

单词 圆的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABOUT/APPROXIMATELY〕It's kind of circular-shaped, but not exactly. 形状有点圆,但又不完全是圆的。朗文写作活用〔ALMOST〕The orbits of the planets are almost circular, but not quite. 行星的轨道几乎是圆的,但不完全是。朗文写作活用〔Apollonius of Perga〕Greek mathematician who first defined the conic sections called the parabola, hyperbola, and ellipse.阿普罗涅斯:古希腊数学家,他最早定义了称为抛物线、双曲线和椭圆的圆锥形部分美国传统〔CIRCLE〕Violet stared at him with her huge round eyes. 维奥莉特那双又大又圆的眼睛直盯着他。朗文写作活用〔EXPRESSION ON SB'S FACE〕He normally wore a slightly amused look on his round face. 他圆圆的脸上常露出一种略带俏皮的神情。朗文写作活用〔Persian cat〕A stocky domestic cat having long silky fur, short legs, and a broad, round head with small ears.波斯猫:一种粗壮的家猫,长有长丝状的皮毛、短腿、宽圆的头和一对小耳朵美国传统〔ROUND〕His bald round head reminded her of Sam. 他圆圆的秃头使她想起了萨姆。朗文写作活用〔ROUND〕She drew a round yellow sun in the center of the picture. 她在画中央画了一轮圆圆的金色太阳。朗文写作活用〔ROUND〕The blocks have rounded edges that are safer for small children. 积木的边是圆的,给幼儿玩起来较为安全。朗文写作活用〔ROUND〕The knife had a rounded wooden handle. 小刀有一个圆的木制手柄。朗文写作活用〔ROUND〕The recipe calls for large round tomatoes. 做这种菜需要用又大又圆的番茄。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕The windows were round, like the windows on a ship. 那些窗户是圆的,就像船上的窗一样。朗文写作活用〔TRUE〕It is a fact that the world is round. 地球是圆的,。这是个事实。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕This is a textbook example of how Hollywood undermines its best ideas, by insisting on happy endings, even when they are completely implausible. 尽管情节完全不合理但仍然坚持大团圆的结尾,这是好莱坞如何毁掉精彩构思的一个典型例子。朗文写作活用〔agglomerate〕To form or collect into a rounded mass.使成团,使结块,使聚结:使形成或聚集成圆的团块美国传统〔altocumulus〕A cloud formation of rounded, fleecy, white or gray masses.高积云:圆的、羊毛状、白色或灰色云团结构美国传统〔axis〕The diameter of a circle is also an axis.一个圆的直径也是一条轴线。剑桥高阶〔bat〕Baseball A rounded, often wooden club, wider and heavier at the hitting end and tapering at the handle, used to strike the ball.【棒球】 球棒:一种圆的,常常是木质的棍棒,一端较重较宽,用于击打,至手柄处则越来越细,常用于击棒球美国传统〔believe〕Astronomers knew the Earth was round, but few people believed it.天文学家知道地球是圆的,但是很少有人相信这一点。麦克米伦高阶〔boulder〕A large rounded mass of rock lying on the surface of the ground or embedded in the soil.巨砾,圆石:在地表上或埋在土壤中的大而圆的岩石块美国传统〔bull's-eye〕A piece of round, hard candy.牛眼糖:一种圆的,很硬的糖美国传统〔cardioid〕A heart-shaped plane curve, the locus of a fixed point on a circle that rolls on the circumference of another circle with the same radius.心脏线:一种心形的平滑曲线,圆周上一固定点绕另一具有相同半径的圆的圆周转动的轨迹美国传统〔circle〕Something, such as a ring, shaped like such a plane curve.圆形物,环状物:形状类似于圆的东西,如戒指美国传统〔circular〕He had round unblinking eyes and a perfectly circular head.他的眼睛圆溜溜的,一眨不眨,脑袋也圆圆的。牛津搭配〔circular〕Moving in or forming a circle.进入圆内或形成圆的美国传统〔circular〕Shaped like or nearly like a circle; round.圆形的:形状为圆或近似为圆的;圆的美国传统〔circular〕The house looks almost circular.这房子看起来几乎是圆的。牛津搭配〔circumference〕Calculate the circle's circumference.计算一下这个圆的周长。韦氏高阶〔circumference〕The boundary line of a circle.圆周:一个圆的边界线美国传统〔circumference〕The circle is 38 inches in circumference.这个圆的周长是38英寸。韦氏高阶〔cockle〕Any of various bivalve mollusks of the family Cardiidae, having rounded or heart-shaped shells with radiating ribs.