

单词 在其上
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔altar〕A structure, typically a table, before which the divine offices are recited and upon which the Eucharist is celebrated in Christian churches.圣餐台:一种结构,尤指桌子,基督教教堂内在其前面念祈祷文和在其上面举行基督教圣餐美国传统〔altar〕An elevated place or structure before which religious ceremonies may be enacted or upon which sacrifices may be offered.圣坛;祭坛:架高的地点或结构,在其前面举行宗教仪式或在其上面摆放祭品美国传统〔autograph〕To write one's name or signature on or in; sign.亲笔签字:在其上或其里亲笔写上某人的名字;签字美国传统〔axle〕A supporting shaft or member on or with which a wheel or a set of wheels revolves.车轴,轮轴:一个轮子或一组轮子在其上或围绕其转动的支撑杆或部件美国传统〔banquette〕A platform lining a trench or parapet wall on which soldiers may stand when firing.射击踏垛:排有壕沟或胸墙的平台,士兵们站在其上射击美国传统〔barb〕The headdress consisted of a barb covered by a head-veil.头巾由一块颈纱和盖在其上的头纱组成。外研社新世纪〔blackboard〕A smooth, hard, dark-colored panel for writing on with chalk.黑板:能用粉笔在其上书写的光滑、硬质、深色的板美国传统〔brazier〕A cooking device consisting of a charcoal or electric heating source over which food is grilled.烤炉:可在其上烤熟食物的用煤炭和电热源的炊具美国传统〔canvas〕A piece of such fabric on which a painting, especially an oil painting, is executed.画布:一块这样的帆布织物,人们可在其上作画,尤指油画美国传统〔catafalque〕A decorated platform or framework on which a coffin rests in state during a funeral.灵柩台:葬礼期间在其上停放棺材的一个经过装饰的台子或架子美国传统〔celestial sphere〕An imaginary sphere of infinite extent with the earth at its center on which the stars, planets, and other heavenly bodies appear to be located.天球:一个虚构的以地球为中心的球体,在其上可看到恒星、行星和其他天体的位置美国传统〔chassis〕The frame on which a gun carriage moves forward and backward.炮底架:炮架在其上前后移动的炮底架美国传统〔chopping block〕A wooden block on which food or wood is chopped.砧板或墩子:在其上剁食品或木头的一个木块美国传统〔circuit board〕An insulated board on which interconnected circuits and components such as microchips are mounted or etched.电路板:一种绝缘板,在其上有相互连接的电路和元件(如微片)被安装和蚀刻美国传统〔compact disk〕A small optical disk on which matter such as data or music is encoded.光盘:一个小光盘,在其上把例如数据或音乐等事物进行编码美国传统〔crud〕Sports Heavy, sticky snow that is unsuitable for skiing.【体育运动】 污垢雪:重而粘的雪,不适于在其上滑行美国传统〔cube steak〕A thin slice of beef tenderized by cubing.花格牛排:在其上划以方格并使其变嫩的牛肉薄片美国传统〔espalier〕A trellis or other framework on which an espalier is grown.攀架或者其它框架:墙树,树篱可长在其上的格子或框架美国传统〔forge〕A furnace or hearth where metals are heated or wrought; a smithy.锻铁炉:一种熔炉或熔床,金属可在其上高温加热并锻打成形;锻铁炉美国传统〔gatepost〕An upright post on which a gate is hung or against which it closes.门柱:一竖直的柱子,在其上有一大门,或一大门朝此方向关闭美国传统〔grapevine〕A vine on which grapes grow.葡萄藤:葡萄在其上生长的藤美国传统〔heelpost〕The post to which a door or gate is hinged.门侧铰栓:门或大门依铰链固定在其上的柱子美国传统〔involute〕The curve traced by a point on a taut, inextensible string as it unwinds from another curve.切展线;渐开线:当一根绷紧而不能拉长的细线从一弧线上延展出去时在其上一点所画的弧线美国传统〔landscape architect〕One whose profession is the decorative and functional alteration and planting of grounds, especially at or around a building site.园林建筑师:以对某一地方进行装饰和功能转换以及在其上种植植物为职业的人,尤指在建筑物所在地的周围从事这项工作的人美国传统〔minaret〕A tall, slender tower on a mosque, having one or more projecting balconies from which a muezzin summons the people to prayer.伊斯兰教寺院的尖塔:清真寺上高而细的塔,上有一个或多个突出的阳台,阿訇在其上为朝拜的人们布道美国传统〔mold〕A frame or model around or on which something is formed or shaped.模子:一种框架或模型在其周围或在其上某物被塑造或成形美国传统〔mount〕An undercarriage or stand on which a device rests while in service.底座:在使用时将设备固定在其上的底座或支撑物美国传统〔moussaka〕A Greek dish consisting of layers of ground lamb or beef and sliced eggplant topped with a cheese sauce and baked.肉末烤茄片:一道希腊菜肴,一层碎羊肉或牛肉加茄子片并在其上加干酪酱并烘烤而成美国传统〔nucleus〕Meteorology A particle on which water vapor molecules accumulate in free air to form a droplet or ice crystal.