

单词 围起来
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bailey〕The space enclosed by this outer wall.城廓中庭:用这种外墙围起来的空间美国传统〔cangue〕A heavy wooden yoke borne on the shoulders and enclosing the neck and arms, formerly used in China for punishing petty criminals.木枷:一个沉重的木制枷套,戴在双肩上,将颈部和手臂圈围起来,旧时用于中国以惩罚轻罪犯人美国传统〔chicken run〕An enclosed area in which chickens are allowed to walk and run about.鸡场:围起来让鸡在里面走和跑动的一块地方美国传统〔close〕The police finally closed in on Connors and captured him.警察最后把康纳斯包围起来并将其抓获。麦克米伦高阶〔curb〕An enclosing framework, such as that around a skylight.围栏:一种围起来的结构,如天窗周围的围栏美国传统〔curtilage〕The enclosed area immediately surrounding a house or dwelling.院子,庭院:紧邻房子或住宅周围被围起来的区域美国传统〔decoy〕An enclosed place, such as a pond, into which wildfowl are lured for capture.圈套:围起来的地方,如池塘,可把野鸡诱捕在里面美国传统〔exclosure〕An area of land enclosed by a barrier, such as a fence, to protect vegetation and prevent grazing by animals.围地:以例如栅栏等的某种障碍物将某个区域的土地围起来,以保护植物并避免为动物所牧食美国传统〔fence ... in〕The small house was fenced in by high buildings.这栋小房子被一些高楼大厦包围起来了。21世纪英汉〔fence ... in〕We fenced in the orchard to keep the sheep out.我们把果园围起来,不让羊进来。21世纪英汉〔fence about〕Our garden has been fenced about.我们的花园已经用篱笆围起来了。21世纪英汉〔fence in〕He plans to fence in about 100 acres of his ranch.他打算将牧场的约100英亩地围起来。外研社新世纪〔fence sth in〕She would need to fence in the field if she wants to keep a horse there.如果她打算在那儿养一匹马,就必须把那块地用栅栏围起来。剑桥高阶〔fence〕His land is fenced with barbed wire.他的地用带钩的铁丝围起来。21世纪英汉〔fence〕The first task was to fence the wood to exclude sheep.第一项任务就是把树林围起来不让羊进去。外研社新世纪〔fence〕The first task was to fence the wood to exclude sheep.第一项任务就是把树林围起来不让羊进去。柯林斯高阶〔fence〕Thomas was playing in a little fenced area full of sand.托马斯在一小块围起来的满是沙子的地上玩耍。柯林斯高阶〔fence〕We fenced in the garden to keep the dog out.我们把园地用栅栏围起来以防范狗进来。21世纪英汉〔go〕There were about seven of them standing round him, all waiting to have a go.他们大约有七个人把他围起来,个个都等着下手。牛津高阶〔hem sb in〕When they reached Trafalgar Square, the demonstrators were hemmed in by the police.当他们到达特拉法加广场时,示威者们已被警方包围起来了。剑桥高阶〔infield〕Sports The area inside a racetrack or running track.【体育运动】 跑道内的场地:径赛道或跑道包围起来的区域美国传统〔infield〕The area of the field bounded by home plate and first, second, and third bases.内场,内野:被本垒和一、二、三垒包围起来的棒球场地美国传统〔paddock〕A fenced area, usually near a stable, used chiefly for grazing horses.围场:被围起来的地区,通常靠近牲畜厩,主要用来牧马美国传统〔pale〕The park was encompassed by a wooden pale or hedge.这个公园用木篱和树篱围起来了。外研社新世纪〔pale〕Their garden was paled out.他们的园子是用篱笆围起来的。21世纪英汉〔pale〕To enclose with pales; fence in.用栅栏围起来;围住美国传统〔parvis〕An enclosed courtyard or space at the entrance to a building, especially a cathedral, that is sometimes surrounded by porticoes or colonnades.前庭:在建筑物的入口处围起来的庭院或空间,尤指有时被门廊或柱廊所环绕的教堂美国传统〔pew〕An enclosed compartment in a church that provides seating for a number of people, such as a family.教堂小包间:教堂里给一定数量的人,如一个家庭,提供的围起来的小间美国传统〔rail in〕They railed in their vegetable garden.他们用栏杆将他们的菜园围起来。21世纪英汉〔rail〕The garden should be railed.那座花园应该用栏杆围起来。文馨英汉〔rail〕The park was railed in [off from the road].那座公园以栏杆围起来[以栏杆跟那条路隔开]。文馨英汉〔rail〕The police railed the spot where the accident happened.警察将事故发生的地点用栏杆围起来。21世纪英汉〔rail〕To supply or enclose with rails or a rail.用栏杆围:提供栏杆或把栏杆围起来美国传统〔shell〕An external, usually hard, protective or enclosing case or cover.外壳:外部的通常坚硬的保护性或包围起来的罩或外壳美国传统〔vestibule〕An enclosed area at the end of a passenger car on a railroad train.连廊,通廊:在客车或火车后部的一块围起来的区域美国传统〔wall〕Next year we plan to wall in the garden.明年我们打算用墙把花园围起来。麦克米伦高阶〔well〕An enclosed space for receiving and holding something, such as the wheels of an airplane when retracted.养鱼舱:为接收和容纳东西而围起来的空间,如收起来的飞机轮美国传统By surrounding the city our troops achieved a bloodless victory. 我军把城市包围起来,获得兵不血刃的胜利。译典通I helped him fence his garden. 我帮他用篱笆把花园围起来。译典通Part of the playing field had been railed off for use as a car park.游乐场的一部分已被围起来作停车场用。剑桥国际The garden was rimmed with (= surrounded by) a high stone wall.花园用一堵高高的石头墙围起来剑桥国际The police roped off the playing field to keep back the crowd. 警察把比赛场地用绳子围起来,以防人群靠近。译典通




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