

单词 增加的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-mounted〕He ignored his mounting debts.他对日益增加的债务置之不理。柯林斯高阶〔Compton effect〕The increase in wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, especially of an x-ray or a gamma-ray photon, scattered by an electron.康普顿效应:X射线或γ射线的光子与电子发生碰撞并被散射时,电磁辐射的波长同时增加的现象美国传统〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕The savings on staff wages are offset by the increased maintenance costs. 减少员工工资省下的钱被增加的维修费用抵消了。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕An economic miracle is needed if Bangladesh is to feed its huge and growing population. 孟加拉国若想让其庞大且仍在增加的人口吃饱,需要有经济奇迹的出现。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕He struggled on in the face of mounting debts, 面对不断增加的债务,他勉强硬撑着。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕She finally had to go back to work to pay the bills that were mounting up. 她最后只得回去工作,以支付不断增加的账单。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕We are entering a period of slow economic growth and rising unemployment. 我们正进入一个经济增长缓慢和失业率增加的时期。朗文写作活用〔accelerate〕The increased capital could greatly accelerate economic development.增加的资本会大大地加快经济发展。麦克米伦高阶〔acceptor〕The reactant in an induced reaction that has an increased rate of reaction in the presence of the inductor.受体,受容体:在一个诱导反应中的反应物,因诱导剂的存在而有增加的反应速度美国传统〔accrescent〕Increasing in size after flowering, as the calyx of the ground cherry.生长的,增加的:开花之后在体积上的增长,如樱桃花萼的生长美国传统〔accrual〕The act or process of accumulating; an increase.增加:增加的行为或过程;增长美国传统〔addition〕Something added, such as a room or section appended to a building.增建物:增加的物,比如建筑物扩建的房间或部分美国传统〔addition〕This book is the latest addition to the series.该书是这套丛书中最新增加的一本。外研社新世纪〔aggravation〕A source of continuing, increasing irritation or trouble.加重因素:持续不断增加的恼怒或困扰的来源美国传统〔allow for〕Allow for the possibility that taxes will rise.要考虑到税收增加的可能性。外研社新世纪〔alluvion〕Law The increasing of land area along a shore by deposited alluvium or by the recession of water.【法律】 新生地:由于沉积或河水退落而使河岸的土地增加的现象美国传统〔augmentative〕Having the ability or tendency to augment.有增加或扩大作用的:具有增加的能力或趋势的美国传统〔balance out〕The strenuous exercise undergone could balance out the increased calories.所进行的剧烈运动可以消耗掉增加的热量。柯林斯高阶〔bissextile〕Of or relating to the extra day falling in a leap year.闰年中增加的天数的:在一闰年中所增加天数的或与在闰年中增加的天数有关的美国传统〔body count〕The rising body count fueled opposition to the war.不断增加的死亡人数引发了反战呼声。韦氏高阶〔chew〕Their latest pay increase is chewed up by inflation.他们最近增加的工资被物价飞涨抵消掉了。英汉大词典〔clog〕The sudden increase of phone calls clogged the switchboard.突然增加的电话妨碍了交换台的正常工作。英汉大词典〔congeal〕The increasing population density will even further congeal traffic.日益增加的人口密度将使交通更加瘫痪。21世纪英汉〔conventional〕As traffic grew, the conventional wisdom was to widen the roads.一般公众对交通流量增加的反应就是要拓宽道路。朗文当代〔day〕Faced with mounting debts, the decision to call it a day was inevitable.面对着不断增加的债务,最终难免作出将其结束的决定。柯林斯高阶〔deal〕The question is how to deal with the increasing amount of traffic in the streets.问题是如何去应付街上不断增加的交通量。文馨英汉〔desperate〕His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures.不断增加的经济困难迫使他采取了铤而走险的办法。牛津高阶〔dilatancy〕The increase in volume of a granular substance when its shape is changed, because of greater distance between its component particles.膨胀性:由于粒子成分之间的距离较大,颗粒物质当形状发生变化时所具有的体积增加的性能美国传统〔dismay〕Local people expressed their dismay at the size of the pay rise.当地人对工资增加的幅度感到失望。麦克米伦高阶〔double〕Something increased twofold.倍增:成倍增加的东西美国传统〔enable〕The increased volume of water enables larger areas to be irrigated.增加的水量使更多的土地能得到灌溉。英汉大词典〔equal〕An extension, equal in height to the main building, was added later.