

单词 和风
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔START〕a revival of interest in sixties music and style 对60年代音乐和风格的兴趣的复兴朗文写作活用〔battle〕battle with (或 against) the winds and waves 和风浪搏斗英汉大词典〔breeze〕a gentle/light/slight breeze 和风麦克米伦高阶〔conglomeration〕a conglomeration of buildings of different sizes and styles 大小和风格各异的建筑楼群牛津高阶〔gentle〕a gentle breeze 和风朗文当代〔gentle〕a gentle breeze 和风牛津高阶〔gentle〕a gentle rain/breeze/wind 细雨/和风韦氏高阶〔gentle〕a gentle wind.和风。牛津同义词〔gentle〕a gentle zephyr 和风英汉大词典〔instrument〕to read the instruments and make a note of the wind speed and direction 读取仪器数据并记录风速和风向牛津搭配〔knot〕a 20-knot breeze 20节的和风英汉大词典〔liturgy〕the many similarities in ministry, liturgy and style between the two churches. 两个教会在牧师职责、礼拜仪式和风格方面的诸多相似之处柯林斯高阶〔mild〕a mild breeze 和风英汉大词典〔moderate〕a moderate wind.和风。牛津同义词〔mood〕a collection of stories that vary in mood and style 不同基调和风格的故事选集麦克米伦高阶〔moral〕the morals and customs of the Victorian period 维多利亚时期的道德标准和风俗习惯朗文当代〔northern〕northern breezes. 来自北方的和风美国传统〔parade〕a parade of fads and styles. 时髦和风尚的轮替美国传统〔portraiture〕genres of art, such as portraiture and landscape不同的艺术流派, 譬如肖像画和风景画外研社新世纪〔promise〕a promise of spring in the milder air. 和风预示着春天就要到来美国传统〔ripple〕fields of grain rippling in the soft wind 和风中麦浪起伏的田野朗文当代〔slack〕a slack current; slack winds. 缓流;和风美国传统〔slack〕a slack wind 和风英汉大词典〔soft〕a soft breeze 和风英汉大词典〔soft〕a soft breeze.和风。牛津同义词〔suave〕a suave breeze 和风英汉大词典〔turn of phrase〕a dry sense of humour and witty turn of phrase假装正经的诙谐和风趣的措辞外研社新世纪〔wind〕a gentle wind.和风。牛津同义词〔wind〕renewable energies like solar and wind power 像太阳能和风力之类的再生能源牛津搭配〔zephyr〕the flowers, the zephyrs, and the warblers of spring, returning after a tedious absence 久别重来的春天的花卉、和风和鸣莺英汉大词典




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