鸟蛤:鸟蛤科双壳类软体动物,有放射状翅脉的圆的或心形外壳美国传统〔coincide〕The centres of concentric circles coincide.同心圆的圆心是一个。21世纪英汉〔coincide〕The centres of concentric circles coincide.同心圆的圆心重合。英汉大词典〔compass〕Semicircular. Used of bow windows.半圆的。用于弓形窗美国传统〔contrived〕The book's happy ending seemed contrived.这部书大团圆的结局读来让人感到不真实。牛津高阶〔contrive〕The writer contrived a happy ending.作家安排了一个大团圆的结局。英汉大词典〔crescent〕Waxing, as the moon; increasing.渐圆的,渐强的:月亮等渐圆的;逐渐增强的美国传统〔cycloid〕Resembling a circle.象圆的美国传统〔diameter〕The dotted line indicates the diameter of the circle.虚线表示这个圆的直径。韦氏高阶〔discoid〕Having a flat, circular form; disk-shaped.椭圆形的,盘状的:具有扁而圆的形状的;盘状的美国传统〔eccentricity〕Physics The distance between the center of an eccentric and its axis.【物理学】 偏心距:偏心圆的中心与圆轴间的距离美国传统〔elliptic〕Containing or characterized by ellipsis.包括椭圆的,或以椭圆为特征的美国传统〔elliptic〕Of, relating to, or having the shape of an ellipse.椭圆的:椭圆形的、与椭圆形有关的或具有椭圆形的美国传统〔falchion〕A short, broad sword with a convex cutting edge and a sharp point, used in medieval times.弯形大刀:中世纪用的有一凸圆的刃的短的宽刀美国传统〔formula〕This formula is used to calculate the area of a circle.这个公式用于计算圆的面积。牛津高阶〔give〕Three points of a circle are given.已知一圆的三点。英汉大词典〔great circle〕A segment of such a circle representing the shortest distance between two terrestrial points.大圆弧:大圆的一部分,表示球面上两点间的最短距离美国传统〔is〕The earth is round.地球是圆的。英汉大词典〔lug nut〕A heavy, rounded nut that fits over a bolt, used especially to attach an automotive vehicle's wheel to its axle.四方螺帽:套在螺栓上的沉而圆的螺帽,尤其用在把机动车的轮及轴相接时美国传统〔lunette〕A small, circular or crescent-shaped opening in a vaulted roof.半圆壁,弧形窗:在高高的屋顶上的小的,圆的或新月形的开口美国传统〔lune〕A crescent-shaped portion of a plane or sphere bounded by two arcs of circles.球面二角形:由圆的两弧合成的球,或飞机的月牙形的那部分美国传统〔major axis〕The longer of the two lines about which an ellipse is symmetrical; the axis that passes through both focuses of an ellipse.长轴:椭圆的两根轴中较长的一根;通过椭圆的两个焦点的轴美国传统〔melon〕He had a big round head like a melon.他有一个又大又圆的脑袋, 像个瓜一样。外研社新世纪〔moutonnée〕Rounded by glacial action into a shape likened to a sheep's back. Used of a rock formation.羊背石的:由于冰川作用而使之形似羊背般圆的。用于岩石的形成美国传统〔neither〕A: Is the mirror round or square? B: Neither, it's oval.甲:那面镜子是圆的还是方的? 乙:都不是,是椭圆的。英汉大词典〔oblate〕Having the shape of a spheroid generated by rotating an ellipse about its shorter axis.扁圆的,椭圆的:绕其短轴旋转椭圆而得到的球形的美国传统〔oblong〕Deviating from a square, circular, or spherical form by being elongated in one direction.长方形的,椭圆的:通过向一个方向延长正方形、圆形或球形得到的美国传统〔octant〕One eighth of a circle.八分圆:圆的八分之一美国传统〔orange stick〕A stick of orangewood with tapered ends, used in manicuring.桔枝:一种末端尖圆的桔枝,用于修剪指甲美国传统〔ovolo〕A rounded convex molding, often a quarter section of a circle or an ellipse.凸圆线脚装饰:一个圆的凸圆体塑模,通常为一圆或椭圆的四分之一部分美国传统〔pop-eyed〕The children were pop-eyed with excitement.孩子们兴奋得眼睛瞪得圆圆的。剑桥高阶〔popularization〕It was Aristotle who proved the world is round. Plato popularized the concept.亚里士多德证明了地球是圆的,柏拉图普及了这一概念。柯林斯高阶〔radius〕Measure the radius of the circle.测量圆的半径。韦氏高阶〔red-hot〕A small, usually round red candy strongly flavored with cinnamon.