

单词 在公司里
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BECOME〕My friend Kyle stayed with the company and became a departmental manager. 我的朋友凯尔留在公司里当了部门经理。朗文写作活用〔MANAGER〕She has worked her way up the company and is now supervisor of 50 staff members. 她在公司里工作,一路升职,现在是50名员工的主管了。朗文写作活用〔UNKIND〕I know you've had a bad day at the office, but don't take it out on me. 我知道你今天在公司里不顺心—可也不要拿我出气呀。朗文写作活用〔backbiting〕Corporate backbiting is nothing new.在公司里,背后说人坏话并非什么新鲜事。柯林斯高阶〔below〕I occupy only a humble position in the company,but there are several people below me.我在公司里职位低微,不过有几个人比我还低。21世纪英汉〔condescend〕She would not condescend to using her looks to advance in the company.她不愿堕落到利用自己的美貌在公司里得到提升。英汉大词典〔enemy〕He has a lot of enemies in the company.他在公司里有很多对头。牛津高阶〔flow〕We like to allow a free flow of ideas in our company.我们希望大家在公司里能自由交流思想。牛津搭配〔for〕He's widely disliked in the company for his arrogance.因为傲慢自大,在公司里大家都讨厌他。剑桥高阶〔function〕I'm not quite sure what my function is within the company.我拿不太准自己在公司里有什么职责。剑桥高阶〔high〕She never got very high in the company.她在公司里从未坐到很高的位置。牛津高阶〔high〕She rose high in the company.她在公司里的职位很高。麦克米伦高阶〔house〕I work in house(= in the offices of the company that I work for, not at home).我在公司里上班。牛津高阶〔immediate〕He is my immediate superior(= the person directly above me)in the company.他在公司里是我的顶头上司。牛津高阶〔influence〕Her ideas have gradually gained influence in the company.她的理念在公司里逐渐产生了影响。韦氏高阶〔ladder〕Once he started at Paramount in 1967, he moved rapidly up the corporate ladder.1967年他开始在派拉蒙电影公司工作,此后他在公司里升得很快。剑桥高阶〔let down〕The company now has a large number of workers who feel badly let down.现在公司里有很多工人感到很失望。外研社新世纪〔move up〕He was starting to move up the corporate ladder.他开始在公司里步步高升。外研社新世纪〔non-person〕He felt he was a non-person within the company.他感觉自己在公司里是一个无足轻重的小人物。麦克米伦高阶〔officious〕He's an officious little man and widely disliked in the company.他是个自以为是的小个子男人,在公司里大家都不喜欢他。剑桥高阶〔pathway〕Working your way up through a company is a difficult pathway.在公司里一步步努力往上升是条艰辛的道路。剑桥高阶〔place〕The students are placed in/with companies for a period of work experience.学生们被安排在公司里实习一段时间。剑桥高阶〔post〕He held an important post with the company.他在公司里担任重要职务。英汉大词典〔purchase〕She purchased shares in the company.她在公司里购买了一些股票。麦克米伦高阶〔recommend〕I have not any power in the firm except to recommend.我在公司里除了有建议之权外,什么实权也没有。21世纪英汉〔reflect〕How much you're paid reflects how important you are to the company.你报酬的多少反映你在公司里的重要性。朗文当代〔seat〕He has a firm seat in the corporation.他在公司里的职位很巩固。英汉大词典〔spearcarrier〕He started in the company as a spearcarrier.他在公司里从无名小卒干起。外研社新世纪〔staff〕He staffed ten computer operators in his firm.他在公司里雇用了十名电脑操作员。21世纪英汉〔stalk〕The scandal about his private life stalked the firm soon.有关他私生活的丑闻迅速在公司里传播开了。21世纪英汉〔swirl〕A rumour about the manager was swirled in the firm.有关经理的谣言在公司里传播开来。21世纪英汉〔weight〕He has a lot of weight in the company.他在公司里举足轻重。韦氏高阶〔weight〕Her opinion seemed to carry little weight in the company.她的意见在公司里似乎不受重视。牛津搭配He has requested assignment to other duties in the company.他要求在公司里担任其他职务。牛津商务He started off as a bookkeeper in the firm.他在公司里最初是当簿记员的。牛津商务He worked at all levels of the firm, from the boardroom to the front office.他在公司里从董事会到前线工作都干过。牛津商务He's an officious little man and widely disliked in the company.他是一个好管闲事的小男人,在公司里人们普遍都不喜欢他。剑桥国际His position in the company is below hers. 他在公司里职位比她低。译典通In the company, Dick ranks above Tom. 在公司里,狄克的地位比汤姆高。译典通She is now a senior executive having worked her way up through the company.她在公司里逐渐升到现在的高级业务主管。剑桥国际She is widely regarded in the company as the next managing director but one (= the person who will follow the person who follows the present one).在公司里她被公认为是再下一任的总经理。剑桥国际She started in the firm by making the tea and now she's on the board.她刚开始是在公司里打杂,而现在她已经参加公司董事会了。剑桥国际The management have offered employees one week's severance (pay) for each six months they have worked at the company.资方给雇员们按他们在公司里每工作满六个月支付一星期的遣散费。剑桥国际The students are placed (= jobs are found for them) in companies for a period of work experience.学生们被安置在公司里实践一段时间。剑桥国际You have to be fairly high up in the company in order to be given a car.你必须在公司里担任相当高的职务才能配备一辆轿车。剑桥国际You must understand that a person in my position in the company can't afford any bad publicity.你必须了解在公司里我这种位置的人承受不了恶意宣传。剑桥国际




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