一个和主楼同等高度的配楼是后来增加的。麦克米伦高阶〔exogenous〕Botany Characterized by the addition of layers of woody tissue.【植物学】 外长植物的:具有木质组织层增加的特点的美国传统〔expenditure〕The budget will certainly include increased expenditure on education.这个预算当然包括增加的教育支出。麦克米伦高阶〔extension〕An allowance of extra time, especially for the repayment of a debt.宽限:额外增加的时间,尤其为了还债美国传统〔gut〕A stipulation added at the last minute gutted the ordinance.最后增加的条款减损了该法令的效力美国传统〔half〕Half the problem is that we do not have enough employees to handle the increased workload.有一半的问题在于我们没有足够的人手来处理不断增加的工作量。韦氏高阶〔improvement〕Sales figures continue to show signs of improvement.销售额持续显示出增加的迹象。牛津高阶〔in parallel (with)〕Prices are rising in parallel with increasing fuel costs.燃油费用不断增加的同时,物价也在日益上涨。韦氏高阶〔incr.〕Incremental.增加的美国传统〔increase〕The increased investment will help stabilise the economy.增加的投资将有助于经济的稳定。柯林斯高阶〔insertion〕Any editorial insertions you make should be enclosed in square brackets.编辑时增加的任何内容都必须括在方括号里。剑桥高阶〔insurance〕Their pay rise would be eaten up by higher health insurance contributions.他们增加的工资会被更高的健康保险费吞掉。外研社新世纪〔leverage〕One of the easiest ways to leverage a charitable gift is to get your employer to match it. 让一笔慈善捐赠款增加的最容易的办法是让你的雇主捐出同样多的钱。剑桥高阶〔mark sth up〕Shares in retail businesses were marked up on the news that consumer spending rose last month.上个月消费支出增加的消息带动了零售业股价的上升。剑桥高阶〔materialize〕The predicted increase in nursing jobs never materialized.护士职位要增加的预言从未成真。麦克米伦高阶〔meet〕The new building will mean that we can meet the challenge of increasing student numbers.新大楼的建成意味着我们可以应付学生数量不断增加的问题了。朗文当代〔minutely〕The benefit of an x-ray far outweighs the minutely increased risk of cancer.X光的好处远远大于其在很小程度上增加的罹患癌症的风险。柯林斯高阶〔multiplication〕Increasing gravity is known to speed up the multiplication of cells.我们知道不断增加的引力会加速细胞的分裂。柯林斯高阶〔multiplication〕The act or process of multiplying or the condition of being multiplied.增加:增加的行为或过程或者被增加的情况美国传统〔multiplicative〕Tending to multiply or capable of multiplying or increasing.趋于增加或倍增的:有倍增或增加的倾向的或者能够倍增或增加的美国传统〔negate〕The increase in our profits has been negated by the rising costs of running the business.我们的盈利增长被日益增加的经营成本所抵消。剑桥高阶〔offset〕The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity.提高的生产率完全抵消了增加的工资成本。外研社新世纪〔offset〕The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity.提高的生产率抵消了增加的工资成本后仍有结余。柯林斯高阶〔offset〕Their wage increases would be offset by higher prices.他们增加的工资会被物价上涨所抵消。外研社新世纪〔over〕Extra; surplus.增加的;额外的美国传统〔parallel〕The rise in greenhouse gases parallels the reduction in the ozone layer.温室气体在增加的同时,臭氧层在变薄。朗文当代〔pass on〕Cost increases are being passed on to the customer.增加的成本被转嫁到顾客头上。外研社新世纪〔premium〕A sum of money or bonus paid in addition to a regular price, salary, or other amount.奖金:除常规的价格、工资或其它数目额外增加的一笔钱或奖金美国传统〔profit〕The rate of increase in the net worth of a business enterprise in a given accounting period.净值利润率:在给定的计算期间内商业企业的净值增加的比率美国传统〔reconcile〕Research is being undertaken in how to reconcile conservation needs with growing demand for water.正在研究如何协调保持总蓄水量与不断增加的供水需求之间的矛盾。麦克米伦高阶〔resolution〕They made a resolution to lose all the weight gained during the Christmas period.他们下定决心要减去圣诞期间增加的体重。柯林斯高阶〔rise〕The police seem unable to cope with the rising tide of (=large increase in) car crime.面对日益增加的汽车犯罪事件,警方似乎无能为力。朗文当代〔shift〕They want to shift the blame for rising unemployment onto the recession.他们想把失业增加的责任推卸到经济萧条上。麦克米伦高阶〔step-up〕Increasing in steps or by stages.增加的:在步骤或程度上增加的美国传统〔strain〕The increased costs will certainly strain our finances.增加的开支肯定会使我们的财政紧张。朗文当代〔supersize〕We offer tips on how to supersize your business.我们提供如何使贵公司业务大大增加的技巧。