

单词 在内部
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IN/INSIDE〕Many companies run in-house management courses for their staff. 许多公司都在内部为员工开设管理课程。朗文写作活用〔Trojan horse〕Older supporters have accused the new leadership of being a Trojan horse that will try to destroy the party from the inside.年长的支持者们指责新的领导人是潜藏在内部的颠覆分子,妄图从内部瓦解该党。剑桥高阶〔agree〕They agreed among themselves.他们在内部达成了一致。韦氏高阶〔ballistic missile〕A projectile that assumes a free-falling trajectory after an internally guided, self-powered ascent.弹道导弹:在内部导向、自备动力的上升后假设为自由落体的弹道美国传统〔ben〕Inside; within.在里面;在内部美国传统〔dispute〕There were lengthy internal disputes between the two wings of the party.该党两派之间长期存在内部纷争。牛津搭配〔embowed〕Protruding in an outward curve so as to form a recess within.半圆形的:突出一个向外的曲线以在内部形成一个凹陷美国传统〔implode〕To cause to collapse inward violently.使内爆:使在内部猛烈地崩塌美国传统〔implode〕To collapse inward violently.内爆:在内部猛烈地崩塌美国传统〔in-house〕The magazine is still produced in-house.该杂志仍然只在内部发行。外研社新世纪〔inside〕Into or in the interior; within.在内地;在内部地美国传统〔internal〕The matter will be dealt with internally.这件事将在内部解决。朗文当代〔internal〕The new policy was spelled out in an internal memo 新方针在内部的备忘录中有详尽的说明。韦氏高阶〔intranet〕I'll post the agenda for next week's meeting on the intranet.我会把下周的会议议程贴在内部网上。剑桥高阶〔jealousy〕The two committees contended with internal jealousies over their new power.两个委员会为取得新的权力在内部互相倾轧,勾心斗角。英汉大词典〔phelloderm〕A tissue produced inwardly by the cork cambium.栓内层:在内部由软木新生层产生的组织美国传统〔willow〕A textile machine consisting of a spiked drum revolving inside a chamber fitted internally with spikes, used to open and clean unprocessed cotton or wool.打棉机:一种由装刺的鼓组成的纺织机器,鼓在内部装有大钉的密闭空间内转动,用于打开和清理未加工的棉花或羊毛美国传统〔wing〕A structure attached to and connected internally with the side of a main building.侧厅,边厢:附属在主建筑上且与主建筑的一侧在内部相连的结构美国传统〔within〕In or into the inner part; inside.在…之内:在或进入里面;在内部美国传统An employee posted the complaint on an internal newsgroup.一位雇员在内部新闻组发布了投诉。牛津商务I talked to him on the internal telephone. 我在内部电话上与他交谈。译典通Older supporters have accused the new leadership of being a Trojan horse that will try to destroy the party from the inside.年长的拥护者指责新的领导人是潜藏在内部的颠覆分子,他们试图从内部毁灭这个党。剑桥国际The manager of the department is under suspension pending an internal investigation.该部门经理在内部调查期间暂被停职。剑桥国际The theft was uncovered by an internal audit last year.盗窃案是去年在内部审计中发现的。牛津商务




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