桂皮红糖果:一种小的,通常为圆的、有浓重桂皮香味的红色糖果美国传统〔rounded〕Shaped into the form of a circle or sphere; made round.成圆形或球形的;弄圆的美国传统〔rounded〕The little boy stared at the pregnant woman's rounded belly.小男孩盯着那个孕妇滚圆的大肚子看。剑桥高阶〔rounder〕One that rounds, especially a tool for rounding corners and edges.倒圆式倒角工具:尤指把边和角弄圆的工具美国传统〔round〕Don't worry if the balls of dough aren't perfectly round.如果面团不是很圆的话,别担心。麦克米伦高阶〔round〕His face had lost its boyish roundness.他的脸已不是小时候那副圆圆的娃娃脸了。牛津高阶〔round〕The Earth is round.地球是圆的。韦氏高阶〔round〕The baby has a round face.这个婴儿的脸蛋圆圆的。韦氏高阶〔round〕The child was watching it all with big round eyes(= showing interest).这孩子睁着又大又圆的眼睛看着这一切。牛津高阶〔round〕We now know that the earth is not flat but round.我们现在知道, 地球不是平的而是圆的。外研社新世纪〔safety glass〕Tempered glass that breaks into rounded grains instead of jagged shards.夹丝玻璃:回过火的玻璃,破碎时碎成圆的粒状物而不是齿状碎片美国传统〔sector〕The portion of a circle bounded by two radii and the included arc.扇形:由两条半径和其间的弧组成的圆的一部分美国传统〔semielliptical〕Having the form or shape of half of an ellipse, especially when divided along the major axis.半椭圆的:形态或形状为椭圆的一半,尤指沿主要的长轴线分割的美国传统〔semiround〕Having a round side and a flat side.半圆的:有一个圆边和一个平边的美国传统〔shaft〕A long, generally cylindrical bar, especially one that rotates and transmits power, as the drive shaft of an engine.转动轴:长且通常是圆的棒,尤指旋转并传导力的,如驱动机器的转动杆美国传统〔sprout〕She is very old now, with little, round, wire-rimmed glasses and whiskers sprouting from her chin.她现在很老了,戴着圆圆的金属架小眼镜,下巴上还长出了胡须。柯林斯高阶〔square〕The boat is rounded at the front but squared off at the back.这条船船头是圆的,船尾则是方的。牛津高阶〔sternness〕Her round face was given to sternness.她圆圆的脸庞神情严肃。外研社新世纪〔target〕A small, round shield.小而圆的徽章美国传统〔thing〕There was a round metal thing on the path.小路上有一个圆圆的、金属的东西。朗文当代〔throw〕The radius of a circle described by a crank, cam, or similar machine part.(曲轴的)半径:曲柄、凸轮或类似机器部件形成的圆的半径美国传统〔toughness〕Three burly toughs elbowed their way to the front.三个膀粗腰圆的恶汉挤到了前面。柯林斯高阶〔trammel〕An instrument for describing ellipses.椭圆规:一种画椭圆的仪器美国传统〔triangle〕Which earrings did you buy in the end - the triangles or the circles? 最后你买了什么样的耳环——三角形的还是圆的?剑桥高阶〔umbel〕A flat-topped or rounded flower cluster in which the individual flower stalks arise from about the same point, as in the geranium, milkweed, onion, and chive.伞形花序:单个花茎大致上总从同一个地方长出的,顶端扁平或圆的花序,如天笠葵、乳草、洋葱和细香葱美国传统〔unity〕In a table of natural sines the radius of the circle is regarded as unity.圆的半径在正弦真数表中被视作1。英汉大词典He bulged his cheeks roundly. 他把两颊鼓得圆圆的。译典通Most planetary orbits are not circles but ellipses.大多数受行星作用的轨道不是圆的而是椭圆的。剑桥国际Tennis balls and oranges are round.网球与桔子是圆的。剑桥国际The Earth is round.地球是圆的。剑桥国际The chicks looked like little round balls of fluff. 小鸡们看上去像滚圆的小绒球。译典通The children were pop-eyed with excitement.孩子们兴奋得眼睛睁得圆圆的。剑桥国际The earth is round. 地球是圆的。译典通The feud over two or three miles of land has so far cost over a thousand lives.这两三英里方圆的土地上的世仇到现在已经让上千人丧生。剑桥国际The teacher told the class to work out the area of a circle, but some of them didn't know how to set about it.老师叫班上的学生们算出圆的面积,但有些人却不知该如何下手。剑桥国际The world is round. 地球是圆的。译典通The writer contrived a happy ending. 作者安排了一个大团圆的结局。译典通




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