

单词 圆润
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-armed〕plump-armed women in cotton dresses. 胳膊圆润、身穿棉制连衣裙的妇女柯林斯高阶〔dark〕his deep, dark voice 他那低沉而圆润的嗓音韦氏高阶〔depth〕his unmistakable voice with its depth and richness 他那低沉圆润的清晰声音麦克米伦高阶〔fat〕a fat bass voice 圆润的男低音英汉大词典〔fruity〕a fruity voice 圆润的嗓音英汉大词典〔full-bodied〕a full-bodied performance of the aria. 声调圆润饱含热情的咏叹调美国传统〔full-bodied〕a full-bodied string section 圆润悦耳的弦乐部牛津高阶〔full〕a full tone 圆润的嗓音英汉大词典〔fulsome〕a fulsome voice 圆润的嗓音英汉大词典〔golden〕a smooth golden voice 平滑圆润的嗓音韦氏高阶〔mellifluous〕the mellifluous sound of the cello 大提琴甜美圆润的乐音剑桥高阶〔mellow〕mellow sounds.圆润的声音。牛津同义词〔melodious〕a rich melodious voice 圆润悦耳的嗓音牛津高阶〔pear-shaped〕a pear-shaped tone 圆润的音调英汉大词典〔plummy〕a radio announcer's plummy voice. 一位电台播音员圆润的声音美国传统〔plummy〕plummy cheeks 圆润的双颊英汉大词典〔plumpness〕red pears, ripe peaches and plump nectarines. 红色的梨、熟了的桃和圆润的油桃柯林斯高阶〔plump〕ripe peaches and plump nectarines熟了的桃和圆润的油桃外研社新世纪〔rich〕a rich, shrewd laugh 圆润的尖笑声英汉大词典〔rich〕a singer with a full, rich voice 嗓音圆润浑厚的歌手韦氏高阶〔ripe〕the violin's full, ripe sound 那把小提琴丰满圆润的音色韦氏高阶〔round〕delivering the lines in round actorly tones以演员般洪亮圆润的语调念着台词外研社新世纪〔round〕rich round tones 浑厚圆润的声调英汉大词典〔smooth〕smooth tones of a harp 竖琴圆润的音调英汉大词典〔sonance〕the far-off mellow sonance of a cowbell 远处传来的圆润的牛铃声英汉大词典〔tone〕the sweet tone(s) of a lute 圆润的诗琴声英汉大词典〔voice〕a booming/breathy/clear/deep/fruity/gravelly/husky/squeaky voice 低沉/带喘息声/清脆/深沉/圆润/粗哑/沙哑/尖细的嗓音剑桥高阶




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