

单词 在公共场合
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANGRY〕I hate it when people make a scene in public. 我讨厌有人在公共场合吵嘴。朗文写作活用〔DRUNK〕He's already been arrested twice for public intoxication. 他因在公共场合醉酒已两次被捕。朗文写作活用〔LAW〕It's against the law to be drunk in public. 在公共场合喝醉酒是违法的。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕The police have the power to stop people holding their marital disputes in public. 警方有权阻止夫妻在公共场合吵架。朗文写作活用〔RUDE〕In public he appears brusque and dismissive, but he is in fact a very caring person. 在公共场合他显得说话唐突,一副不屑一顾的样子,可实际上他待人非常细心周到。朗文写作活用〔SHY〕He was painfully shy in public, but completely different at home with his family. 他在公共场合非常腼腆,但是在家里和家人在一起的时候却完全两样。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕We mustn't be seen together in public again. People are starting to talk. 我们不能再在公共场合被人看见在一起了,大家开始说闲话了。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕Don't tell me how to behave in public! 不用你告诉我在公共场合应该怎样怎样!朗文写作活用〔acknowledge〕They barely acknowledge each other in public.他们在公共场合几乎不互相打招呼。麦克米伦高阶〔appear〕She rarely appears in public.她很少在公共场合露面。牛津搭配〔behave〕She doesn't know how to behave in public.她在公共场合举止无措。牛津高阶〔buzz〕I get a buzz out of public speaking.在公共场合演讲让我感到兴奋。剑桥高阶〔circumspect〕You must be circumspect in your public behaviour.你在公共场合必须行为检点。英汉大词典〔cruise〕Slang To look for a sexual partner, as in a public place.【俚语】 猎艳,寻欢:寻觅性伴侣,如在公共场合中美国传统〔draw yourself up〕Like a lot of short men, he tends to draw himself up to his full height in public.像许多矮个子男人一样,他在公共场合常常是腰板挺得笔直。剑桥高阶〔escort〕A man who is the companion of a woman, especially on a social occasion.护花使者:陪伴女子赴宴会的男人,特别是在公共场合美国传统〔eye〕Frequently seen in public or in the media.常在公共场合露面的:常在公共场合或新闻媒介露面的美国传统〔eye〕The job requires someone who is comfortable being in the public eye.这项工作需要的是能在公共场合应对自如的人。韦氏高阶〔frottage〕The act of rubbing against the body of another person, as in a crowd, to attain sexual gratification.摩擦淫:摩擦另一人身体的动作以获取性快感,如在公共场合美国传统〔gladiator〕A person engaged in a controversy or debate, especially in public; a disputant.争论者,辩士:进行争辩或辩论的人,尤指在公共场合;辩论者美国传统〔gross out〕Anastasia was grossed out when her father spoke to total strangers in public.当父亲在公共场合和完全陌生的人说话时, 阿纳斯塔西娅很反感。外研社新世纪〔hate〕I have always hated speaking in public.我一直讨厌在公共场合讲话。剑桥高阶〔have a horror of〕Like many teenagers, she has a horror of being seen in public with her parents.她和许多青少年一样,非常讨厌在公共场合被人看见自己和父母待在一起。韦氏高阶〔have〕He has a bodyguard with/near him whenever he goes out in public.他在公共场合出现时总有保镖跟随。韦氏高阶〔humiliate〕You should not humiliate her in public.你不应该在公共场合出她的丑。21世纪英汉〔immodest〕Breast feeding in public may seem immodest to some people.在公共场合哺乳在有些人看来可能有伤风化。外研社新世纪〔inarticulate〕Inarticulate and rather shy, he had always dreaded speaking in public.他不善表达又相当害羞, 一直害怕在公共场合发言。外研社新世纪〔inarticulate〕Inarticulate and rather shy, he had always dreaded speaking in public.他不善言辞又相当害羞,一直害怕在公共场合讲话。柯林斯高阶〔like〕I don't like talking in public.我不喜欢在公共场合说话。朗文当代〔litterbug〕One who litters public areas with waste materials.