

单词 困境
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔CALM〕calm in a difficult situation 在困境中保持镇静朗文写作活用〔Catch-22〕a Catch-22 situation 无法摆脱的困境英汉大词典〔DEAL WITH〕to deal with a difficult situation in a particular way 以某种方式应付困境朗文写作活用〔bail〕always bailing you out of trouble. 总是帮你摆脱困境美国传统〔beleaguered〕an economically beleaguered city 处于经济困境的城市韦氏高阶〔beset〕a city beset by/with economic problems 陷入经济困境的城市韦氏高阶〔beset〕problems besetting the country 使国家陷于困境的种种难题英汉大词典〔bolster〕an aid programme to bolster up their troubled economy. 旨在改善他们国家经济困境的援助计划柯林斯高阶〔bunker〕be driven into one's bunker 陷入困境英汉大词典〔corner〕to back/drive/force sb into a corner 把某人逼入困境牛津高阶〔dark〕the dark humor common in difficult situations 常见于困境中的黑色幽默朗文当代〔descry〕descry a way out of one's troubles 找到一条摆脱困境的出路英汉大词典〔doldrums〕a football club in the financial doldrums 陷于财政困境的足球俱乐部英汉大词典〔emergence〕the company's emergence from bankruptcy 公司摆脱破产的困境麦克米伦高阶〔entangle in〕to entangle someone in a labyrinth使某人陷入难于摆脱的困境21世纪英汉〔financial〕a family struggling with financial problems 在经济困境中挣扎的家庭韦氏高阶〔find〕find oneself in a dilemma 发现自己陷入进退两难的困境英汉大词典〔get〕get into difficulties 陷入困境英汉大词典〔gnarly〕a gnarly situation 困境韦氏高阶〔hole〕get sb. out of a hole 使某人脱离困境英汉大词典〔impale〕impale sb. on a dilemma 置某人于进退维谷的困境英汉大词典〔indifference〕his callous indifference to the plight of his son他对儿子困境的漠不关心外研社新世纪〔mire〕find oneself in a mire of debt 发现自己陷入负债困境英汉大词典〔mire〕the mire of poverty. 贫困的困境美国传统〔mire〕to be mired in emotion陷入情感的困境21世纪英汉〔place〕place sb. in a difficult position 将某人置于困境 英汉大词典〔plight〕blame one's plight on sb. 把困境归咎于某人英汉大词典〔plight〕the plight of the 1.5 million refugees 150 万难民所处的困境牛津搭配〔plight〕the plight of the poor/homeless/unemployed 穷人/无家可归者/失业者的困境麦克米伦高阶〔plight〕the plight of the unemployed/homeless 失业人员/无家可归者的困境韦氏高阶〔predicament〕a portrayal of the human predicament 人类困境的写照牛津搭配〔quicksand〕freed from the quicksands of war 从战争的困境中解脱出来韦氏高阶〔run〕run (oneself) into debt (trouble) 陷入债务(困境)英汉大词典〔shake ... off〕to shake off one's hard condition摆脱困境21世纪英汉〔sink〕to sink one's bad condition使某人的困境更加恶化21世纪英汉〔soup〕take (或 land) sb. in the soup 使某人陷入困境英汉大词典〔tight〕the best alternative when you are in a tight corner身处困境时你的最佳替代方案外研社新世纪〔trap〕the unemployment trap 失业的困境牛津高阶〔travail〕the travails of last year's water shortage 去年缺水的困境朗文当代〔weasel〕to weasel one's way out of a predicament逃脱困境21世纪英汉




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