finds himself pitted in single combat with Ferdia, his fellow-student in the martial arts.他发现自己要和练武术的同学费尔迪亚一对一较量。外研社新世纪〔sit〕You should not sit quietly by while your classmates are all busy.你不该在同学们都忙着的当口不声不响地袖手旁观。 英汉大词典〔snigger〕The class sniggered at her mistake.班上同学暗笑她的错误。韦氏高阶〔spit〕I scolded the child for spitting at another student.我斥责了那个孩子,因为他朝另一个同学吐口水。韦氏高阶〔that〕Are those your classmates (books)? 那些是你的同班同学(书本)吗? 英汉大词典〔the old-boy network〕The old-boy network still operates in some City banks.在某些城市商业银行,老同学关系网仍然管用。剑桥高阶〔thump〕All her classmates thumped for her.她的同班同学都全力支持她。21世纪英汉〔titter〕At the word 'breast', some of the class tittered.听到“乳房”这个词,班上有些同学嗤嗤地笑了起来。朗文当代〔torment〕She was tormented by her classmates.她被同班同学骚扰。韦氏高阶〔variorum〕An edition of the works of an author with notes by various scholars or editors.集注版:作家作品的一个版本,带有不同学者或编辑的注解美国传统At school she would always be devising games to amuse her classmates.在学校里,她总是会想出一些游戏来逗乐同学。剑桥国际He is quite tall in comparison with his classmates. 与他同学相比,他相当高。译典通He spends more time with his schoolmates than he does with his family.他和同学们在一起的时候比和家人多。剑桥国际He was teased by his classmates for not wearing the proper school uniform.他因为没有穿正规的校服而遭到同班同学的嘲弄。剑桥国际I got chucked out of the exam for cribbing from the guy in front.由于抄袭了前面一位同学的答案,我被取消了考试资格。剑桥国际I had a few relationships at college, most of which were fairly short-lived.我同大学同学有一些联系,但大多数都十分短暂。剑桥国际Louis was teased mercilessly (= very unkindly) by his schoolmates.路易斯被他的同学无情地戏弄。剑桥国际She excels the rest of the class in English. 她的英文在班上胜过任何同学。译典通She was expelled for inciting her classmates to rebel against their teachers.她因煽动同班同学反抗老师而被开除。剑桥国际That's enough tomfoolery, class -- now let's get on with some work, shall we! 全班同学,玩闹得够了----现在让我们继续上课,好吗!剑桥国际The class bully made her life hell at school.班里的霸道同学让她在学校的日子很不好过。剑桥国际The editor of the newspaper warned her fellow-students not to dishonour their university by joining in demonstrations.报纸主编警告她的同学们,不要参加示威给他们的大学抹黑。剑桥国际Tom has always been popular among his classmates. 汤姆在同学中一直很受欢迎。译典通We go back a long way (= have known each other for a long time) -- we were at school together. (infml ) 我们很早就认识了,当时我们是同学。剑桥国际We were amazed to discover that we'd been at school together.我们惊奇地发现,我们原来是老同学。剑桥国际




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