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释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔INCREASE〕the boom in cellular phone ownership 手机使用者的迅速增多朗文写作活用〔access〕a sudden access of wealth 财富的骤然增多英汉大词典〔accumulate〕the accumulation of evidence against him 对他不利的证据的逐渐增多韦氏高阶〔air rage〕an increase in air rage incidents 空中闹事事件的增多剑桥高阶〔apprehension〕an increased number of apprehensions 拘押人数增多韦氏高阶〔binge drinker〕a disturbing rise in binge drinking among young people. 年轻人纵酒现象增多,令人不安柯林斯高阶〔build〕clouds building on the horizon. 地平线上逐渐增多的云美国传统〔build〕money building interest in a savings account; build support for a political candidate. 储蓄中逐渐增多的利息;加强一个政党候选人的支持美国传统〔civilized〕rising crime in our so-called civilized societies 在我们所谓文明社会中日益增多的犯罪行为牛津高阶〔clan〕one of a growing clan of stars who have left Hollywood 脱离了好莱坞的那帮人数日益增多的明星中的一员牛津高阶〔crime〕rising crime 增多的犯罪活动剑桥高阶〔dole〕lengthening dole queues 排队领取失业救济金人数的不断增多牛津高阶〔drip〕a steady drip of data suggesting that the economy is improving 逐渐增多的、表明经济正在好转的数据麦克米伦高阶〔expense〕the growth in short breaks, at the expense of longer package holidays 以牺牲时间较长的包价旅游为代价的短假增多朗文当代〔failure〕economic failure and increasing unemployment 经济失败与失业人口增多牛津搭配〔fat〕a rise in fatness in children 儿童肥胖现象的增多朗文当代〔growth〕a substantial growth in the number of low-paid jobs 低薪工作的大量增多麦克米伦高阶〔growth〕the growth of a crystal 晶体的增多韦氏高阶〔imprisonment〕the courts' increased use of imprisonment 法庭对监禁使用的增多麦克米伦高阶〔increase〕an increase in road accidents交通事故的增多外研社新世纪〔increase〕an increase in violence along the border边境地区暴力事件的增多外研社新世纪〔increase〕increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere 地球大气层中日益增多的二氧化碳含量牛津高阶〔increasing〕increasing unemployment 日益增多的失业人数英汉大词典〔internationalism〕the increasing internationalism of criminals 犯罪分子日益增多的国际背景剑桥高阶〔marital〕the increase in marital breakdown 婚姻破裂的增多朗文当代〔mass media〕the unprecedented growth in concentrated mass-media violence大众传媒中集中出现的暴力内容的空前增多外研社新世纪〔momentum〕the momentum of increasing immigration 移民增多的势头朗文当代〔nationwide〕a speech that was broadcast nationwide; nationwide opposition to the tax hike. 全国性的播出的演说;全国性的反对税收增多美国传统〔official〕the increasing number of strikes, official and unofficial 日益增多的经批准和未经批准的罢工英汉大词典〔phenomenon〕the growing phenomenon of telecommuting 远程上班逐渐增多的现象朗文当代〔prison〕an increase in the number of women going to prison 入狱女性人数的增多朗文当代〔relative〕the increase in dependent elderly relatives 需要扶养的老年亲戚的增多牛津搭配〔rise〕the rise of home ownership. 购房者的增多柯林斯高阶〔robot〕the increasing use of robots in the car manufacturing industry 机器人在汽车制造业中日益增多的应用麦克米伦高阶〔snowball〕consumers dealing with snowballing debt 要处理不断增多的债务的消费者韦氏高阶〔upward〕the Army's concern that the upward trend in the numbers avoiding military service may continue. 部队对逃避服兵役人数可能持续增多的担忧柯林斯高阶〔weather〕an increase in extreme weather events 极端天气事件的增多牛津搭配the country's lengthening dole queues 这个国家排队领取失业济金人数的不断增多牛津商务the growth of online retailers 网上零售商的增多牛津商务




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