【气象学】 凝结核:水汽分子在其上积聚并在自由空气中形成小滴或冰晶的粒子美国传统〔orbiter〕Something that orbits, especially a spacecraft that orbits a planet or moon without landing on it.轨道飞行器:循轨道飞行的物体,尤指循一行星或月球运行而不在其上着陆的宇宙飞船美国传统〔packsaddle〕A saddle on which loads can be secured.驮鞍:保证货物在其上面安全的鞍美国传统〔pillow〕The pad on which bobbin lace is made.花边垫子:在其上编织花边的垫子美国传统〔pivot〕A short rod or shaft on which a related part rotates or swings.枢,轴:一根短杆或轴,相关的部分可在其上转动或摇摆美国传统〔plate〕Abbr. pl.Photography A light-sensitive sheet of glass or metal on which a photographic image can be recorded.缩写 pl.【摄影术】 感光版:在其上能记录摄影图像的一片感光玻璃或金属美国传统〔positive〕A photographic image in which the lights and darks appear as they do in nature.正片:明暗在其上的显示与在自然中一样的影像美国传统〔potter's wheel〕A revolving, often treadle-operated horizontal disk on which clay is shaped manually.陶轮,拉坯轮:通常是踩动脚踏板时能旋转的水平盘,粘土在其上通过手工成形美国传统〔premise〕Land and the buildings on it.房屋及地基:土地及在其上的建筑美国传统〔pull date〕A date stamped on a perishable item of food, such as milk, after which it should not be sold.食用期:如牛奶等不耐久的食物,在其上印的日期之后不应再出售美国传统〔racetrack〕A usually oval, specially surfaced course on which races are held.跑道:一种通常是椭圆形、铺有特殊的路面的跑道,在其上进行赛跑美国传统〔ramada〕An openwork trellis, constructed over a walkway, onto which climbing plants are trained.露天棚架:修建于人行道上方的露天棚架,攀援植物在其上培植美国传统〔reaction〕Physics An equal and opposite force exerted by a body against a force acting upon it.【物理学】 反作用力:物体对于加在其上的力作出的大小相同,方向相反的力量美国传统〔roller〕An elongated cylinder on which something, such as a window shade or towel, is wound.滚轴:一种窗帘或毛巾等可卷绕在其上的细长圆筒状物美国传统〔same〕Wrist watches: £100. Inscription of same: £15.腕表: 100英镑。在其上刻字: 15英镑。柯林斯高阶〔seating〕The member or part on or within which another part is seated.底座:在其上或其内部放置另一部分的元件或部件美国传统〔seat〕The surface or part on which another part sits or rests.支座:另一部分坐落在或安置在其上的表面或部分美国传统〔sewing〕The article on which one is working with needle and thread; needlework.缝纫物:以针和线在其上工作的物品;针线制品美国传统〔slipway〕A sloping surface leading down to the water, on which ships are built or repaired.滑道:延伸到水里的倾斜面,船只在其上修造或维护美国传统〔spindle〕A rod or pin, tapered at the ends, on which fibers are spun by hand into thread and then wound.锭子:手工纺纱中的两头尖、中间粗的圆杆或针,纱被纺成线后就绕在其上美国传统〔spinous process〕The long rearward projection from the arch of a vertebra that provides a point of attachment for muscles and ligaments.棘突:椎骨弓起处向背后的长突起,可供肌肉与韧带附着在其上美国传统〔spit〕A slender, pointed rod on which meat is impaled for broiling.烤肉叉,炙叉:一种细长的尖棒,将肉穿在其上烧烤美国传统〔spot〕A playing card with a specified number of such marks on it indicating its value.纸牌数字:在其上具有特定标志的数字以示其价值的纸牌美国传统〔staff〕A pole on which a flag is displayed; a flagstaff.旗在其上被展开的杆;旗杆美国传统〔subgrade〕The level layer of rock or earth upon which the foundation of a road or railway is laid.路基,地基:在其上铺设路的基础或铁路道碴的岩石或泥土的水平层美国传统〔substrate〕The material or substance on which an enzyme acts.被酶作用:酶在其上进行作用的物质美国传统〔thereon〕On or upon this, that, or it.在其上:在这、那或它之上美国传统〔thereupon〕Ask for a written order with your specifications printed thereupon.要求提供书面订单并在其上具体写明要求细则。剑桥高阶〔tightrope〕A tightly stretched rope, usually of wire, on which acrobats perform high above the ground.绷索:通常用金属丝制成的拉得很紧的绳索,杂技演员高高地离开地面在其上表演美国传统〔toss〕To mix (a salad) lightly so as to cover with dressing.拌(食物):轻轻地搅拌(沙拉),以便在其上加上佐料美国传统〔tracing〕A reproduction made by superimposing a transparent sheet and copying the lines of the original on it.描摹、映写:用一张透明纸张覆盖并在其上描画原来的线条而制成的复制品美国传统〔underskirt〕One skirt of a layered gown over which outer skirts are formed and draped.衬裙:分层罩袍的一层裙子,外裙在其上形成和覆盖美国传统Our hotel room was directly above (= there was nothing between it and) a building site.我们的旅馆房间紧邻建筑工地,在其上方。剑桥国际




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