剑桥高阶〔surcharge〕An additional sum added to the usual amount or cost.额外费,附加费:对正常数量或成本额外增加的数量美国传统〔taut〕That summer she had shed the weight gained during pregnancy, her body was trim and taut.那年夏天,她减去了怀孕期间增加的体重,身材又变得修长而健美。柯林斯高阶〔tendency〕There is a growing tendency among employers to hire casual staff.雇主雇用临时职员有增加的趋势。牛津高阶〔tide〕The police are fighting against a rising tide of crime.警方正在打击不断增加的犯罪活动。麦克米伦高阶〔tissue〕All the cells and tissues in the body benefit from the increased intake of oxygen.体内所有的细胞与组织都从增加的氧气吸入量中受益。柯林斯高阶〔trend〕There is a growing trend towards earlier retirement.提早退休者有增加的趋势。牛津高阶〔vicious circle〕Many people get caught/trapped in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain.很多人都陷入节食减肥而后又体重增加的恶性循环之中。剑桥高阶〔work hardening〕The increase in strength that accompanies plastic deformation of a metal.加工硬化:伴随金属塑性变形而增加的强度美国传统〔working〕A smaller working population will have to support a growing number of retired people.较少的劳动人口将不得不供养不断增加的退休人员。朗文当代〔workload〕Doctors are having to cope with an ever-expanding workload.医生不得不应付日益增加的工作量。牛津搭配A breakdown in law enforcement in the inner cities is frequently cited as a factor for the increase in crime.市中心贫民区执法不严常常被引证为造成犯罪增加的一个因素。剑桥国际Aided by increasing automation of spinning and weaving, some big surviving factories have cut their workforces by a half.由于日益增加的纺纱与织布自动化,一些幸存的大公司已经削减了一半工人。剑桥国际At the announcement of more tax increases all hell broke loose in Parliament.税收增加的事一经公布,国会内部立刻喧闹起来。剑桥国际Increased freight costs / charges are reflected in higher prices for goods.增加的运费开支反映在商品的价格增长上。剑桥国际Increased use of oil by refineries accounted for some, but not all, of the stock draw.炼油厂日益增加的石油用量是动用库存的一个原因,而不是全部原因。牛津商务It would take the market three or four years to absorb the increase in the number of hotel rooms.市场需要三四年的时间才能吸纳宾馆房间增加的数量。牛津商务Many people get caught in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain.许多人为节食和体重增加的恶性循环所困扰。剑桥国际Mounting debts are adding to the company's problems.日益增加的债务给公司处境雪上加霜。牛津商务Putting more police on patrol doesn't provide a real solution to the problem of increasing violence.派更多警察巡逻并没有提供真正解决日益增加的暴力事件的办法。剑桥国际Rise in unemployment is partly attributable to a flight of money abroad. 失业人数增加的部分原因可归于资金抽逃国外。译典通Rising incomes are putting cars within the reach of many more families.不断增加的收入使更多的家庭能买得起汽车。牛津商务Rising prices neutralized increased wages. 上涨的物价使增加的薪资化为乌有。译典通Shares in retail businesses were marked up on the news that consumer spending rose last month.上月消费支出增加的消息带动了零售业股价的上涨。剑桥国际She's pleased with her promotion but she'll be laughing on the other side of her face when she sees the extra work.升级了她很满意,可当她看到增加的工作就会转喜为悲了。剑桥国际The hatched section of the diagram shows the increase in sales last year.图表中用斜线标出的部分表示去年增加的销售量。剑桥国际The increasing violence is troubling to many people.持续增加的暴力令许多人不安。剑桥国际The police impute the rise in crime to high unemployment. 警方把犯罪增加的原因归咎于失业率太高。译典通There has been an increase in direct advertising of prescription drugs to consumers.针对消费者处方药物的直接广告有增加的趋势。牛津商务They are developing new production methods to meet the burgeoning demand.他们正在开发新的生产方法以满足迅速增加的需求。牛津商务They said the landlord had turned them out (of their home) when they couldn't pay the increased rent.他们说,当他们无法交上增加的房租时, 房东就把他们赶了出来。剑桥国际This latest setback will have done nothing to quell the growing doubts about the future of the club.最近的挫折无助于消除人们对该俱乐部前景不断增加的疑虑。剑桥国际This printer is the latest addition to our product family.这款打印机是我们的系列产品中最新增加的种类。牛津商务Wage increase was balanced off by rising cost of living. 增加的薪资被上升的生活费用抵销。译典通




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