在公共场合乱扔垃圾的人美国传统〔modest〕In some countries, women must wear very modest clothing in public.在有些国家,妇女在公共场合必须穿着十分端庄的衣服。韦氏高阶〔moon〕Slang To expose one's buttocks in public as a prank or disrespectful gesture.【俚语】 露出屁股以戏弄:在公共场合暴露自己的屁股,作为一种恶作剧或不尊重的表示美国传统〔moon〕Two male juveniles were arrested and charged with indecent exposure after they mooned a police officer.两个青少年男子因在公共场合向一名警察亮出光屁股而被捕,并被控不雅暴露。剑桥高阶〔pasquinade〕A satire or lampoon, especially one that ridicules a specific person, traditionally written and posted in a public place.讽刺文章,(政治性)讽刺作品:讽刺文章或略带挖苦性的作品,尤指嘲讽某一特定的人的作品,常常写在或张帖在公共场合美国传统〔placard〕A sign or notice for display in a public place.布告标语牌:为在公共场合展示的通知或标语美国传统〔politely〕It's not polite to point or talk about strangers in public.在公共场合对陌生人指指点点或议论纷纷都不礼貌。柯林斯高阶〔practice〕It will be good practice for later, when you have to make speeches in public.这对你以后在公共场合演讲是一种很好的练习。牛津搭配〔promenade〕A leisurely walk, especially one taken in a public place as a social activity.散步:随意的步行,尤指作为社交活动在公共场合的散步美国传统〔properly〕Parents should teach their children to behave properly in public.家长应该教导子女在公共场合表现得体。朗文当代〔proper〕In those days it was considered not quite proper for young ladies to be seen talking to men in public.在那个年月,年轻女子被人看见在公共场合与男子谈话会被认为不成体统。剑桥高阶〔proposition〕The town voted in favor of a proposition calling for a ban on smoking in public spaces.镇上的人们投票支持在公共场合禁烟的法律修正议案。韦氏高阶〔publicly〕Bylaws are to make it illegal to smoke in public.地方法规将规定在公共场合抽烟为非法。柯林斯高阶〔public〕He was speaking in public for the first time since the death of his wife.这是他自从妻子去世后首次在公共场合讲话。外研社新世纪〔public〕I'd never behave like that in public.我在公共场合绝不会那样。剑桥高阶〔rarely〕She was seldom seen in public.她很少在公共场合露面。朗文当代〔seclusion〕In some societies women are kept in seclusion, so that they are hardly ever seen in public.在有些社会,女性深居简出,很少在公共场合露面。剑桥高阶〔toga〕A loose one-piece outer garment worn in public by male citizens in ancient Rome.托加袍:古罗马男性公民在公共场合穿的宽松的由一块布制成的外衣美国传统〔unclothed〕It's considered improper to be unclothed in public.在公共场合赤身裸体被认为是不成体统的。柯林斯高阶〔yashmak〕A veil worn by Moslem women to cover the face in public.面纱:穆斯林妇女在公共场合所戴的遮面纱美国传统I don't approve of smoking in public places.我不赞同在公共场合吸烟。剑桥国际I hate it when people behave so demonstratively (= show their feelings or behave affectionately) in public.我讨厌人们在公共场合表现得如此动情。剑桥国际I have always hated speaking in public. 我一直讨厌在公共场合讲话。剑桥国际It was the first time that I spoke in public. 这是我第一次在公共场合发言。译典通Like a lot of short men, he tends to draw himself up to his full height in public.就像许多矮个子男士一样,在公共场合,他总是要站得笔直。剑桥国际The British tend not to display much emotion in public.英国人不爱在公共场合表露感情。剑桥国际The women there used to veil their faces in public. 那里的妇女过去在公共场合通常戴面纱。译典通There has been a change in public opinion (= what people think) over recent years and provision for smokers has been reduced in public places.近几年公众的观念有了变化,在公共场合为吸烟者提供的方便减少了。剑桥国际Tourists have been advised not to wear expensive jewellery in public places or they will become easy targets for thieves.旅游者被告诫别在公共场合戴贵重的首饰,否则很容易成为窃贼的目标。剑桥国际




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